ADP College

Research Publication

Faculty Name Publication

Books Edited

1. Sancharinee, ISSN 23954558 Edited Journal 2020

2. Sancharinee, ISSN 23954558 Edited Journal 2015

3. Gandhian Concepts: Interrogation and Exploration, Principal ADP College, Nagaon , ISBN-978-93-81694-49-7 2013

4. North Eastern Indian Writings in English, Edited Book ISBN 9789384679149 2015

5. Contemporary Women Issues : A Reflection, ISBN- 9789384676187, Asst. Editor , 2015

6. Bixoi Vivekanada: Elani Baktrita, Principal,ADP College, Nagaon


Chapter in Book

1. 1. Woman Emancipation in Indian Society , A journey for the space- An enquiry in to Rama Mehta’s ‘ Inside the Haveli ‘ , UGC Women study centre, ADP College ISBN 9789384679187 2015

2. New Dirction of Higher Education and skill development of North East India in the light of globalization , published in book Higher Education and Skill Development in North East Region , 2020 , ISBN; 978-81-945060-9-6, Kumud Publications, Delhi

3. Youth Empowerment for Holistic development , published in Youth Empowerment for Holistic Development in India, 2020, ISBN: 978-81-938897-3-2, Avon Publishing House, Delhi

4. Towards Gender Development through Women’s Education and Empowerment Published in Book “Gender Development: Challenges Ahead”, 2020, ISBN 978-81945430-6-0, Kumud Publications, NewDelhi

5. Woman characters in Anita Desai’s Fasting Feasting: Silent sufferings and Marginal concerns , ISBN 9783384679965, ACTA’S Nagaon Morigaon Zone 2017

6. Challenge of Higher Education of Assam in the light of globalization , Research based compilation , Principal, Dr.BKB Colleg, Nagaon, ISBN 978-81-920586-0-3 ,

7. Empowerment of Tiwa Women in the light of globalization pp-79 , Research based


Papers Published

1. Woman Psyche in Jahnavi Barua\'s Next Door,ISSN :2395-4558

2. Towards a new direction in women’s education and empowerment , Seminar Procedings , B H College, Howly, 2008

3. Climate change, environmental awareness and role of women pp-220, Research journal The Perspective , Dept. of Philosophy, Morigaon College, Assam ISSN-2278 5892 , 2011

Papers Presented in National Seminar

1. . A Comparative Study of Sankardeva and Vivekananda , Lives of Indian Saints and the Claims of devotion : Comparative perspectives ,UGC National Seminar, English and Foreign Language Department, Tezpur University, 15-16 February, 2012

2. Constraints of educational development among tribal people with special reference to Bodos, Educational environment in the rural areas of NE sswith special reference to Bodoland, UGC National Seminar, Janata College, Kokrajhar Date-25 October, 2008

3. Environmental degradation and its impact on indigenous culture, Environmental degradation and its impact on indigenous culture , UGC National Seminar Handique Girls College, Ghy, Assam 2006

4. MII and Act East Policy and Its importance of English language, National Seminar , MII and Relevance AEP: Issues and Challenges ,ICSSR National Seminar 2015

5. Accessibility of Higher Education among Schedule Tribes at Raha Development Block of Nagaon District ; a study ,ICSSR and UGC Sponsored National Seminar , Amguri College 2015

Assamese Article

1. Uchcha sikshar parikrama aru Nagaon,Hirak Jeuti ISBN:978-93-84679-88-0

2. Dr.Bhagaban Maralar Kakshyasyut: Ek Abalokan,Shristir Gati Pragati,ISBN:978-93-81183-95-3


Book Chapters

1. • Published a book chapter on skill enhancement for UGC CBCS SEC paper on Oral Culture and Oral History Book- Oral Culture and Oral History. ISBN- 9789391-338-268

2. • Published a book chapter entitled ‘Impact of Tantricisim and Tantric Rituals on the Early Assamese Society’ Book- Socio-economic and Scientific Development in North East India Some Reflections. ISBN- 9789388 237857

3. • Published the paper entitled ‘Participation of Women in the Freedom Struggle of India with Special Reference to the Civil Disobedience Movement in Assam’ Work Name- SHEW: A COLLECTION OF SEMINAR PAPERS AND ARTICLES ON PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN THE FREEDOM STRUGGLE OF INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ASSAM (VOL I), Knowledge Publications, Ghy- 7801001. ISBN-978-81-933014-0-1

Journal Papers

1. Published a paper \\\'A survey of floral motifs in Kamarupa\\\' in Kala the Journal of Indian Art History Congress. UGC Care Listed

2. • Published a paper entitled ”AN OVERVIEW OF THE SCULPTURAL MOTIFS OF MADAN KAMDEV AN EMPIRICAL STUDY” Journal- PRAG CONSILIENCE, 2019, Vol 4, No. 1, ISSN: 2456-6861

3. • Published a paper entitled ‘Anundaram Dhekial Phukan and his Contribution to Assam’ Journal- Journal of History and Culture Volume IV 2017 ISSN-2348-3830

4. • Published a paper entitled ‘A Study on the Social Transition of Early India: Seventh-Tenth Century CE’ Journal- Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (EIJER) Journal no. 46014. ISSN- 2349-8838


Research Publications

1. Inhibitory potential of furanocoumarins against cyclin dependent kinase 4 using integrated docking, molecular dynamics and ONIOM methods (

Book Chapters

1. Exploring antiviral properties of Piper longum derived phytocompounds: dual targeting strategies against Influenza A and SARS-CoV-2 viral co-infection

2. In-silico study to identify potential inhibitory properties in Rauwolfia serpentina-derived phytocompounds against SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant


Research Papers.

1. 'A Wittgensteinian Approach to the Idea of Community.' 2021, Psychosocial Perspectives in Literature, Media and Culture, ISBN No.- 978-93-90588-67-1, Published by - Authorspress, New Delhi - 110016.

2. 'Understanding Art ; A Philosophical Perspective.' , October 2017, Perspective, ISBN No.- 978-81-922432-5-2, Published by- Pandu College Teacher's Unit, Pandu College, Guwahati- 781012.

3. ' Some Philosophical Ideas in Shakespeare.' , November 2016, Anvesana, ISBN No.- 978 9381 069 32 9, Published by- Pandu College Philosophical Society, Pandu College, Guwahati - 781012.

4. ' The Idea of Women's Human Rights.' October 2016 , Vision, ISBN No.- 978-1-63535-476-8, Published by - Department of Philosophy, B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, Barpeta, Assam, Pin- 781318.

Journal Papers

1. 'The Concept of Wisdom : Certain Philosophical Insights.' , Vol.- 44, No.- 01, 2021(January-March), Sambodhi. ISSN No.- 2249-6661

2. 'Philosophy and the Crisis of Security.' Vol.- 13, No. - 4, 2020, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking. ISSN No. - 2233-7857

3. 'Philosophy and Literature : Certain Aspects of their Relationship.' , Vol - 7, Issue - 4, 2020, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. ISSN No. - 2515-8260

4. 'Participation and Production : A Brief Note on the Philosophical Approach to Art.' , Vol. -24, Issue -04, 2020, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. ISSN No.- 1475-7192.

5. 'Human Predicament and Dimensions of Values.' , Vol. -7, Issue - 10, 2020, Journal of Critical Reviews. ISSN No. - 2394-5125.

6. 1) 'Wittgenstein's Method of Philosophy : It's Various Implications.' , Vol - 7, Issue - 14, 2020, Journal of Critical Reviews. ISSN No. - 2394-5125



1. CHakigoch Konobai Jwalai Rakhibo lagibo , ISBN 978-93-84678-30-8 , 2016

2. On Literature ( Articles on literature), Krantikaal Prakashan

3. ANUBANDHA (literary criticism) Krantikaal Prakashan , ISBN 978-93-84679-97-2

4. BIRENDRA KUMAR BHATTACHARJYA , Dibrugarh University, ISBN 978-93-84819-08-8

5. 2.GADYA BHABANA(a book of literary criticism) ,Bhabani Books

6. ANUSILON ( A book of literary criticism)Krantikaal Prakashan, ISBN 978-978-93-81694-02-2


1. CHakigoch Konobai Jwalai Rakhibo lagibo , ISBN 978-93-84678-30-8 , 2016

2. On Literature ( Articles on literature), Krantikaal Prakashan

3. ANUBANDHA (literary criticism) Krantikaal Prakashan , ISBN 978-93-84679-97-2

4. BIRENDRA KUMAR BHATTACHARJYA , Dibrugarh University, ISBN 978-93-84819-08-8

5. 2.GADYA BHABANA(a book of literary criticism) ,Bhabani Books

6. ANUSILON ( A book of literary criticism)Krantikaal Prakashan, ISBN 978-978-93-81694-02-2

Books (edited)

1. BISWAR BARONIYA GALPA(Selected short stories of world literature), Assam Institute of Translation , ISBN 978-81-936926-3-9

2. BEZBAROA RACHANAWALI ( ten Volume), Assam Publication Board, Govt of Assam

3. Anusristi- complete Translated works of Nilmoni Phukan ,Assam Publication board,ISBN 9789384733049

4. Selected Poems Of Harekrishna Deka , Assam Publication Board ,ISBN 978-93-847331148

5. Hundred Years Of Assamese Short Story, Krantikaal Prakashan ,ISBN 978-93-81694-03-9

6. Asomiya Golpo Sankalan, Assam Publication Board, Govt. of Assam

7. Women Issues and Perspectives , ADP College ,ISBN 978-81-920586-8-9

8. Insurgency Counterinsurgency and Issues of Human rights , ADP College, ISBN 978-81-920586-5-8

online magazine

1. Literary Editor ,

Literary Magazine/ Journal Edited

1. NIVEDON (a literary Journal ) published by Krantikaal Prakashan , ISSN2249-6262

2. PRAKASH , A literary Journal Published by Assam Publication Board , Department of Higher Education , Govt. of Assam (From June 2012-February 2015) ISSN 2279-0683


A Glossary of Literary Terms for Beginners

1. A glossary of literary terms meant only for beginners. The book defines, explains and whereas possible, illustrates all literary terms, references, and allusions that general and literary students are likely to encounter. An invaluable selective writers' index given as an appendix is an added attraction f the book.

Emuthi Anudita Premar Kabita(A bilingual Anthology of translated love Poems of the world with short

1. It is an anthology of fifty-three translated love poems. A bilingual edition includes an introduction by the author who aims to capture the meaning of the original while preserving the poems\' rhyme schemes and moods. The book ends with short biographical notes of the poets included in the selection.

Emuthi Anudita Premar Kabita(A bilingual Anthology of translated love Poems of the world with short

1. It is an anthology of fifty-three translated love poems. A bilingual edition includes an introduction by the author who aims to capture the meaning of the original while preserving the poems\' rhyme schemes and moods. The book ends with short biographical notes of the poets included in the selection.


A Long Term Prediction of Covid-19 by building a Transition Probability Matrix

1. Generated transition probability matrix, Obtained higher order transition probabilities and limiting probabilities.


Publications in UGC Care listed Journals

1. "Prospects of Employment of Woman in Silk Handloom Industry of Assam with special Reference to the Woman Weavers in Kamrup District", Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 3, ISSN: 0973-855X, 2023.

2. "Catastrophic Health Payments and it's Impact on Poverty among Rural Households in Assam", The Indian Journal of Social Work (Scopus indexed) , Vol. 82, Issue. 3, ISSN: 195634, 2021.

3. "Analysing Out of Pocket Expenses: An Assessment Based on Cross Section Study in Assam (India)", Indian Journal of Community Health (Scopus Indexed), Vol. 31, No. 2, ISSN: 0971-7587 (print), ISSN: 0971-7587 (electronic), 2019

4. "Impact of Health Sector Reforms on Utilization of Health Care Services of Rural Assam (India)" Published in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue. 10, ISSN: 2249-2496, 2018.

5. "Status of Public Health Care Delivery System - A Case Study of Nagaon and Nalbari District of Assam" published in International Journal of Public Health Research and Development-An International Journal (Scopus indexed), Vol. 9, No. 8, ISSN: 0976-0245 (Print), ISSN:0976-5506 (Electronic), 2018

Publications in other Journals

1. "Issues of Livelihood Promotion in North East India" Journal of Social Science, Bodoland University, ISSN :0970-7913, Vol. 41.2, 2013.

2. "Determinants of Out of Pocket Expenses Among Rural Households - A Study based on cross section estimates of Assam" Journal of North-East Indian Council for Social Science Research, ISSN 0970-7913, 41:1, 2017

3. \"Women Weavers in the Handloom Industry of Kamrup (Rural) District of Assam-A Demographic Study\" Journal of North-East India Council for Social Science Research, ISSN: 0970-7913, Vol. 36:2, 2012

4. \"Rural Labour Market-Contemporary Issues\" Confluence, S. B. M. S. College Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, ISSN: 2454-1168,2015.

Publications of Chapters in Edited Book.

1. \"Factors Affecting Morbidity and Utilization of Health Care Services:A Case study of Nagaon District of Assam\" Published in book entitled \"Issues on Health and Healthcare in India: Focus on the North Eastern Region\", ISBN: 978-981-10-6104-2, 2017.

2. \"Prospects of Handloom Industry With Special Reference to Women Weavers in Sualkuchi Area of Assam\" Published in book entitled \"The Golden Threads-Threats and Prospects\", ISBN: 978-9381-069-95-0, Department of Chemistry, SMS College, 2015.

3. \"Significance of Internal Quality Assurance Cell for Higher Educational Institutions\" Published book entitled \"Quality Assurance in Higher Education-Role of Stakeholders\", ISBN: 978-93-80261-92-8, Eastern Book House Publishers (India), 2013.

4. \"Impact of Development on Environment \"published in book entitled \" Environmental Issues in India \", ISBN: 978-93-8315-808-9, S. K. Book Agency, Daryaganj, New Delhi, 2013.

5. \"Public Health and Economic Development with Special Reference to Assam\" Published in book entitled \"Development of North-East India-Issues and Dimensions\", ISBN:978-93-82120-28-5, Pakshi Publishers and Distributors; New Delhi, 2013.

6. "Public Expenditure on Healthcare in Assam:Posing Questions for the National Health Bill of India, 2009" Published in book entitled "Social Sector of India:Issues and Challenges", ISBN (10):1-4438-7799-9, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, UK, 2013.

7. "Implementation of Specific Programmes of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and it's impact on Women and Infants- À Case Study in Kamrup (Rural) District of Assam" Published in À book entitled "Reinventing Public Management and Development in Emerging Economies" ISBN: 023-033-273-0, MacMillan Advanced Research Series, 2011.

8. "Empowerment of Rural Married Women through Economic Engagement in Handloom Industry-A Study in Kamrup (Rural )District of Assam" Published in the book titled"Economic Empowerment of Women in the North East Region-Issues and Challenges". Economic Planning Forum, Department of Economics, Barbhag College, ISBN:978-81-910818-3-7, 2012



1. Nai Shikshaniti,2020:Asom ke sngdarv mein uchcha Sikha sambandhi sambhavanaye aur chunowtiya, Dwivashee Rash trasewk, ISSN-2321-4945

2. Sint Kabirs as a social Reformer:A Crtical Oveview, Creatcrit, ADP College, Nagaon, Asm, ISSN-347-8829

3. Dr Bhupen Hazarika Ke geeto mein manbioa chetona, Dwivashee Rashtra swak, ISSN-2321-494

4. Sint Kabirs as a social Reformer:A Crtical Oveview, Creatcrit, ADP College, Nagaon, Asm, ISSN-347-8829

5. A research paper entitled “ The Avyayas in Hindi and Assamese : A critical study , published in a peer reviewed journal “ CREATCRIT “ edited by Dr. Nityananda pattanayak and published by ADP College Nagaon, Assam .2014 with ISSN : 2347-8829

Research Papers Published in Proceedings

1. Saint Kabifdas Aur Srimantsankardeb ke kabya men samaj sudha ki bhana: Ek Vishleshan, Education, Human Dvelopmnt,ISBN-978-81-950817-7-6

2. A chapter entitled “Karbi jan – Jiwan mein lokgeet “ published in a book “ Purbottar Bharat ke janjatiya Sahitya , edited by Dr. Anushabad and published by the department of hindi and vani prakashan, Dariaganj, New Delhi : with ISBN : 978-93-5229-657-6,2017.

Books Edited

1. Edited a book “Dr. Dilip Sharma :Abhinandan granth with ISBN : 978-81-947429-8-2 in the year 2020

Chapters in Book Published

1. A chapter entitled “Hindi Aur Asomiya Tulanatmak Adhyana : Avyayo ke Sangdarv mein “ in a book . “ Bhasa sahitya Bhaibhev “ edited by Gitartha Goswami , published by parbayan published , panbazar , Ghy with ISBN : 978-93-88593-22-9, October , 2019

2. A chapter entitled in a souneir namely “ Hirak jeuti edited by Dr. Jalin Prakash Chetia , Published by Dr. Surajit Kr. Bhagwati , Principal, ADP college with ISBN : 978-9384679-88-0, 10th September , 2018

3. A chapter entitled “Vaishnav Bhakti Aur Srimanta Shankardev “ published in a souvenir of 86th Annual Session of Srimanta shankardev sangha edited by Dr.Milan Neog and published by Gunaram Saikiam, General Secretary Reception committee of sankardev sangha with ISBN : 978-93-84679-57-6,2017.

4. A Chapter entitiled “ The Female Protagonist Nirmala in Premchans Novel “Nirmala “ : A study , published in the book “ contemporary women issues : A Refection by Dr. S.U.Ahmed , principal, ADP College ,Nagaon with ISBN : 978-93-94879-18-7, on August , 2015


Book Chapter

1. Science Fiction and it\'s emergence in Arabic Literature:A Brief Study, (Literature, Culture and Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives), ISBN: 978-81-950935-5-7

2. ومضات على النقد العربي في العصر الجاهلي(Emerging Trends in Scientific Research Vol.- 2, ISBN-978-93-90420-50-6) AkiNik Publisher, Delhi

3. Islamic Preaching and it’s ways in India: An analytical Study (Emerging Trends in Scientific Research Vol.- 2, ISBN-978-93-90420-50-6) AkiNik Publisher, Delhi

4. Muhammad Wadeh Rashid Nadwi in the light of his Arabic writings (Emerging Trends in Scientific Research Vol-1 Issue- 2, ISBN-978- 81-947692-5-5) AkiNik Publisher, Delhi

5. Women’s empowerment and Indian History (Violence against women in India vol. 2, ISBN- 978-93-80247-76-2) Publisher- Shyam Ofset, Tinsukia

6. A glimpse of the prominent sufis of Barak valley and their contribution to Spread of Arabic / Islamic Studies in this valley (Role of Sufis in Assam to Spread Communal Harmony and Brotherhood amongst the populace of Assam: A Bond of Fraternity ISBN- 978-93-82965-45-9) Publisher- Natun Diganta Prakashani, Silchar, Assam

7. أدب المهجر: خلفيته ودور شعرائه في تجديد الشعر العربي الحديث (Mahjar Literary Giant 1st ed. ISBN-978-81-925377-9-5), Publisher-Sajid Publishing House, Moirabari, Marigaon

Research Article (Arabic)

1. اللغة العربية في شمال شرقي الهند وطريقة تدريسها عبر العصور ; مجلة كاليكوت Kalikoot ISSN- 2278-764X Vol.-14, Issue-1 Page 233-242 January- April,2024

2. الحضارة الغربية في نظر الشيخ محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي, Sprin Journal of Arabic English Studies, ISSN-2583-2859, Vol. 2(01)Apr.2023 pp, 41-47

3. مساهمة الشيخ محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي في تطوير الصحافة العربية في الهند، البعث الإسلامي (July-2021), ISSN- 2347-2456

4. اسهامات محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي في تنمية الدراسة العربية في الهند مجلة التلميذ , Vol.-3 Issue No-19 ISSN-2394-6628

5. اسلوب الكتابات الصحفية وقواليبها: نظرة عابرة مجلة العاصمة VOL.-9 ISSN e-2321-2756, p-2277-9914

6. دراسة تحليلية في تاريخ الأدب العربي: العصر الجاهلي الشروق الهندي Vol.-II Issue No-I ISSN 2320-4451

7. أدب الصحوة الإسلامية: دراسة تحليلية Pratidhwani(the ECHO) Vol.-1l Issue No-II ISSNe-2278-5264, p-2321-9319

8. دراسة تحليلية في كتاب \"لمحات من السيرة النبوية والأدب النبوي\" الشروق الهندي Vol.-1 Issue No-I ISSN 2320-4451

9. دراسة تحليلية في كتاب "حركة التعليم الإسلامي في هند وتطور المنهج" البعث الإسلامي Vol.-58 Issue No-6, Regd.No.- LW-NP/642012 To2014 , ISSN-2347-2456

Research Article (English)

1. Woman Education In Islam And its examples in Islamic History Sancharini ISSN- 2395-4558 May 2024

2. Arab- American Diaspora Literature: History and reality, Journal of Critical reviews Vol.-7 Issue No-9 ISSN-2394-5125

3. A glimpse of the emergence of Short Story in Modern Arabic Literature, Journal of Critical reviews Vol.-7 Issue No-6 ISSN-2394-5125

4. Role of Muhammad Wadeh Rashid Al Hasani Al Nadwi in the development of Arabic studies in India, Journal of Critical reviews Vol.-7 Issue No-2 ISSN-2394-5125

5. Contribution of Shaikh Muhammad Wadeh Rashid Al Hasani Al Nadwi to the development of Arabic journalism in India, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Academy Vol.-9 Issue No-3 ISSN-2249-2496

Edited Book

1. Emerging trend in Scientific Research Volume-6; Dr. Arif Uddin Dr. A M Md Hassan; Blue Duck Publications August 2024 978-93-5570-363-7

2. Emerging Trends in Scientific Research, Vil. -5, ISBN:978-93-5570-363-7

Research Article (Arabic)

1. اللغة العربية في شمال شرقي الهند وطريقة تدريسها عبر العصور ; مجلة كاليكوت Kalikoot ISSN- 2278-764X Vol.-14, Issue-1 Page 233-242 January- April,2024

2. الحضارة الغربية في نظر الشيخ محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي, Sprin Journal of Arabic English Studies, ISSN-2583-2859, Vol. 2(01)Apr.2023 pp, 41-47

3. مساهمة الشيخ محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي في تطوير الصحافة العربية في الهند، البعث الإسلامي (July-2021), ISSN- 2347-2456

4. اسهامات محمد واضح رشيد الحسني الندوي في تنمية الدراسة العربية في الهند مجلة التلميذ , Vol.-3 Issue No-19 ISSN-2394-6628

5. اسلوب الكتابات الصحفية وقواليبها: نظرة عابرة مجلة العاصمة VOL.-9 ISSN e-2321-2756, p-2277-9914

6. دراسة تحليلية في تاريخ الأدب العربي: العصر الجاهلي الشروق الهندي Vol.-II Issue No-I ISSN 2320-4451

7. أدب الصحوة الإسلامية: دراسة تحليلية Pratidhwani(the ECHO) Vol.-1l Issue No-II ISSNe-2278-5264, p-2321-9319

8. دراسة تحليلية في كتاب \"لمحات من السيرة النبوية والأدب النبوي\" الشروق الهندي Vol.-1 Issue No-I ISSN 2320-4451

9. دراسة تحليلية في كتاب "حركة التعليم الإسلامي في هند وتطور المنهج" البعث الإسلامي Vol.-58 Issue No-6, Regd.No.- LW-NP/642012 To2014 , ISSN-2347-2456



1. Bioresources of Northeast India: Status and Conservation Strategies ISBN: 978-81-939823-7-2

2. A Handbook of Genetic Toxicology ISBN:978-16-341569-3-6


1. A. Kausar & S. Bhowal Population status of Rhinoceros unicornis in Kaziranga National Park. Wildlife Trafficking and Concern to Biodiversity of North East India edited by Dr Ramesh Nath. 2017 ISBN 978-81-202-8865-2

2. Z. J. Das, S. Bhowal, A. Barbhuiya, D. Baishya & A. Kausar Length - weight relationship of Trichogaster fasciata Bloch and schneider 1801 from Morikolong beel in Nagaon, Assam. Bioresources of Northeast India: Status and Conservation Strategies .2019 ISBN No. 978-81-939823-7-2

3. D. J. Das, P. V. B. Reddy and A. Kausar Acute toxic effects of Malathion pesticide on morphology, behavior and histological changes in the liver of Heteropneustes fossilis .Bioresources of Northeast India: Status and Conservation Strategies. 2019 ISBN: 978-81-939823-7-2

4. A. Kausar. Biodiversity and climate change. Emerging Trends in Scientific Research.2020 37-43. ISBN:978-93-90322-17-6

5. C. Bora and A. Kausar. Avifaunal diversity of Ficus religiosa along an urban gradient in Nagaon, Assam. Environmental issues and policies in India. 2020 391-402.Vol.1., 2020. ISBN:978-93-89940-56-5


1. Bisakha Roy, Mitali Ghosh Paul & Afifa Kausar* A study on the present status of fish population in Jhagra Beel of Dhubri district, Assam, India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 2023. 14: 3(A), 2908-2910.

2. A. Kausar, Antioxidants and their benefit in fighting free radicals. Sancharinee 107-110. ISSN:23954558

3. A. Kausar Know Cancer for No Cancer. Sancharinee 91-94. 2015.ISSN:2395-4558

4. A. Kausar, S. Giri, P.Roy &A. Giri . Changes in buccal micronucleus cytome parameters associated with smokeless tobacco and pesticide exposure among female tea garden workers of Assam, India. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 217(2-3)

5. A. Kausar, P.Purkayastha & S.Giri. Possible Role of the Basal cells in Diagnostics of Oral Cancer.2012. Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. 1(8), 50-53.

6. M. Mazumdar, A. Kausar, A.Giri & S. Giri. Antioxiative Potential of vitamin C against Chemotherapeutic agent Mitomycin C induced Genotoxicity in somatic and germ cells in mouse test model. As. Un. J. of Sc. and Tech., 2011. 7; 10-17.

7. A. Kausar, S. Giri, M. Mazumdar, A. Giri , P. Roy, & P. Purkayastha . Micronucleus and other nuclear abnormalities among betel quid chewers with or without sadagura, a unique smokeless tobacco preparation, in a population from North-East India. Mutat. Res.,2009. 677(1-2); 72-75.


1. Bhagyashree Laskar, Afifa Kausar* and Jogen Ch. Kalita. A Study on the Prevalence of Oral Submucous Fibrosis and its associated risks. International Conference on Climate Change: Impact and resilience. 27-28th February.2023. Assam Don Bosco University.

2. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Afifa Kausar and Suranjan Bhowal. Ecotourism and its prospect in Kuji beel, Assam. International Conference on Challenges and Prospects of Bioresource Conservation in Eastern Himalaya with special reference to UN- Sustainable developmental Goals. 3-4 May, 2023 Department of Zoology, Gauhati University.

3. B. Laskar, Z. Ahmed and A. Kausar, Prevalence of Areca Nut Chewing Habit and occurrence of oral sub mucous Fibrosis. National Conference on Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research and its Sustainable Development in North East India, 20-21 January 2022.

4. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Afifa Kausar, Gulzar Hussain, Foujana Hoque, Ananya Kalita, Ruptalin Engtipi, Priyam Goswami, Rajdeep Bora, Rakesh S. Ramesh, and Lopamudra Das Roy Poster An epidemiological research study to depict the status of Breast Cancer Awareness in the local population of Nagaon, Karbi Anglong District & surrounding areas in Assam, India 3rd Annual Research Day-2021 (Research During Crisis) organized by St. John\'s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, India. APRIL 8, 9, 2021

5. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Riya Das, Monali Borah and A. Kausar. A study on the use of antibiotics and growth promoters by poultry farmers. National Seminar 2018 organized by Department of Zoology, Nowgong College, Nagaon, India.

6. Syed Sana Ansar and A. Kausar A Survey on the Fish Diversity with Special Reference to the Classified Ornamental Fishes and their Prospects in the Morikolong Beel of Nagaon District (Assam) National Seminar on Bio-Resources of North-Eastern India: Advanced approaches in Research and Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Development Dept. of Zoology, A.D.P. College, Nagaon 7th & 8th February, 2019.

7. AUdanshi Bhagowati, Paricheeta Gogoi and Afifa Kausar. A study on Acute toxic effects of cartap hydrochloride 4% GR in albino mice. Recent advances in Herbal Science and Technology for Drug Discovery. 18th & 19th August, 2018. Dept. of Herbal Science and Technology, ADP College, Nagaon

8. Q. Saikia, B. Borah and A. Kausar A study on biomedical waste management in the hospitals of Nagaon town National Seminar on Bio-Resources of North-Eastern India: Advanced approaches in Research and Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Development Dept. of Zoology, A.D.P. College, Nagaon, 7th & 8th February,2019.

9. A. Kausar, S. Bhowal and M. Choudhury. The study of Well-being of Trichogaster fasciata during pre-spawning period in Nagaon district of Assam. Recent advances in Herbal Science and Technology for Drug Discovery Dept. of Herbal Science and Technology, ADP College, Nagaon 18th & 19th August, 2018.

10. A.Kausar A novel application of the buccal micronucleus cytome assay in oral leukoplakia: A pilot study in National seminar on “Recent Advances in herbal Science and Technology for drug discovery”, Department of Herbal Science and Technology , A.D.P. College, Nagaon. 18th -19th august, 2016

11. A. Kausar, P.Purkayastha &S.Giri. Evaluation of cell death biomarkers to study malignant transformation of patients with oral erythroplakia.International conference on Disease Biology and Therapeutics 3-5 December,2014 organised by IASST, Guwahati

12. Biomarkers in early detection of oral precancerous leisions in National conference on “Recent trends in biodiversity researches”, Department of Life Science, Assam University, Silchar, from16-18th march, 2009.

13. Evaluation of nuclear abnormalities in the oral epithelial cells from tea garden workers in Assam. 14th Alexander Hollaender Course on Genetic Toxicology Genomic and Proteomic Approaches and special workshop on Arsenic Exposure Assesment. 10-12 December, 2008 Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata.

14. Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in the oral epithelium from north east Indian population having betel quid chewing habit alone or in combination with tobacco and smoking”. International Symposium on the predictive, preventive and mechanistic mutagenesis and XXXIII EMSI annual meeting held from January 01-03, 2008 at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.



1. Barak Upatyakar Akrar Itihash

2. Samaj -Sahitya -Sanskritir Ruprekha : A collection of literary (asso. editor)

3. Uttar-Purber Bangla Upaynas : Pathaker Dristite, Edited by Dr. Ajit Kumar Singha and Dr. Rita Rani Dey, Published by Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, May-2o18.

4. Bibhutibhusaner Upanyas: Aithijya O Adhunikata,. Page No. 01-264, Vicky Publisher,Gauhati and ISBN 978-93-82250-76-0

5. Malakar Sampradayer Itihas : Barak Upatyaka’ First Edition – 2011, Published by Vicky Publishers (ISBN : 978-93-80382-98-20)


1. Barak Upatyakar Akrar Itihash

2. Samaj -Sahitya -Sanskritir Ruprekha : A collection of literary (asso. editor)

3. Uttar-Purber Bangla Upaynas : Pathaker Dristite, Edited by Dr. Ajit Kumar Singha and Dr. Rita Rani Dey, Published by Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, May-2o18.

4. Bibhutibhusaner Upanyas: Aithijya O Adhunikata,. Page No. 01-264, Vicky Publisher,Gauhati and ISBN 978-93-82250-76-0

5. Malakar Sampradayer Itihas : Barak Upatyaka’ First Edition – 2011, Published by Vicky Publishers (ISBN : 978-93-80382-98-20)

Research Paper

1. Deshvag o Bangalir Sankot : Arun Kumar Sener duti Golpa, ‘Antarmukh’- A Bengali Research Journal, Vol. 7, No-1, ISSN- 2249-3751, July-Sept. 2017

2. Dolanchanpa Das Paler ‘Shari’ : Ek Bishlesatamak Path, Page no. 63-66, Swapna, April- 2016, ISSN 0976-9676

3. Bankim Chandrer Upanyase Nari : Ek Dbibachanik Sattar Upastiti, Page No. 21- 27, Anwesha, ISSN 2349-9699, S.S College,Hailakandi, August- 2015,

4. Barak Upatyakay Prachalita Bagher Seba, Published by ‘Swapna’, Lumding, Page No. 80-83, , April, 2015 , ISSN 0976-9676

5. Assamer Barak Upatyakar Samajik O Rajnaitik Poristhitite Narir Abasthan, Page No-160-165, Antarmukh, Vol- 4, Issue-1, September, 2014, ISSN 0976-9676

6. Aithijya O Adhunik Chetanar darpane Tarasankarer ‘Ganadevata’ Upanyas.,Page No- 138-143, Creatcrit, Vol-1, Issue-2, July, 2014, ISSN 2231-5942

7. Malakar Sampradayer Itihas, Page No. 80-101, Published by ‘Swapna’, Lumding , ISSN 0976-9676, April 2014

8. Fakir Rajob Ali Barbhuyan : Jibon O Sahitya, Pages 72-84, Published by ‘Swapna’, Lumding, October, 2013, ISSN- 0976-9676.

9. Barak Upatayakay Prachalita ‘Aai Deowa ba Rakhal Sebar Geet’, Byatikram, year-6, Issue-3, December, 2013 , ISSN 2231-594

10. ‘Nagaon Honuman Mela’ –a paper published by ‘Byatikram’ magazine Vol. IV, issue 8, May-2012 (ISSN-2231-5942)

11. Uttar Kanchan Pur Gramer Itihas, Page no. 147-149, Published by ‘Abhijatri FERI’ magazine, ISSN- 2231-2862, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Aug. 2012

12. Aupanibeshik Monon O Adhunik Chetanar Amimangsita Danda : Aranyak, page no. 19-29, ‘Swapna’ ISSN- 0976-9676, Lumding, Feb. 2010

13. Pater Panchalir : Aupanibesik Monon theke Adhunik Chetanar Uttaran, page no-54-58, ISSN – 0976-4283 Published by ‘PRAGYAN’ magazine, Tinsukia College, Sept. 2009

14. Panchgramer ‘Bhairab Barir Itihas’ – Published by ‘Abhijatri FERI’ magazine, ISSN- 2231-2862, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Feb. 2010

15. Rabindranather Probonddhe Shiksha Chintar Swarup, Page No. 57-61, ISSN – 0976-4283 Published by ‘PRAGYAN’ magazine, Tinsukia College, March, 2008

Book Chapter

1. রবীন্দ্র সংগীত: মননে ও অনুভবে , শঙ্কর কর - সম্পাদক), সঙ্গীত ব্যবহারের প্রয়োজনীয়তা : বিসর্জন-Ajit Kumar Singha

2. বাংলা ছোটগল্পে বৈচিত্রের সন্ধান : পাঠকের দৃষ্টিতে, অরূপ পাল ও নিত্যানন্দ দাস, পাঠককেন্দ্রিক সাহিত্যতত্ত্বের দর্পণে রবীন্দ্রনাথের "দেনাপাওনা, অতিথি ও কাবুলিওয়ালা" ছোটগল্পের পাঠ বিশ্লেষণ।

3. রবীন্দ্র সংগীত: মননে ও অনুভবে , শঙ্কর কর - সম্পাদক), সঙ্গীত ব্যবহারের প্রয়োজনীয়তা : বিসর্জন-Ajit Kumar Singha

4. Jatindranather kabya-kabitay \'Shib\' charitrer nabarupayan : ekti bishletamak path

5. Uttar-Purbo Bharater Bangla Upnyas : Porichoy O Nirbachita Upanyaser Path Pratikriya, (Adhunik Bangla Upanyaser Gatiprakriti : 1947-2020 Editor- Ajoy Saha), Published by Ashadeep, Kolkata, ISBN 978-93-88868-61-7, Sept. 2020

6. Vibekanander Dristite Bharatiya Nari : Ekti Punarmulyan, Vibekananda – The Trendsetter, Edited by – Narayan Dutta, Janhabi Das and others, Published by Lumding College, Lumding, ISBN – 978-81-924027-6-5, May, 2017

7. Imaduddin Bulbuler ‘Surma Nadir Chokhe Jol’ Upanyas : ek samagrik aalochona, page no, 392-395, Sonalee Sourabh, Biman Kumar Dole and Domburudhar Kakati, Dhing College, Dhing, ISBN 978-93-84679-21-7,2016

8. The Indian Women in the Vision of Vivekananda : A Short Reanalysis, page no, 38-48, Contemporary Women Issues : A Reflection , Mina Choudhury, ADP College, Nagaon, ISBN 978-93-84679-18-7 , 2015

9. Assamer Barak Upatyakar Matsajibi Sampraday O Sthaniyo Machher Itikotha, Page No-136-140, Dialogia, S. Banerjee & P. Paul , Rainsoft, 978-81-924095-3-5, 2015

10. Biswayaner Prekshite Barak Upatyakar Malakar Sampraday, page no-210-217, A Collection of essays on Biswayan O Lok-Sanskriti, Ed. By Prof. Bela Das & Biswatosh Choudhury, Published by Assam University, Silchar. ISBN-978-93-81682-03-6, 2012

11. ‘Assamer Barak Upatyaker Samajic O Rajnaitic Paristitite Narir Abastan’ (AKASH -ed. Manju Laskar,) Published by ‘Women Cell’ Nowgong Girls College, Nagaon, ISBN -978-93-81694-16-9. 2012

12. “Budhadeb Boser Kabya-natake Aitijhyaer Binirman’’ (Budhadeb Bose kal theke kalanthore) published by Punascha, Kolkata, Prof. Bela Das (Edtor), ISBN- 978-81-7332-592-2, 2008.


Book Chapter

1. Women Empowerment in Agricultural Decision Making in Assam: A Case Study of Morigaon District, Name of Book: Gender and Empowerment: Some Current Issues, ISBN: 978-93-8895-026-8; SSDN Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.


1. Participation of Women in Agricultural Activities: A Village Level Study in Assam, Creatcrit, ISSN- 2347-8829, Vol-3, Issue-1, 2016.

2. Gender Perspective in Social Science, Sancharinee, ,ISSN:2395-4558, ,2015.







1. REMARKING AN ANALISATION, P:ISSN NO :2394-0344, E:ISSN NO:2455-0817, VOL-6, ISSUE 3,3rd JUNE, 2021


Analysis of Stock Market Price Behaviour; A Markov Chain Approach

1. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue, 10, pp. 7061-7066, October, 2015

Analysis of brand loyalty using homogeneous Markov model

1. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 7, Issue 4. Ver. IV (Jul. - Aug. 2016), PP 06-09

Markov chain modelling for prediction on future market price of potatoes with special reference to N

1. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM) 19.12 (2017): 25-31

A stochastic process approach to analyse students performance in higher education institutions

1. International Journal of Statistics and Systems. ISSN 0973-2675 Vol 12, Number 2(2017), pp. 323-342.


Selected Journal publication

1. .“Sustainable Development Goal for Gender Equality”(Pp-63-66) ISSN- 2395-4558 Sancharinee,ADP College,Sept 2019.

2. .”A Study on Awareness of Parents Towards Population Education.”The Educational Horizon,Vol.4,Issue-1,Pp.1-11,ISSN:2454-8243,2018.

3. .A study on Occupational aspiration of higher secondary girls students in Nagaon District”.International Journal of Advanced Research in education & Technology , vol.3 Issue 2,Pp-56-58, ISSN-2394-6814, 2016.

4. .”Women Education in India” Sancharinee, Pp-65-70,ISSN:2395-4558, ,2015.

5. .“A Study on Value Pattern of Teachers Working in Urban High school of Nagaon District”.Review of Research,Vol.2 Issue 9,Pp.12-17,ISSN-2249-894X,2013.


1. Domestic violence and Maternal Mortility:A Study of two North-Eastern states of India.UNMILAN-A Menifestation.ISBN:978-81-954809-4-4

2. .”Environment and Maternal Health”ISBN:978-93-84679-88-0(Pp.246-249) ,HerokJeuti, ADP College(Diamond jubilee year), 2019

3. “A study on Soft Skill Knowledge of college students” New quality paradigm in NAAC accreditation,(Pp-98-108), ISBN-978-93-85310-54-6,year2019

4. .”Women Education in India”(Pp-65-70)ISSN:2395-4558, Sancharinee,2015.

5. Child Marriage:an obstracle of Adolesent Girl” (Pp-197-208) ISBN-878-93-84679-18-7,Contemporary Women Issues-A Reflection,2015

6. Gandhi and Indian Education:A critical study. Gandhian Concepts Interrogation and Exploration ,Pp.213-222,2012


1. Paper presented on"Joyful Learning:A Modern Approach in Teaching-Learning Process".Organised by Council for Teacher Education Foundation,Assam Chapter on 19th& 20th December,2020.(Online)

2. International workshop on “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS”organised by IQAC,ADP College in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology,Bangkok,Thailand.From26th December to 1st January,2020.

3. Workshop on "Use of ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching"organised by Electronics & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati.From 29th April to 04 May,2019

4. Paper presented on “A study on Soft Skill Knowledge of college students”.NAAC sponsored National Seminar organized by IQAC,ADP College ,on1st &2nd March 2019.

5. Paper presented on”A Study on Awareness of Parents towards Population Education.”UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by Department of Education,Raha College on 14th &15th October 2017.

6. Paper presented by Boby Bhuyan ,Sabita Devi and Archana Das on”A Study on Teachers’ Competency in the High School of Nagaon Town Area”International seminar organized by Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankardeva Viswavidyalaya,Nagaon from 8th October t0 10th October,2015.

7. Paper presented on “Gandhi and Gandhian education A critical study”.UGC sponsored National seminar organized by Gandhian study centre,ADP College,Nagaon,on 28th &29th June,2012.

8. Paper presented by Sabita Devi and Archana Das on "Extension Education- A Challenging task for the Teacher", State seminar on Public Funded Education System , organized by Nagaon-Morigaon Zone, ACTA, 20th Dec,2008.

9. Workshop on "Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education",UGC sponsored organised by Cotton College,Guwahati,From 4th December to 8th December,2008

Faculty Development programme

1. One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Pedagogy and teaching for Higher Education” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 21 - 26 June, 2021 in association with Bodoland University, Kokrajhar teaching for Higher Education”


1. One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Pedagogy and teaching for Higher Education” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 21 - 26 June, 2021 in association with Bodoland University, Kokrajhar teaching for Higher Education”


1. One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Pedagogy and teaching for Higher Education” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 21 - 26 June, 2021 in association with Bodoland University, Kokrajhar teaching for Higher Education”


1. One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Pedagogy and teaching for Higher Education” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 21 - 26 June, 2021 in association with Bodoland University, Kokrajhar teaching for Higher Education”


1. Educational Psychology.Union Book Publisher.ISBN-978-81-19620-16-6

2. Educational Psychology, Union Book Publisher.ISBN-978-81-19620-16-6


1. international workshop on Environment & Biodiversity Conservation.Organised by Dept.of Chemistry and Zoology,ADP College.

Book Chapter

1. Educational Psychology.Union Book Publisher.ISBN-978-81-19620-16-6

2. Educational Psychology, Union Book Publisher.ISBN-978-81-19620-16-6


Journal Publications

1. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, F.F. Gorbatsevich, R.R. Borah. Characterization of amphiboles from the Kola super-deep borehole, Russia by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (4), 101134, 2021.

2. Bhaskar J Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and R.R.Borah. Nanodiamonds and silicate minerals in ordinary chondrites as determined by micro-Raman spectroscopy. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52 (6), 1146-1154, 2017.

3. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G Parthasarathy, RR Borah, M Satyanarayanan, R Borthakur, and P. Chetia. Spectroscopy and mineralogy of a fresh meteorite fall Kamargaon (L6) chondrite. PINSA 83, 941-948, 2017.

4. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Tentative Identification of Organic Traces in Sadiya (LL5) Ordinary Chondrite. Advances in Astrophysics, 34, 250-256, 2018.

5. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, R.R. Borah, R. Borthakur and A.J.D. Sarmah. Meteorite fall at Sadiya, India: a Raman spectroscopic classification. Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology 5 (2), 1000149, 2017.

6. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and N.C. Sarmah. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic estimation of crystallinity in SiO2 based rocks. Bulletin of Materials Science 31 (5), 775-779, 2008.

7. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G.Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Organic compounds in Mahadevpur H4/5 and Natun Balijan L4 ordinary chondrites by Raman spectroscopy. LPSC 52, 1853, 2021.

8. Bhaskar J. Saikia. Spectroscopic Estimation of Geometrical Structure Elucidation in Natural SiO2 Crystal. Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry 22, 28-33, 2014.

9. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, N.C. Sarmah and G.D. Baruah. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic characterization of naturally occurring glassy fulgurites. Bulletin of Materials Science 31 (2), 155-158, 2008.

10. Bhaskar J. Saikiaand G. Parthasarathy. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Kaolinite from Assam and Meghalaya, Northeastern India. Journal of Modern Physics 1 4, 206-210, 2010.

11. Bhaskar J. Saikia, S.R. Goswami and R.R. Borah. Estimation of heavy metals contamination and silicate mineral distributions in suspended sediments of Subansiri River. International Journal of Physical Sciences 9 (21), 475-486, 2014.

12. Bhaskar J. Saikia, S.R. Goswami, R. Borthakur, I.B. Roy and R.R. Borah. Spectroscopic Characterization and Quantitative Estimation of Natural Weathering of Silicates in Sediments of Dikrong River, India. Journal of Modern Physics 6 (11), 1631-1641, 2015.

13. Bhaskar J Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Silicates in Kamargaon (L6) chondrite: A Raman spectroscopic study. Journal of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, 225-230, 2018.

14. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G.Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Raman spectroscopy of Natun Balijan L4 ordinary chondrite. LPSC 51, 2310, 2020.

15. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, R.R. Borah and R. Borthakur. Raman and FTIR spectroscopic evaluation of clay minerals and estimation of metal contaminations in natural deposition of surface sediments from Brahmaputra river. International Journal of Geosciences 7 (7), 873-883, 2016.

16. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and N.C. Sarmah. Spectroscopic characterization of olivine [(Fe, Mg) 2SiO4] in Mahadevpur H4/5 ordinary chondrite. Journal of American Science 5 (4), 71-78, 2009.

17. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, R.R. Borah. Mineralogy of Meteorites from the North-Eastern India: A Brief Review. Geometerials 7 (3), 83-95, 2017.

18. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and R. R. Borah. Distribution of Microcrystalline Quartz in Glassy Fulgurites from Garuamukh and Kimin, India. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 3 (10), 1343-1351, 2015.

19. N.C. Sarmah, Bhaskar J. Saikia, D. Rautela. Spectroscopic characterization of clays from Assam and Meghalaya. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 74 (12), A911, 2010.

20. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and N.C. Sarmah. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic characterization of Dergaon H5 chondrite: Evidence of aliphatic organic compound. Nature and Science 7 (4), 45-51, 2009.

21. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G.Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Laser Micro-Raman spectroscopic studies of High-pressure and High-temperature mineralogy of Kamargaon (L6) chondrite. LPSC 50, 1536, 2019.

22. K. Kumar and Bhaskar J. Saikia. Effect of land use changes on rainfall-runoff and runoff-sediment relationships in Gaula catchment of Himalayan region. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), A545, 2010.

23. Bhaskar J. Saikia and N.C. Sarmah. Spectroscopic studies of Silicate minerals from North-Eastern India. Mineralogical Magazine 75 (3), 1781,2011.

24. R.K. Das, B.C. Neog and Bhaskar J. Saikia. Heat and Mass Transfer Effects on Free Convection Flow Past a Moving Vertical Isothermal Plate with Chemical Reaction. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 7 (3), 06-10, 2015.

25. Bhaskar J. Saikia. FTIR estimation of geometrical structure variations in natural SiO2 crystal. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 74 (12), A898, 2010.

26. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, N.C. Sarmah and G.D Baruah. Fulgurites from Garuamukh, Assam, India-FTIR Spectroscopic study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 866, 2007.

27. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G.Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Raman spectroscopy of Kamargaon L6 ordinary chondrite. LPSC 48, 1979, 2017.

28. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy and R.R. Borah. Spectroscopic Characterization of Olivine Due to Fe/Mg in Dergaon Chondrite. Mineralogical Magazine 75, 1780, 2011.

29. Bhaskar J. Saikia and G. Parthasarathy. Spectroscopic studies on Dergaon meteorite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 72 (12), A818, 2008.

30. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, R.R. Borah, R. Borthakur. Raman Spectroscopic Study of Dergaon H5 and Mahadevpur H4/5 Chondrites. LPSC, 47, 1799, 2016.

31. Bhaskar J. Saikia and N.C. Sarmah. Study of micro-crystallinity of SiO2 in two Indian Fulgurites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73(6), 1144, 2009.

32. Bhaskar J. Saikia. Spectroscopic estimation of SiO2 for characterizing Clays in Brahmaputra river sediment. Mineralogical Magazine 75 (3), 1780, 2011.

33. R.R. Borah and Bhaskar J. Saikia. Spectroscopy of megacryometeor. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 74 (12), A104, 2010.

34. Bhaskar J. Saikia, G. Parthasarathy, N.C. Sarmah and G.D. Baruah. Organic compounds in H5 meteorite: Spectroscopic investigation of Dergaon H5 Chondrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, A867, 2007.

Book Published

1. Bhaskar J. Saikia. Ordinary Chondrites from North-East India: A Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic approach. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2020 (ISBN: 978-1-5275-4557-1)

2. Jayanta Barman and Bhaskar J. Saikia. A text Book of Wave and Optics. Kedar Nath Ram Nath, India, 2020 (ISBN: 978-81-9427-663-0)

Book Chapter

1. Bhaskar J. Saikia. Spectroscopic investigations of Kaolinite, in P.K. Bharti (Eds.) Microbial Applications and Environment, Discovery Publishing House, India, pp.126-140, 2014 (ISBN 978-93-5056-515-5)



1. Effect of concentration of salts on seed germination and Seedling growth of Trigonella foenum-graecum ( methi seeds) . DBT sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends in Biological Sciences, ADP College. 29-30th April, 2024.

2. Allelopathic Effect of Some Weed Species on Germination and Initial Development of Cultivated Plants” National Conference on Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research and its sustainable Development in North East India, REDIMAP- 2021 organized by Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College, Nagaon on 20-21 January, 2022

3. Allelopathic Effect of Some Weed Species on Germination and Initial Development of Cultivated Plants” National Conference on Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research and its sustainable Development in North East India, REDIMAP- 2021 organized by Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College, Nagaon on 20-21 January, 2022

4. An Account to the Micro-algal Diversity in Some Wetlands of Dibrugarh District of Assam, India”. International Multidisciplinary Research Conference on Biodiversity, Climate Change, Physical and Life Science. DHSK College, 21-22 January, 2019.

5. Environmental Protection issues and its Conflicts with Human Rights”. National Srminar on Human Rights and Global Challenges. Guwahati College, 20-21 May, 2017.

6. Women Entrepreneurs of Street Market: An Example of Women Empowerment”, in National Seminar on Gender Sensation and Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges (June, 2016).

7. “Role of Religious and Cultural Beliefs in the Protection of Aquatic Environment”, in National Conference on Role of Optics and Philosophy in Environment Protection. (March, 2015).

8. Freshwater algal diversity in relation to water chemistry in Raja Pukhuri of Bijoynagar, Kamrup (Assam)”, in the National seminar on Plant Resources of NE region and their Bioprospecting. (March, 2013)

9. Algal Biodiversity in Rani Durga Temple Pond”, in the National Symposium on “Microorganism and Plant Health” and 24th Annual General Meeting of Indian Phytopathological Society. (November, 2011)

10. Diversity and Distribution of Blue Green Algae in the Jalukbari Foot Hills of Guwahati City”, in the National Seminar on Plant Resource Management and Conservation Strategies in NE Region. (February, 2011)

11. Phytoplankton Diversity in Response to the Abiotic Factors in a Temple Pond in Assam”, in the National Seminar on Exploration, Utilization and Strategy Action Plan for Sustainable Management of Plant Resources. (December, 2007)

12. Impact of Four Lane High-way Project on Algal Diversity in Gopeswar Temple Pond”, Assam, in the National Seminar on Global Environmental Changes: Geomorphological Issues. (November, 2010)

13. The Maintenance of Wild Edible Plant Gathering in a Dimasa community of Umrangsu, Assam”, in the National Seminar on Relevance of Traditional Knowledge System for Sustainable Development with Particular Reference to NE India. (November, 2008)

14. Fresh Water Algal Flora of Sobhagya Kunda at Kamakhya Temple”, at the Conference on Plant Life through the Ages, Birbal Sahani Institute of Paleobotany. (November, 2008)

Book Chapters

1. Inhibitory effects of Eichhornia and Lemna on Germination parameters and Seedling development of two economically important plants of India. Pp 62-69. ISBN: 978-93-48843-76-0

2. Inhibitory effect of Eichhornia and Lemna on Germination parameters and Seedling development of two economically important plants of India. Pp 62-69, Emerging Paradigms in Biological Sciences ISBN: 978-93-48843-76-0. Edited Book

3. Allelopathic Interference of some Aquatic Weeds on Germination and Seedling Parameters of Mung Bean and Mustard seeds. Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences. June, 2024. Vol. 40, ISSN 0973-3914. PP 76-83.

4. Henrietta Lacks and her Immortal Cell Line: A Tribute. Sancharinee, May, 2024. ISSN: 2395-4558. PP 112-118

5. Biomagnification: An Unseen Threat". Perspective, Book of Multidisciplinary Studies. Vol II, No 1.(2022), pp 22-28. ISBN: 978-81-956183-2-3 ( Edt by N. Goswami and S. Rahman). Kaziranga Printing House, Assam.

6. Biohazards: Awareness Needed For Present-Day Safty", Environment: Emerging problems and Management. Vol. VI. No I. (2021). Pp 73-77. ISBN: 978-81-953307-4-4. (Edt by S. Rahman) Kaziranga Printing House, Assam.

7. Allelopathic Effect of Some Weed Species on germination and Initial Development of Cultivated Plants.” Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Discoveries and Development in North East India. (2022). Pp 56-66. ISBN: 978-93-90863-00-6 ( Edtd by B. Banik). National Press Associates, New Delhi.

8. Effect of Recurrent flood and monsoon on the algal ecology of some aquatic ecosystem of Dibrugarh District of Assam.” Biodiversity: Exploration, Exploitaion and Conservation (2022). Pp 46- 55. ISBN: 973-93-92507-01-3 ( Edtd by Bhuyan et. al). Research Culture Society and Publication.

9. An Ancient Means of Environmental Protection and its Relevance to Present Day with Special Reference to Some Aquatic Bodies.” In CREDENCE, A Research based Book of Multidisciplinary Studies. (January, 2021). Pp 84-91. ISBN : 978-81-948413-7-1. (Edtd by R. Sonowal and S. Rahman) Kaziranga Printing House, Assam

10. Diversity of Diatoms in and Around Dibrugarh Town”. Advances in Botanical Research in North East India. Edts. S.K. Borthakur, A. Bowri and N. Nath (2018). Pp. 74 – 85. ISBN: 978-9386302-52-6.

11. Knowing Our Forest: An Approach for Better Future”. Environment: Emerging Problems and Managements. Edts. S. Rahman (2017). Pp. 9 – 13.

12. Religious and Cultural beliefs and its importance in protection of Environment with Special Reference to Aquatic Bodies of Assam. “Periodical”, Edited Book (IQAC Cell, Guwahati College), (2017). ISBN: 978-81-202-8806-8.

13. Freshwater Algal Diversity in a Seven Century Old Pond of Brahmaputra Flood Plain of Assam, India. “Advances in Plant Research”, Edited Book (EBH Publishers, India), (2015) ISBN: 978-93-83252-61-9.

14. Freshwater Algal Diversity in a Seven Century Old Pond of Brahmaputra Flood Plain of Assam, India. “Advances in Plant Research”, Edited Book (EBH Publishers, India), (2015) ISBN: 978-93-83252-61-9.

15. Studies on the Algal Ecology of Some Historical Ponds of Kamrup District, Assam , Thesis Summery Edited Book Vol. 6. (ACTA, Assam) (2014) ISBN: 978-81-920635-5-4.


1. An Ancient Means of Environmental Protection and its Relevance in Present Day with Special Reference to Aquatic Bodies'' .Current Research Trends – A Multidisciplinary Bouquet. (2022). Pp 155-164. ISBN 978-81-952976-7-2 ( Edtd by Marami Talukder and Alakananda Baruah). DHSK College. Dibrugarh.

2. A Study on the Phhytoplankton Diversity and Water Quality of a Freshwater Pond of Bijaynagar (Raja Pukhuri) of Kamrup District (Rural), Assam. “Wak, The Word” (ISSN 2347-6508), Vol. 6: 48-52 (2016)

3. A Study on the Impact of Four Lane Highway Project on the Health of an Century Old Pond of Brahmaputra Flood Plain of Lower Assam, India. “Wak, The Word” (ISSN 2347-6508), Vol. 5: 132-137 (2015).

4. A Study on the Allelopathic effect of a Few Common Weeds on Seed Germiation and Radical Length of Mung Bean (Vigna radiate (L.) wilczek.). “Chirantan Chintan” (ISSN 2278-4756), Vol. 4 (1): 157-161 (2015).

5. A Brief Account on the Water Quality Status of a Highly Disturbed Pond of Guwahati City, Assam. “Wak, The Word” (ISSN 2347-6508), Vol. 4: 72-75 (2014).

6. Cyanobacterial (Blue Green Algae) Diversity in a Century Old Pond of Kamakhya Hill, Assam, India. “Chirantan Chintan” (ISSN 2278-4756), Vol. 2 (2): 25-30 (2013).

7. Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous Extract of Some Medicinal Plants on Seed Germination andSeedling Length of Mung Bean (Vigna radiate (L.) wilczek.). “Indian J. of Plant Science” (ISSN 2319-3824), Vol. 2(3): 8-11 (2013).

8. Water Quality and Phytoplankton Diversity of Gopeswar Temple Freshwater Pond inAssam (India). “Bangladesh J. Bot.” (ISSN 0253- 5416), Vol. 41(2): 181-185, (2012).

9. Some Fresh Water Algae of Oil Refinery Effluent Drains of Assam, India. “Our Nature”(ISSN 1991- 2951), Vol. 7: 139-145 (2009).

10. Studies on Phytoplankton Community in a Highland Temple Pond of Assam, India.“Indian J. of Environment and Eco-planning” (ISSN 0972- 1215), Vol. 16 (1): 17-24 (2009).


1. Faculty Development program on \"Reforms in Examination system in perspective of National Education Policy, 2020. Organised by Techno College of engineering, Agartala. From 25-29 th April, 2022

2. 5 day Faculty Development Program on Communication and Presentation Skills. Organised by ITC Academy, ADP College. 15-19th May, 2023

3. Multidisciplinary one week International Workshop on \"Environment and Biodiversity Conservation\", held on ADP College, Nagaon 24-29 th April, 2023

4. Recruitment Trends in Emerging Technologies – Future & Beyond\" webinar on 15 May 2024, ICT ACADEMY

5. One week International Research Orientation Programe from 26th to 30th October, 2020. Organized by MM Deemed University, Haryana in Association with Elsevier India andRaxLabs Inc. USA.

6. Workshop on Workshop on Research Methodology. Organized by Govt. Lahiri PG College, C.G. from 8 to 14 September, 2020.

7. Workshop on Research article writing and online academic presentation. Organized by IQAC, Govt. Girls PG College, Ujjain from 17-23 august, 2020.

8. Workshop on Plant for food and health care. Organized by Yogi Vemana University,AP, on 12-14th August, 2020.

9. Education 4.0: the future ahead. Organized by IQAC, Sairam College of Engineering,Bangaluru on 10th -14th August, 2020.

10. PMMMNMTT FDP Programs on LaTex. Organized by Jamshedpur womens college and IIT Bombay from 13th to 19th July, 2020.

11. La TeX and its application for researchers. Organized by Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering on 20th to 24th July, 2020.

12. National Workshop on “Research Methodology” organised by IQAC, Guwahati College from 7 - 13 June, 2018.

13. DoNER Ministry Sponsored 10 days Training Programme on “Capacity Building of Teachers, Researchers and Bio-medical Practitioners of North Eastern Region on Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology and Microbiology” College of Veterinary Science, AAU from 30th May to 8th June, 2017.

14. DBT-sponsored workshop on "Biochemical and Molecular Techniques in Biology Teaching and Research" Centre for Studies in Biotechnology, Dibrugarh University, from 23rd February to 28th February, 2015.

15. Workshop on Proteomics” by Institutional level Biotech Hub, DHSK College, Dibrugarh from 26th to 29th March, 2014.2.

16. Faculty Development Program on Soft Skill, ICT Academy, hosted by ADP College, 15th -21th May, 2023.

17. International Workshop on Environment and Biodiversity Conservation, ADP College, 24th -29th April, 2023

18. Refresher Course/ Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Under the aegis of PMMMNMTL, from 23rd October- 6th November, 2021.

Invited Speaker

1. Effect of Recurrent Flood and Monsoon on the Algal Ecology of some Aquatic Ecosystems of Dibrugarh District of Assam”. International Conference on Biodiverity: Exploration, Exploitation and Conservation for Sustainable Development (ICB-01). Organized by PDUAM, Behali, Assam (MoEFC, Govt of India and ASTEC, Assam) on 5th January, 2022



1. Sancharini, Development of Tourism in NE India ISSN 2395-4558

2. Shristri, Volume 8 Impact of Slum Dwellers ISSN 2277-6540

3. Shristi, Volume 7, Educational Structure of "Tea Tribe" People ISSN 2277-6540

4. Creatcrit, Vol 3, Issue 1, Health Scenario of 'Tea Tribe' in Nagaon District of Assam ISSN 2347 - 8829

5. Shristi, Volume 5, Demographic structure of the 'Tea Tribe' people in Nagaon District ISSN 2277 - 6540

6. Creatcrit, Vol 1, Issue 1, Problems of Working Women Labourers in 'Tea Tribe' Society ISSN 2347 - 8829

7. Geographic, Volume 6, Literacy And Educational Level of \'Tea Tribe\' of Nagaon District, Assam ISSN 0975 - 4121

Book Chapters

1. Chinton, Growing Population and Its Impact on Forest Resources, ISBN-978-81-202-4891-4

2. Bioresources of NE India, Biodiversity and SD: Its Conservationa Stretagies ISBN 978-81-939823-7-2

3. Contours of SD in India, Need for Sustainable Agricultural Development ISBN 978-93-8315-899-7

4. Contemporary Women Issues: A Reflection, Role of Women in 'Tea Tribe' Society in Nagaon District of Assam ISBN 978-93-84679-18-7

5. Kolong - Kiling, Apolitical Struggle of 'Tea Tribe' People and Their Socio-Economic Condition ISBN 978-81-202-3479-3

6. Problems of Industrial Labourers in Assam, Problems of Working Women Labourers in 'Tea Tribe' Society ISBN 978-93-81694-58-9



1. A STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE TEACHERS OF ASSAM Published in Indian Steam Research Journal (Research Paper), International Vol-III, Issue-III ( Pp -8),Year-April 2013, ISSN-2230-7850.

2. A STUDY ON VALUE PATTERN OF TEACHERS WORKING IN URBAN HIGH SCHOOL OF NAGAON DISTRICT, Published in Asian Resonance (Research Paper), International Vol-II, Issue-IX (Pp -12-17),Year- 2013, ISSN-2249-894X

3. A STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION AMONG TEACHERS WORKING IN GOVT. ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF ASSAM Published in Asian Resonance (Research Paper), International Vol-II, Issue-II( Pp -105-109),Year-April 2013, ISSN-0976-8602

4. A STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION AMONG TEACHERS WORKING IN ASSAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GUWAHATI Published in Creatcrit (Research Paper), International Vol -1,Issue-1, Year 2014, ISSN-2347-8829


1. EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY under Gauhati University as per NEP-2020 (FYUGP) of Third Semester, First Edition: July 2024, ISBN- 978-81-19620-42-5

2. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY under Gauhati University as per NEP-2020 (FYUGP) of Second Semester, First Edition: January 2024, ISBN-978-81-19620-16-6

3. PSYCHOLOGICAL PRACTICAL IN EDUCATION for T.D.C. 5th Sem (Major, Paper-5.6) under G.U , year 2013 with ISBN-978-81-927304-4-8, Union Book Publisher.

4. EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT for T.D.C. 6th Sem (Major, Paper-6.5) under G.U, year 2014 with ISBN-978-81-927304-1-7, Union Book Publisher.

Article/Seminar Proceeding

1. CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR TEACHER Published in journal of Education, ADP College, National Vol -1,Issue-1 Year 2007-08

2. GANDHI AND EDUCATION (Seminar Proceeding ) in ADP College, National Vol-1,Issue-1, (Pp -223-230),Year-2012 with ISBN-978-93-81694-49-7

3. PRESENT SCENARIO OF WOMEN EDUCATION IN NORTH EAST INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ASSAM (Seminar Proceeding ), Raha College, National Vol-1,Issue-1, (Pp -87-91),Year-Aug,2013.

4. WHY DO WOMEN DEMAND EQUAL RIGHTS IN INDIA (Article), in ADP College, National Vol-1,Issue-1, (Pp -87-91),Year-Aug,2015 with ISBN-978-93-84679-18-7

5. CHILD LABOUR - A HINDERANCE FOR INDIAS DEVELOPMENT (Article) in Sancharinee, ADP College, National Vol-1,Issue-1, (Pp -40-43),Year-Sep,2015 with ISSN-2395-4558.

6. THE JOURNEY OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA (Article) in HerokJeuti, ADP College (Diamond jubilee year),2018(Pp.215-218).

7. SAMPROTIC SAMAYOR SIKSHA BEBOSTHA ARU SATRO-SATRIR VOBISHYAT (Article)in Anandalekha (Journal), ADP College ,2019) (Pp.42).

8. THE ROLE OF A TEACHER IN BUILDING UP ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS (Article) in Smitrigantha, Nagaon District High school Association, Golden Jubilee Year, 2019(Pp.293).

Dr. Chandana Deka





1. Spectrum-II: An Anthology of English Poetry, Shanti Publication, 2020, ISBN-978-93-84466-53-4

2. Spectrum: An Anthology of English Prose and Drama, Shanti Publication, 2019, ISBN-978-93-84466-35-0

Research Articles in Journal

1. Quest for Liberty: Analyzing Anita Desai\'s Fasting, Feasting, SANCHARINEE, 4th Year Vol-1, May 2024, ISSN: 2395-4558

2. Women Characters and Religious Exploitation in the Novels of Mamoni Raisom Goswami: Possibility of a Liberal Religion, ANUXANGA, Vol. 2, September 2023, ISSN 2319-7056

3. An Ecofeminist Study of Tony Morrison 's The Bluest Eye, CREATCRIT, Vol. 10, No. 2, July 2023, ISSN 2347-8829

4. Issues of Immigration and Identity Crisis in the North East India: With special reference to Siddhartha Deb\'s The Point of Return, CREATCRIT, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2021, ISSN 2347-8829

5. Marital Discord and its Impact on Women: A Study of Anita Desai\'s Cry the Peacock, SANCHARINEE, 2019, ISSN: 2395-4558

6. Problems and Prospects of Teaching ESL to Assamese Learners, SANGHATI, 5th Year, Vol. I & II, 2017, ISSN: 2319-7366

7. Theme of Postcolonial Impact on Urdu in Anita Desai\'s In Custody, DRISHTI: THE SIGHT, Vol. -III, No.-I, 2014, ISSN: 2319-8281

8. Regionalism in Nirupama Borgohain\'s Novel, SANGHATI, 3rd Year, 1st Issue, 2014, ISSN: 2319-7366

9. Regionalism in the Novels of Thomas Hardy, PRATIDHWANI: THE ECHO, Volume-II, Issue-III, 2014, ISSN: 2278-5264

10. Influence of the Ramayana in Assamese Language, SANGHATI, 2nd Year, 3rd Issue, 2013, ISSN: 2319-7366

11. Assamese Regional Novel: Growth and Development, GUINEIS JOURNAL, Year-1, Issue-1, 2013, ISSN: 2347-2669

Articles & Book Chapters

1. Gandhian Consciousness in the Novels of R. K. Narayan, THE ESSENCE OF TRUTH AND NON-VIOLENCE, Jan.2022, ISBN-878-93-92394-00-3

2. Exposing the violation of Human Rights: A study of the Novels of Mulk Raj Anand, HUMAN RIGHTS, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-85310-41-6

3. Feminism in the Writings of Mamoni Raisom Goswami, NARIBAD ARU ASOMIYA UPONYAKH, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-202-8837-9

4. Media and Rural India: Challenges to Media with special reference to the North East, JOURNALISM AND MEDIA INDUSTRY OF NORTH EAST INDIA, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83252-31-2

5. Tribal Life as Reflected in the Songs of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, BHUPEN HAZARIKA- A VOICE A MYSTERY, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-244

6. The Karbis: Their Festivals and Rituals, A GLIMPSE OF LANGUAGE & CULTURE OF NORTH EAST INDIA, 2012, ISBN: 978-93-244-0269-1



1. Dharitree Dutta, S. Adhikari, R. Moulick, and K. S. Goswami, Evolution of dust ion acoustic soliton in the presence of superthermal electrons, 2019.

Book Published

1. Elementary Practical physics for polytechnic, S. L. Bora, Dharitree Dutta, M. Dutta, N. Chamuah, Mahaveer Publications, Feb 2018.


1. P.K. Saha, M. Chakraborty, Dharitree Dutta, et al, Formation of multiple double layers in the presence of grounded ring in RF expanding plasma. Physics Letters A 481, 129016(1-8), 2023.

2. N. Sharma, Dharitree Dutta, M. Chakroborty, et. al. Global model study of plasma parameter variation in helicon plasma source in oxygen discharge. Physics of Plasmas 29(2), 2022.

3. Dharitree Dutta, and K. S. Goswami, Electron acoustic double layers in a magnetized plasma in the presence of superthermal particles. Journal of Plasma Physics 85(3), 2019.

4. Dharitree Dutta, S. Adhikari, R. Moulick, and K. S. Goswami, Evolution of dust ion acoustic soliton in the presence of superthermal electrons. Physica Scripta 94(12), 125210, 2019.

5. Dharitree Dutta, and K. S. Goswami, Dust ion acoustic double layer in the presence of superthermal electrons. Indian Journal of Physics 93(2), 1-9, 2019.

Conference Proceedings

1. Dharitree Dutta, and M. Chakraborty, Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Current Free Double Layer. IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 2020.

2. S. Adhikari, Dharitree Dutta, R. Moulick, and K. S. Goswami. Estimate on the physical sputtering of divertor armor materials. Proceedings of the thirtieth national symposium on plasma science and technology: book of abstracts, 2015.

Book Chapter

1. Dharitree Dutta, and K. S. Goswami, Dust-Ion-Acoustic Multisoliton Interactions in the Presence of Superthermal Particles. Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications (2022), Series ISSN: 2213-8684.

2. Dharitree Dutta, and K. S. Goswami, Weak Ion Acoustic Double Layer in a Superthermal Plasma with Trapped Ion. National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST), 2019.



1. Women’s Participation in Panchayati Raj: A Case Study of Kamrup District,Creatcrit,2015,ISSN 2347-8829 Job Satisfaction of TET teachers working at Primary School –A Study in Nagaon Town,JONER,2018,ISSN 2321-0583 Raij –Mels: Role in the Peasant Movement in Assam,JONER,2019,ISSN 2321-0583


Book Chapter

1. 3. Look-East-Policy and Development of Road Infrastructure in North-East India. Book- Look East Policy and North East India. Edited by - Devojit Phukan

2. 2. Problems of Construction Labourers in Guwahati. Book- Problems of Industrial Labourers in Assam. Edited by Dr. Sanjib Kumar Borkakati.

3. 1. Impact of Globalization on Tea and Silk Industry of Assam. Book- Globalization and North East India Edited by- Bimal J. Deb, Keya Sengupta, B.Datta Ray


1. 2. Funding and Utilization Process of Rural Road Construction in Assam, Journal- Creatcrit, Volume-2, Issue-1

2. 1. Rural Road Network in Assam, Journal- Shrinkhala, Vol-2, Issue-1


1. 1. Rural Roads and Rural Economy, Souvenior, Diamond Jubilee Year, 2018-19


Some selected paper

1. Kolong Kiling,Editors:DrSPayen Ranjit Barua published by Nagaon Morigaon Zone.ACTA Congruence and its applications in Barcode .Pg122-127 (chapter in books) 978-99-84679-96-5

2. A Study on Gandhi and Basic Education System to the nation in the Wardha Conference 1937(231-235) Proceeding of UGC sponsored national Seminar on Gandhian Concepts Interogation and Exploration 978-93-81694-49-7

3. A Study of the of the problems of child labourers in brick indutry of Kamrup District(151-157),2013 Proceeding of UGC sponsored national Seminar on problems of Industrial labourers in Assam 978-93-81694-58-9

4. Hirak Jeuti, Editor:Dr Sanjib Kr.Barkakati Published by ADP College,Nagaon(book) Anya ek dishat Ganit,pg 204-207(chapter in books) 978-9984679-88-0.

5. Bioresources of North East India status and conservation strategies, Edited by Dr.Afifa Kausar and published by ADP College & Sampriti Publication(India) Basic concept of mathematical modeling of the problem in ecology, pp351-356 (chapter in books) 978-81-939823-7-2


1. Shristri (UGC Approved) A Measure of Commutativity of the Quaternion Group, PP -69-74(Paper) 2277-6540

2. On Some Two Generator Finite solvable Automorphim Groups of Compact RiemannSurfaces, Vol 1,Issue 1,2014,Jan(pg 144-151) Creatcrit 2347-8829

3. Createcrit(UGC approved) Role of Mathematics in the Development of Society :An Analysis Pg -87-90(paper) 2347-8829.



1. Jayanta Barman, Madhabi Bhattacharjee, Hrishikesh Talukdar, Dhruba Jyoti Haloi, Anjana Dhar, ynthesis and characterization of starch-g-poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene) copolymer prepared via emulsion polymerization, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, (2023) 10.30492/IJCCE.2022.553430.5340

2. A. Dhar, J. Barman, H. Talukdar, D. J. Haloi, Poly(methyl methacrylate) modified Starch: Their preparations, properties and applications. Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia, 33(1) (2023) e20230001.

3. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Sarathi Kundu, Forster resonance energy transfer mediated globular protein sensing using polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles, ACS, Omega, 4 (2019) 20212-20222.

4. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Ashim Chandra Bhowal and Sarathi Kundu. Percolation dependent conducting behavior of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate) in the presence of cationic polyelectrolyte, Physica E, 107 (2019) 30–37.

5. Ashim Ch. Bhowal, Hrishikesh Talukdar, Sarathi Kundu, Preparation, characterization and electrical behaviors of PEDOT: PSS-Au/Ag nanocomposite thin films: an ecofriendly approach, Polymer Bulletin, 76, (2019) 5233- 5251.

6. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Sarathi Kundu. Restructuring of Polyelectrolyte thin films in presence of nonsolvent. Chemical Physics, 504 (2018) 57–65.

7. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Sarathi Kundu. Thin films of protein (BSA, lysozyme) - Polyelectrolyte (PSS) complexes show larger red-shift in optical emissions irrespective of protein conformation. Journal of Molecular Structure 1143 (2017) 84-90.

8. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Sarathi Kundu, Saibal Basu. Larger red-shift in optical emissions obtained from the thin films of globular proteins (BSA, lysozyme) – polyelectrolyte (PAA) complexes. Applied Surface Science 382 (2016) 121–127.

9. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Suman Sarkar and Sarathi Kundu, Investigation on out-of-plane electrical conductivity of PEDOT:PSS thin film in presence of cationic polyelectrolyte, AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030286 (2019).

10. Hrishikesh Talukdar and Sarathi Kundu, Thin film of polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles for protein sensing, AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 080030 (2018).

11. Hrishikesh Talukdar and Sarathi Kundu, Structural and optical behavior of thin films of protein (BSA)-Polyelectrolyte (PAA, PSS) complexes, AIP Conference Proceedings 1832, 080011 (2017).

12. Hrishikesh Talukdar and Sarathi Kundu, Structural and morphological modifications of polymer thin film in the presence of nonsolvent, AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 080031 (2016).


1. Sarathi Kundu, Hrishikesh Talukdar, Polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticle as efficient material for protein sensing (2022). Indian Patent-390613.

Book Chapters

1. Hrishikesh Talukdar and Sarathi Kundu, Protein-Polyelectrolyte Complexes: Structure and Properties, In: Foundation and Growth of Macromolecular Science, Apple Academic Press (AAP), 2023 (ISBN: 9781774913673).

2. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Properties of conjugated polyelectrolyte thin films and their applications in polymer solar cells, In: A book on selected topics in physics research, Gauhati University Press, 2021 (ISBN: 978-93-90919-64-2)

3. Suravi Kalita and Hrishikesh Talukdar, Covid-19 Pandemic: An Unprecedented blessing for nature, In: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on green societies, Springer 2021 (ISBN: 978-3-030-66489-3).

4. Hrishikesh Talukdar, An introduction to polymer material, In: An introduction to material science, Ashok publication, 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-84095-76-5)

Conference Paper Presentation

1. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Studies on Structural, Optical & Electrical Properties of Polyelectrolyte Thin Films, 64th DAE-Solid state Physics Symposium, 18-22 December, 2019 IIT-Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

2. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles as efficient material for protein sensing, 9th International Colloid Conference, 16-19 June, 2019, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.

3. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Modified optical behavior obtained from the thin films of protein-polyelectrolyte complex thin films, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials Science and Technology, 4-6 Januwary, 2017 NIT Nagaland, India.

4. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Restructuring of polyelectrolyte thin films in presence of nonsolvents, UGC-SAP (DRS III) sponsored national seminar on Advances on Material Science, 24-25 March 2017, Gauhati University, Assam, India.

5. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Electrical investigation of PEDOT:PSS in presence of cationic polyelectrolyte 63rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 18-22 December, 2018 GJUST, Hisar, Haryana, India.

6. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Thin film of polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticle for protein sensing, 62nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, BARC, 26-30 December 2017, Mumbai, India.

7. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Structural and optical behavior of thin films of protein-BSA, Lysozyme-polyelectrolyte, PAA, PSS complexes 61st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, KIIT University, 26-30 December 2016, Odisha, India.

8. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Structural and morphological modification of polymer thin films in presence of nonsolvent, 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Amity University, 21-25 December 2015, Noida, India.

9. Hrishikesh Talukdar, Nanopattern formation by thiol-caped Au nanoparticles on hard and soft surfaces, 4th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 15-18 November 2015, IITG, Assam, India.



1. “Arabic Teaching in Assam: Challenges and Prospects” with ISBN No. 978-93-82240-67-5, Viky Publication, Panbazar, Guwahati – 01

2. “Tarikh al-Adab al-Arabi al-Hadith min A’srinnahdhati hattal Aan” with ISBN No. 978-93-81850-48-0, Ashok Publication, Panbazar, Guwahati -01

Research Article

1. Gender Equality and Women’s Right in Islam, Published in “Sansarani”, ISSN: 2395-4558, Vol. III, No. I, 2019, by Women Study and Welfare Centre, ADP College, Nagaon

2. Iliya Abu Madi: A Pioneer of Modernity in Arabic Poetry, Published in an UGC approved International Journal of Education & Humanities “EDUCATION PLUS”, ISSN: 2277-2405, Vol. VIII, No. 1

3. Impact of Literary Societies to the Development of Arabic Literature both in North and South America, Published in “EDUCATION RAYS” a Peer Reviewed International Multidisciplinary Journal, ISSN: 2348-0467, fifth edition, 2016

4. Kitabu Tafseeru Ahkamul Quran Li Hakimul Ommah Al- Sheikh Ashraf Ali Al-Thanwi (R): Dirasa Maudhuaiyyah, published in Development of Tafseer Literature in India, proceedings of 5th National Seminar under SAP-DRS-I, department of Arabic, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

5. Women’s Literary Salons and Societies in the Arab World, Published in an International Journal of Education & Humanities, THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION, ISSN: 2320 –4710, Vol. II, No.1

6. D.H.Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers: A Thematic point of view, Published in an International Journal of Education & Humanities, EDUCATION AT THE CROSSROADS, ISSN: 2320 –0316, Vol. II, No.1

7. Arabic Poet Al-Mutanabbi: A Maslovian Humanistic Approach, Published in an International Journal of Education & Humanities, EDUCATION TIMES, ISSN: 2319 –8265, Vol. 1, No.1

8. Literary Contribution of Arabic to the Assamese Literature, Published in an International Journal of Education & Humanities, EDU CARE, ISSN: 2319 – 5282, Vol. 1, No.1



1. Udyata Dhour Rajhaah, (Drama Translation) 2024

2. Pragyan Gosthir GAVESANA PRAVAH, 2023

3. Axomiya Bhasa aru Sahityar Itihas, 2023

4. Context of Language Literature and Culture, 2023

5. Happy Villar Sunaru (Poem), 2009

6. Moran Janagosthir Bhasa Tulanamulak Alosona, 2012

7. Puroni Asomiya Ankiya Nat, 2013

8. Maniram Dewan, 2017

9. Rukmini Haran Kabya, 2016

10. Hirak Jeuti, 2018

11. Ahaar, 2020

12. Asomiya Sahitya Prabesh, 2020


1. Bhasa Aru Sahitya Itihaas, Book- Axomiya Bhasa aru Sahityar Itihas, Ed: Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia, July- 2023, Published by- Assam Book Trust, Guwahati, Assam.

2. Bodo Chandi Dasor Sri Krishna Kirtan aru Janmakhanda, Book- Axomiya Bhasa aru Sahityar Itihas, Ed: Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia, July- 2023, Published by- Assam Book Trust, Guwahati, Assam.

3. Moransakalar Loka Sanskriti aru Axomiya Sanskritiloi Abadan, Book- Pragyan Gosthir Gavasana Prabah, Ed; Dr Hemanta Deka, Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia, Total Pg of Book 383, Sept- 2023, Published by Assam Book Trust, Guwahati, Assam

4. Moran Bihu: Akaalor adhipatya aru Bartaman, Book- Moran Bihu: Parampara aru Paribartan, Ed: Chief Editor- Mridul Dahutia, Asst. Professor, Ed: Mantu Moran, June- 2023, Published by- Moran Sahitya Sabha

5. Ahar Natakar Bichar Bishlesan, Book- Axomiya Natak aru Paribeshan Saili, Ed: Trinayan Dutta, Nabajyoti Barua, Himakhi Deka, August- 2022, Published by- Assam Book Trust, Guwahati

6. Datal Hatir Unye Khowa Houda: Adhunik bad baichitya aru darshan, Book- Axomiya Chutigalpa aru Upanyas, Ed: Dr Bhanita Nath, May-2022, BD Prakash, Guwahati

7. Moran Samajor Bhasa Aru Ananya Janagosthir Bhasa: Ek Sadrishyagata Abalokan--- Book Name- MORAN SAMAJ SANSKRITIR RUPREKHA, Pulished by \'AXOM SAHITYA SABHA\'

8. Uttar purbanchalar ketbor loka-utshab aru loka- nrityadir prasanga:Eti Alosana, Editied by Prof. Jogen Kalita,published by DimoriaCollege in 2009,kamrup(M).Total page 320

9. Moran Janagosthir Bhasa: Eti Alosona Book name- Moran Matak Samaj Sanskriti, Editied by Dipen Moran, Published by Bengmora prakashan,Tinisukia in 2007.Total page 312,

10. Moran Khathita Bhasar Rup : Eti Tulanamulak Alosona. Book name: MORAN LOKA-SANASKRITI SAMBHAR, edited by Mridul Neog, Published by Sadou Moran Kala-sanskriti Bikash Kendra, in August 2007.Total page 226

11. Krishnakanta Handiquer Byoktigata Puthibhoral aru Prasangik Prasanga, Book: Axomiya Sahitya Prabesh, Ed. By Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia and Paresh Khanikar, Published by Assam Book Trust, Guwahati, Assam, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-89196-26-9

12. Laksminath Bezbaroar Moor Jiwan Huwaran: Eti Bislesanatmak adhyayan: Book Name: Laksminath Bezbaroa, Edited by Dr Biswajit Das, Published by Nowgong Girls College, 2015, ISBN-978-93-810694-3-4

13. Women right and their position in Globalization Era, Book- Contemporary women Issues: A reflection, Ed. By Mina Choudhoury, Director, Women study centre (UGC Sponsored), ADP College, Nagaon, 2015

14. Loka-Sanskriti aru Pratibad, Book Name- Asomiya Bhasa-Sahitya-Sanskriti, Edited by Dr Ratneswar Mili, Momi Sarma, Published by Olympia Prakashan, Rajgarh, Guwahati, ISBN- 978-93-5265-509-0, In 2016

15. Rukmini Haran Kaby, Edited Book by Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia, Published by Assam Book Trust, June 2016

16. Women Right and Position in Globalization Era, Book Name-Contemporary Women Issues, A reflectio, Edited by Mina Choudhyury, Published by ADP College, 2015, ISBN- 978-93-84879-18-7

17. Lakhyadhar Choudhurir Natak, Book Name: Axomiya Natya Parikrama, pg no. 471-491, Edited by Amal Chandra Das, Published by Banalata, Guwahati, Assam. ISBN: 978-81-933536-7-7 in February, 2018

18. Mamoni Raisom Goswamir Upanyas aru Chutigalpar Parjyalochana, Ed. Satyendra Bardoloi and Niharika Moran, Published by Purbayan, Satmile, Guwahati. ISBN: 978-93-87263-32-1, in March. 2018

19. Samalay, Edited by Syed Parvis Hussain, Chief Editor- Ujjal Powgam, Journal, Sadou Asom Kobi Sanmilan, in September, 2018.

20. Jati-Bhasa-Bhetir Chaitanya aru Onanya, Book Name- Hirak Jeuti, Chief Editor Dr Sanjib kumar Barkakati, Editor- Dr Jalin Prakash Chetia, Published by Dr Surajit Kumar Bhagowati, ADP College, Nagaon, ISBN- 978-93-84679-88-0, In September 2018

21. Defodil fool Dekhisa: England Americar Manasikatar Adhyayan, Book Name- Buhidihing, Edited by Jogeswar Moran, Mridul Kumar Dahutia, Surajit Bora, Published by Axom Sahitya Sabha Reception Committee, 74th Bordumsa-Burhidihing Session, in February 2018.

22. Abasthan aru uttaran prasangot Naari, Sancharinee, Edited by Dr Gayatri Das, Archana Talukdar, ISSN- 2395-4558, Published by Women Study and Welfare centre, ADP College, Nagaon, Assam in 2019.

23. Lakhyadhar Choudhurir Nimila Anko aru Bishnu Sarmar Bisar, Book Name- Prasanga Natak, Edited by Dr Ajit Bharali, Published by Chandra Prakash, Panbazar, Guwahati, ISBN- 978-81-244-0571-0, IN March 2019

24. Ankiya Natar Parichay, Book Name- Nirbachita Natya Manisha, Edited by Dhruba Kumar Sardar, Jayanta Dutta, Published by Assam Book Trust, Guwahati, ISBN- 978-81-939793-9-6, in May 2019

25. Ekobinxo Xatikar Asomiya Upanyas: Ek Bihongom Alokpat, Book- Ekobinxo Xatikar Asomiya Upanyas, Edited by Jayanta Dutta, Gitashree Dutta, ISBN- 978-93-89196, January 2020


1. Corrupt Text in Manuscript and Old Text: An Analytical Study, Creatcrit, A Peer Reviewed Research Journal, Ed: Dr Nigamanada Das, Vol- II, Issue- 2, July 2024, Published by Creatcrit Forum.

2. Comparative Literature: A Comparative Study, Creatcrit, A peer Reviewed Research Journal, Ed: Dr Nigamananda Das, Vol-10, Issue-I, Jan- 2023, Published by Creatcrit Forum.

3. Bhanumoti Upanyas: Kahini, Bastawata, Adhunikata Bishleshan, In Sancharini, 4th year, May-2024, Published by ADP College, Nagaon, Assam

4. DOGO RANGSANG (Research Journal): Mayamora Baishnav Dharma aru Moransakal: Eti Samikhya, Edited by Dr Upen Rabha Hakacham (Chief), Vol-II, Issue-II, January- 2015

5. CREATCRIT (Peer-Reviewed Research Journal): Comparative Literature: A Comparative Study, in January- 2023, Edited by DrNigamananda Das, Vol-10, No-1

6. SATSARI: Moran Janagyosthi Bisayak ek Anabadya Gavesanar Fasal, published in January- 2023

7. ‘The prevalent folk-speech of Moran Community in Tinsukia District: An Analysis’--- Annual Research Journal Named ‘ PRANJYA JYOTI’, Editor- Dr. Bijoya Barua (Rajkhowa), ISSN- 2230 7788. Associate Editor— JALIN CHETIA, Vol-I. Dec. 2010

8. In 'JANAKRISTI' research Journal of ‘AXOM JANAKRISTI SAMAJ’ Having ISSN NO- 0974-6188, Vol.2. no.5-6, 2011-12 Article Entitled: Moran Janagosthir Lokagit: Eti Samikhyamulak Adhayan

9. Janagosthiya Loka-Utsavar Sanmilita Prakash, Critical Review published in ‘SATSARI’, April- 2012. Edited by Anuradha Sarma Pujari.

10. Upadhi Samaharanor Anupam Sakhyar, UGC Care Listed Journal 'Satsari', 2014

11. Nativism: A conceptual Framwork, Creatcrit, Edited by Dr. Nityananda Pattanayak, A Peer-Reviewed Journal, Vol-7, No-2, July 2020, ISSN: 2347-8829

12. A comparative study of Devabrata Dasar Short Stories Arpitar Erati aru Nirmalir Sapon, Creatcrit, a peer-Revied National Research Journal, Vol-3,Issue-2, July 2016, ISSN- 2347-8829

13. Nativism in the west and east: A study, Creatcrit, vol-4, July 2017, ISSN: 2247-8829, Edited by Dr Nityananda Pattanayak, Asso Editor Dr Ajit Kr Singha

14. Shankardeva: Vinna Prekhyapat Vinna Dristipat, Satsari, Edited by Anuradha Sarma Pujari, ISSN- 2319-8893, in July 2017

About the Author

1. ডঃ জলীন প্ৰকাশ চেতিয়া জনগোষ্ঠীয় লেখক। অসমৰ প্ৰাক-চ্যুকাফাকালীন মৰাণ জনসমাজৰ ওপৰত দীৰ্ঘকাল ধৰি তেওঁৰ গৱেষণা অব্যাহত । সেইক্ষেত্ৰত গৱেষণা গ্ৰন্থৰ বাবে গুৱাহাটী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ডক্টৰেট ডিগ্ৰীও প্ৰদান কৰিছে । অসমীয়া ভাষা-সাহিত্য আৰু সংস্কৃতিৰ ক্ষেত্ৰলৈও লেখাৰে অৱদান আগবঢ়াইছে ।

Orientation Programme, Refresher Course, Faculty Development

1. UGC- MMTTC Refresher Course On Languages in Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab held from 8th January to 23rd January 2025

2. UGC- MMTTC Short Term Course on Community Engagement in Higher Education, by Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh, held from 22-10-2024 to 28-10-2024

3. Faculty Development Programme on Stress Management, Organised by Nowgong Girls\' College in Collaboration with ICT Academy (A Initiative of Govt. of India) held from 28th June to 4th July- 2022

4. Short Term Course On INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM in UGC-MMTTC Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh held from 21st Oct to 31st October 2023-2023

5. Short Term Course 0n NEP 2020: IMPLEMANTATION in UGC-HRDC Aligarh Muslim University held from 04th Oct to 10th October-2023

6. Faculty Development (FDP) Course on Electronics ICT Academy, Supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, IIT, Guwahati on USE OF ICT TOOLS CLASSROOM TEACHING on 29th April to 4th May 2019

7. Refresher Course (RC) in JNU, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in November 12 to December 07, 2018 (Interdisciplinary Course).

8. OP-132 (Orientation Programme) in AMU (Aligarh Muslim University, UGC-HRDC, Uttar Pradesh) in 27th June to 24th July,2014


1. Resource Person in Technical Session-III, NEP (National Education Policy), Organised by 8 Assam Bn NCC, HQ- Tezpur, Assam

2. Participated in Lipi Study Workshop, Organised by Mhapurush Srimanta Shankardeva Vishwavidyalaya on 20th & 21st February 2021

3. Participated In ‘Human Elephant Conflict Management Workshop, On 26-02-2021 Organised by ADP College, Nagaon, In Collaboration with Forest Department, Nagaon, Assam

4. Particapted in NMPB (Ministry of AYUSH) Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Discoveries In Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research and Its Sustainable Developmentt in North East India, Redimap-19 Organized by Department of Herbal Science and Technology, ADP College, Nagaon,on 29th and 30th August 2019

5. Particapted in SERB (DBT) Govt. of India Sponsored National Seminar on Bio-Research of North-East India: Advanced approaches in Research and Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Development, Organized by Department of Zoology, ADP College, Nagaon, on 7th and 8th February, 2019

6. Particapted in SERB (DBT), Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research and Its Sustainable Development in North East India, Organized by Department of Herbal Science and Technology, ADP College, Nagaon, on 17th and 18th August, 2018

7. Particapted in Workshop on Pedagogy for Faculty, Organized by IQAC & Herbal Science, ADP College, Nagaon, on 29th October 2018

8. Particapted in NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on Arabic Teaching in Assam: Challenges and Prospects, Organized by Department of Arabic, ADP College, Nagaon, In Collaboration with Socio Economic and Cultural development organization, on 12th and 13th August, 2017

9. Participated in Seminar: Paradigm shift in Higher Education in India: An Analysis,National Seminar on New Quality Paradigm in NAAC Accreditation, Sponsored by NAAC, Organised by IQAC, ADP College, Nagaon, 1st and 2nd March 2019

10. Participated in Seminar: Adhunik Axomiya Kobitat Narimukhi Bhabana: Eti Adhyayan, UGC Sponsored National Seminar, Organised by Hojai College on 24th & 25th June 2017

11. Participated in Seminar: Bhattadevar Katha-Gita: Eti Bislesanatmak Adhyayan, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Teaching of Gita and its relevance to contemporary society, Organised by Department of Philosophy and Department of Sanskrit, ADP College in Association with Nagaon Rastrabhasa Mahavidyalaya Prabandhan Samiti, 4th and 5th August 2017


1. Participated in Covid-19 Training for NCC Cadets and Successfully completed the Training on 02 May 2020, Organized by iGOT, Govt of India, Department of Personnel and Training, DIKSHA

2. Participated in State Level Webinar On BHARATIYA SAHITYAR Tulanamulak Adhyayan: Gati-Prakriti aru Swarup, Organized by Department of Assamese, Lanka Mahavidyalaya, Lanka, In Collaboration With IQAC, Lanka Mahavidyalaya, On 13th September 2020

3. Participated in National Webinar On Tulanamulak Sahitya aru Bharatiya Prekhyapot (Comparative Literature & Indian Perspective), Organized by Department of Assamese, B.H.B. College, Sarupeta, Assam, On 9th September 2020

4. Participated in National Webinar On Bhakti Movement in Assam: Fifteenth Century to Twenty First Century, Organized by Department of Assamese, Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya, Nasatra, Barpeta, On 30th August 2020

5. Participated in National Webinar On COVID Mohamari: Axomiya Sanskritit Iyaar Prabhab aru Sambhabona, Organized by Department of Assamese, Pithubar Girls’ Degree College, Khowang, Dibrugarh, Assam, On 29-08- 2020

6. Participated in National Webinar On Adhunik Hindi Kabita Ki Bikash Yatra, Organized by Department of Hindi, In Collaboration With IQAC, Raha College, Nagaon, Assam, On 27-08- 2020

7. Participated in National Webinar On DIGITAL EDUCATION IN INDIA, Organized by Department of Political Science, Rabindrasadan Girls’ College, Karimganj and Research & Publication Cell, Govt. Zawlnuam College, MIZORAM, On 25th August 2020

8. Participated in National Webinar On MODERNISM and ASSAMESE NOVEL, Organized Jointly by Department of English and Assamese, In Collaboration With Economics Department, Hatichong College, Nagaon, Assam, On 22-08-2020

9. Participated in National Webinar On Axomor Mukha Silpor Oitiya aru Saamproyik Samoiot Orthonoitik Swabolombitat Iyaar Gurutta, Jointly Organized by Department of Assamese and Pub Majuli College, Majuli, Assam, On 17-08-2020

10. Participated in National Webinar On Self-Reliant India (Atma Nirbhar Bharat), Organized by Department of Commerce, ASSAM UNIVERSITY, Diphu On 16th August 2020

11. Participated in National Webinar On Tiwa Language-Literature-Culture: Past-Present and Future, Organized by SAMPRITI, A National Research Journal, Guwahati, In Association With Tiwa Pathra, Morigaon, Assam, On 16-08-2020

12. Participated in National Webinar On Towards Better and Balanced Life: Positive Mental Health and Well-Being, Organized by Department of Education, ADP College, Nagaon, In Collaboration With Council for Teacher Education Foundation, Assam, On 13-08-2020

13. Participated in National Webinar On Tai Phake Language and Folk Literature (Tai Phake Bhasa aru Loka-Sahitya), Organized by Department of Assamese, Dibru College, On 07-08-2020

14. Participated in National Webinar On Samprotik Prekhyapot aru Axomiya E-Sahitya, Organized by Department of Assamese & Political Science, Laluk College, In Collaboration with Department of Assamese, Nowboicha College on 02-08-2020

15. Participated in National Webinar On Axomiya Bhasa-Sahityar Prosaranot Baidutin Madhyamor Bhumika: Himabaddhata aru Sambhaboniyata (The Role of Electronic Media in the Development of Assamese Language & Literature: Limitations and Prospects) , Organized by Department of Assamese, In Collaboration with IQAC, Lanka Mahavidyalaya

16. Participated in National Webinar On Srimanta Sankardeva and Sri Chaitanyadeva in the Perspective of Bhakti Movement, Organized by Department of Bengali, Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College (ADP College), Nagaon, Assam

17. Participated in National Webinar On ASSAMESE SCIENCE LITERATURE , Organized by Department of Assamese, On 23-07-2020, L. T. K. College, Azad, North-Lakhimpur

18. Participated in National Webinar On Effective Use of Online E-Resources and E-Learning Platforms for Quality Enhancement, Organized by Library and IQAC of Mahila Mahavidyalaya, NAGPUR, In Collaboration with Assam College Librarians’ Association (ACLA) on 14th July 2020

19. Participated in National Webinar On Role of IQAC in Higher Education Institutions, Resourceed by Dr Ganesh A Hedge, Adviser, NAAC, UGC, New Delhi, on 10th July 2020, Organized by BN College, Dhubri, Assam

20. Participated in National Webinar On The Present Scope and Future of Folklore and Cultural Studies in Nort-East India, Organized by Centre for Cultural Studies & Research, Pandu College, In Collaboration with Research and Resurgence Foundation, Uttar Assam Prant on 8th July 2020

21. Participated in National Webinar On Samprotik Prekhyapotot Axomiya Sahityar Jatrapath, Organized by Literary Forum, Department of Assamese, Suren Das College, Hajo On 1st July 2020

22. Participated in Webinar On Use of Online E-Resources, Jointly Organized by Central Library & Dept. of Chemistry, ADP College, Nagaon, In Collaboration with Assam College Librarians Association (ICT Cell), Assam, on 23rd June 2020

23. Participated in Webinar On FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL: IDEAS FOR A BETTER FUTURE, Organized by IQAC, K.C. Das Commerce College, Guwahati on 13th June 2020.

Research Journal Edited

1. ‘PRANJYA JYOTI’, VOL-I, 2010---- As an Associate Editor, Chief Editor- Dr. Bijoya Baruah (Rajkhowa), Published by Post-Graduate Dept. of Assamese, Dimoria College, Khetri, Kamrup (Metro), ISSN NO-2230-7788, Assam., India.


1. ‘The Moranmese or Moran Assamese Language’—( Bi-ennial Magazine/Mouthpiece, Published by Central Body of All Assam Moran Student Union, Tinsukia, Sarbananda Singha Nagar, 2008-2010)

2. ‘The Moranmese or Moran Assamese Language’—(Magazine, Bi-ennial , Published by Central Body of All Assam Moran Student Union, Tinsukia, 2010)

3. Janagyosthiye Janagyosthiye- (Dhansiri, Magazine From Nagaland, 23- 24th may 2009)


1. Invited as Chief Guest for Sipa Journal annual Meeting in 10th September 2019, at Tinisukia District, Assam

2. Invited as Inaugurator of Mouthpiece of ASOM MORAN SABHA Bi-Ennial Conference, Kakapather Regional Committee, Tinisukia, in January 2021 etc.

3. Invited as Chief Guest for delivering lecturer in the All Assam Moran Student Union Conference, Digboi Anchalik Samiti, Digboi, Tinisukia District, Assam in 2014

4. Invited as a Guest Speaker, 83rd Coference of Mahapurush Srimanta Sankardev Sangha (Kendriya Adhibeshan), Digboi, Tinisukia, Assam, India.

5. Rabha Sahitya Sabha Adhibeshan, held on 23rd Dec.2012 at Guwalpara Dist. Bardamal, Organised by Gualpara Dist. Rabha Sahitya Sabha. Invitee As RESOURCE PERSON.


1. INTERNATIONAL Workshop on Application of Remote Sensing & GIS, Organised by ADP College in Collaboration with ASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANGKOK, THAILAND held from 26th Dec to 1st January- 2020

2. PLSI (Peoples Linguistics Survey In India) Workshop held on 26 & 27 April 2012, at IST Department, G.U.

3. On RUSA- Rastriya uccha sikhsya abhiyan, Organised By AACTA (All Assam College Teacher Association), at Nowgong College, in 2014

4. On Assam Language Field, Organized by PLSI (Peoples Linguistics Survey In India) at Gauhati University, Assam in 2012.

5. On Human right, Organised by ADP college, Nagaon, Assam in 2014

6. On Linguistics field, Organised by Dhing College, Nagaon in 2013


1. Janakristi Bichitra: Lokatatwik Samal Anwesanar Syakhyar, Published in AJIR DAINIK BATORI, Sahitya Sitan, in 4th April, 2011

2. Sisur Manastawik Nandanikatar Anabadya Prakash- Khandabakyar Khoka-Khunda, Published in AJIR DAINIK BATARI, in 27th June 2011

3. Anya Ejon Singhapurusar Jiban-Gatha, On Sashi Sarma, Published in AXOMIYA PRATIDIN news paper, in 26th April 2006

4. Moran Janagyosthir loka-sanskritik pratiphalan- in AXOMIYA PRATIDIN news paper, Enajori, 10th November 2007

5. Jatiyatabadir Swadesh Chatainya: Ek Kabyik Prakash, Published in Ajir Dainik Batari, in 18th April 2011

6. Bidyathir Babe Upajugi Grantha, Published in Ajir Dainik Batari News Paper, Published in 23rd June 2006

7. Madhab Kandalir Ramayanat Lokayat Jiban, Published in DAINIK AGRADOOT News Paper in 12th March 2007

8. Hukhapathya Kabya Grantha ‘Simalu Kol Pokise’, Published in DAINIK AGRADOOT News Paper in 14th February 2005

9. Duta Kobita, Poetry Published in AJI Newspaper, in 5th May 2010

10. Sikhya Hoise Ekhon Samajor Merudanda, news Published on Educational Career in 20th July 2015, In Dainik Janambhumi

11. ‘Anya ajon singha purusar jiban gatha’- (Discussion on Sasi Sarma life in \'Axomiya Pratidin Kakat\', Enajori Sitaan, 26th April 2008)

12. ‘Xaratar Durga Mahis Mardini Durga’ in Chiyanr Bartalosoni,1-15th October, 2008

13. ‘Bandha Kar Babe’- in Dainik Agradoot, Editorial page, 27th February 2006

14. ‘Natyakar Arun Sarmar Dristi aru Sristi’ in Chiyanr Bartalosoni, vol- 7, published from Jagirod and Jorabat, 15th August-2007

15. Kabi Kabita aru Ananya Samalosanatmak Prakash, in Ajir dainik batari, in 14th March 2011.

16. Nirab karmajyogi Adhyapak Hariprasad Medhir para Sasi Sarmar Hanhi Bisari- AJI Paper, 6th January 2010

17. Biju Kumarar Panimoti Jokhini, Published in Ajir Dainik Batari news Paper in 26th June 2010

18. Adhunik Jiban Bikhyar Majedi ek Loka-Sanskritik Abalokan- in Aji Paper, 23rd Dec, 2009

19. Magna Saitoinyare Gaon, Jiban aru Jagat Upalabdhir Murtaman Prakash- in Aji Paper, 18th nov. 2009

20. Bidyathir Babe Upajugi Grantha, Published in Ajir Dainik Batari News Paper, Published in 23rd June 2006

21. Kabitat Jatiya Setana- Gabekhanatmak Dristibhangir Akarkhaniya Grantha- in Ajir dainik batari, 26th may, 2006

22. Loka-Sahitya Samparkiya Dukhan Guruttapurna Grantha- in Ajir dainik batari, 24th march, 2006

23. Digboir Kabita- Ek Ananya Sangjozan- in Ajir Dainik Batari, 3rd march, 2006

24. Moran Janagyosthir loka-sanskritik pratiphalan- Axomiya Pratidin, enajori 10th November 2007

International Webinar

1. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Impact of Covid-19 on Socio Economic & Educational Scenario, Organized by S.D. College of Engineering & Technology, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, A Unit of Sanatan Dharam College Association, on 14th July, 2020

2. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Population, Pandemic and the Economy- Local and Global Perspectives, I- India and The World, II- Assam and the North-East , Organized by Department of Economics, In Association with IQAC, COTTON UNIVERSITY, Guwahati, Assam on 30-07-2020 to 31-07-2020

3. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Skill Learning & Effective Teaching, Organized by Department of Education, Arya Vidyapeeth College,Guwahati, Assam, On 19th September 2020

4. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On 13-09-2020, Rashtriya Ekata Mei Tulanatmak Sahitya aur Anubad Ki Bhumika, Organized by Department of Hindi, In Collaboration With Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Moridhal College, Dhemaji, Assam

5. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Sixth Schedule and Linguistic Issues of Tribals In North-East India, Organized by Department of Political Science, DHS Kanoi College, Dibrugarh, With Support from LISPA, Held on 10-09-2020

6. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Understanding South-East Asia Through The Lens of Act East Policy, Organized by Department of Political Science, In Collaboration With IQAC, Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko, Assam, On 30th August 2020

7. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Covid-19 Pandemic: Mapping Issues and Challenges Through Gender Perspective, On 12 and 13th August 2020, Organized by Department of Economics, In Association with IQAC, Women Cell, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam

8. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Mental Hygiene and Healthy Lifestyle, Organized by Aitihya Eshonaa: An Organisation of Socio-Cultural Research, Anweshan: A Group of Writers, AD Creation01: YouTube Channel, In Collaboration with Library and Information Science Professionals Association (LIPSA), Assam, On 8th August 2020

9. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Interdisciplinary Webinar and Panel Discussion On Pandemic and Development Dynamics: In Search of the World of Grace, Organized by IQAC, ADP College and Department of Economics, In Association with INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, on 31-07-2020

10. Participated in INTERNATIONAL Webinar On Post Pandemic Higher Education: Approaches and way Forward, Organized Jointly by IQAC and Department of Education, Nandalal Borgohain City College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India, Held on 23rd July 2020

International Seminar, Workshop

1. Particapted in International Seminar on Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankardeva: Theory and Praxis in the Context of Social Reconstruction and Development, On 29th January 2021, Organized by Madhav Sanskriti Nyas in Association with Batadrava Than Parichalana Samiti and in Collaboration with Mahapueusha Srimanta Sankardeva Viswavidyalaya (MSSV), Nagaon, Nowgong College, Morigaon College, ADP College, Khagarijan Coleege, THB College and Majuli Coollege

2. Particapted in International Workshop on Application of Remonte Sensing & GIS, Organized by IQAC & Herbal Science, ADP College, Nagaon, on 6th December to 1st January, 2020

In Sahitya Akademi

1. Participated in in SAHITYA AKADEMI Symposium/Asmita/Literary Forum/Meet the Author on 18th & 19th February, 2019, Organised by ADP College, Assamese & English Department and Assamese Department of Nowgong Girls College


Selected Journal publication

1. Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of Chitosan/Kaolin clay biocomposite films,Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Wiley-VCH,I.F 2.99 (Scopus Index) (accepted)2023

2. Poly(methyl methacrylate) modified Starch:  Their preparations, properties and applications Journal- Polímeros,Impact factor 1.6 (Scopus Index) Review Articles ( accepted)2023

3. Optimizing the synthesis parameter and characterization of nanocomposite starch-g-poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene) prepared via emulsion polymerization process for biodegradable application Journal- Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE)(2022) SCI IF 1.9(Scopus)

4. Effect of pH variation on size and antibacterial activities of ZnS-ZnO nanocomposite towards application in water treatment. J. Barman,Journal of Nano Structure, Scopus and Web Of Science index,2021

5. Effect of size and photo variation on antioxidant and antibacterial activities of silvernanoparticles from Dioscorea alata L. aqueous Bulbil extract,J. Barman, A. Das, F. Sultana,B.Banik, . Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences,2021(Web of Science)

6. Effect of Fe doping variation on size and structure in Composite ZnS /CdS quantum dot towards efficiency in antimicrobial activityJ.BARMAN, BAPAN BANIK, FARHANA SULTANA, Vol. 31, No. 4,. Romanian Journal of Biophysics, 2021(UGC Care List)

7. Optimizing ZnO/CdS Nanocomposite controlled by Fe doping towards efficiency in water treatment and antimicrobial activity ,Jayanta Barman,Archana Das, Bapan Banik, Farhana Sultana, Journal of Current world environment,2021( Scopus)

8. Development and Evaluation of Herbal Mosquito Repellent Cream, Bapan Banik;Jayanta Barman; Manash Pratim Dutta; Nikita Bhowmick, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2021, Vol : 14, Issue : 12( Scopus index)

9. .Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of (R)-(-)-4-Phenyl-2 Oxazolidinone Based Azetidinones Shyamal Baruah, Amrit Puzari1,*, Farhana Sultana2 and Jayanta Barman2, Anti-Infective Agents, 2018, 16, 000-000 9 (2018)( Scopus)

10. .” Biogenic synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles using Polygonum chinense leaf extract and their Antibacterial activity” Farhana Sultana, Jayanta Barman, M.C.Kalita; International Journal of Nanotechnology and Application (IJNA). (Accepted) (2017) ( UGC Approve)

11. “ Opto electronics and antimicrobial activity of composite Znic Sulphide and Cadmium sulphide Quantum dot and application in water treatment” J. Barman ,Farhana Sultana, , Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics.55,231-236(2017) ( Scopus)

12. “Optical and optoelectronic properties of CdS thin films and nanostructured films prepared by CBD technique.” K.Sarma, Jayanta Barman, M.Sarma and K.C.Sarma J. Assam Sc Soc, 47 (2007) 52

13. “Synthesis of mix Zinc oxide and Cadmium sulphide Nanoparticles, Optoelectronic and antimicrobial activity and application in Water Treatment”, J.Barman, Farhana Sultana, ISOR Journal of Applied Physics, , 2016; 8(1): 46-51

14. “Green Synthesis, optical characterization and application of silver nanoparticles of Paederia foetida L. leaf extract”,Farhana Sultana and J.Barman, communicated in Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics., on January 2014( accepted)

15. ‘Structural and optical properties of Zinc Oxide Quantum dot and application in optoelectronics and water treatment’ J.Barman, International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015; 5(2): 25-28. ( UGC Approve)

16. “A biological approach to synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Houttuynia cordata Thunb and comperative antioxidant study of plant extract and synthesized nanoparticles” Farhana Sultana, Jayanta Barman etal, International Journal of Materials and Biomaterials Applications 5(2): 10-16.2015

17. “Green Synthesis and optoelectronic characterization of silver nanoparticles prepared using aquous Houttunia cordata leaf extract and its potential application as antibacterial agent “,Farhana Sultana, Jayanta Barman, Mousmi Saikia, Journal of Harmonized research in engineering 3(1) 2015, 34-41

18. “Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Quantum dot, antimicrobial activity and application for Water Treatment”, J.Barman, Journal of Harmonized research in Applied Science 3(1) 2015,

19. “Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanoparticles by chemical growth technique”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora and K.C. Sarma, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Material - Rapid Communication.2(12), (2008), 770. ( UGC Approve)

20. “Effect of pH on ZnS nanocrystalline thin film embedded in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix”, J.P. Bora, Jayanta Barman and K.C. Sarma, International Journal of modern physics B Vol. 24, No. 29 (2010) 5663–5673. World Scientific ( UGC Approve)

21. “Optical properties of chemically prepared CdS quantum dots in polyvinyl alcohol”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora, K.C. Sarma, International Journal of modern physics B Vol. 23, No. 4 (2009) 545-555,World Scientific. ( UGC Approve)

22. “Structural and optical properties of CdS nanoparticles”, J.P. Bora, Jayanta Barman, K.C.Sarma, Chalcogenide Letters, 5(9) (2008), 201. ( UGC Approve)

23. “Effect of pH variation on size and structure of CdS nanocrystalline thin films”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora and K.C. Sarma, Chalcogenide Letters, 5(11) (2008), 265. ( UGC Approve)

24. “Structural and optical studies of chemically prepared nanocrystalline thin films” Jayanta Barman, K.C. Sarma, M. Sarma, K. Sarma, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics., 46(2008) 339. ( UGC Approve)

25. “Structural and optical properties of CdS nanoparticles” Jayanta Barman, K.C. Sarma, Indian Journal of phys, 82(7) (2008), 855.Springer ( UGC Approve)

26. “Structural and optical properties of CdS nanoparticles” Jayanta Barman, K.C. Sarma, Indian Journal of phys, 82(7) (2008), 855.Springer

27. “ Opto electronics and antimicrobial activity of composite Znic Sulphide and Cadmium sulphide Quantum dot and application in water treatment” J. Barman ,Farhana Sultana, , Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics.55,231-236(2017) ( Scopus)

28. “Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanoparticles by chemical growth technique”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora and K.C. Sarma, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Material - Rapid Communication.2(12), (2008), 770. ( scopus index)

29. “Effect of pH on ZnS nanocrystalline thin film embedded in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix”, J.P. Bora, Jayanta Barman and K.C. Sarma, International Journal of modern physics B Vol. 24, No. 29 (2010) 5663–5673. World Scientific ( scopus index)

30. “Optical properties of chemically prepared CdS quantum dots in polyvinyl alcohol”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora, K.C. Sarma, International Journal of modern physics B Vol. 23, No. 4 (2009) 545-555,World Scientific. ( scopus index)

31. “Structural and optical properties of CdS nanoparticles”, J.P. Bora, Jayanta Barman, K.C.Sarma, Chalcogenide Letters, 5(9) (2008), 201. (scopus index)

32. “Effect of pH variation on size and structure of CdS nanocrystalline thin films”, Jayanta Barman, J.P. Bora and K.C. Sarma, Chalcogenide Letters, 5(11) (2008), 265. ( Scopus index)


1. “Green Synthesis, optical characterization and application of silver nanoparticles of Houttuynia cordata leaf extract”, Farhana Sultana, Mousmi Saikia and J.Barman, Recent Advances in Biotechnological Research in North East India: Challenges and Prospects” Dept of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologt,Tezpur University, November 27-29,(2014)

2. “ Synthesis of ZnS nanocrystalline thin film in PVA matrix by chemical deposition” B. Barman1*, J. Barman, N. M. Singh, N. Choudhary, K.C. Sarma, The 54th Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society, February (2009)

3. “Synthesis& characterization of Nano crystalline thin film and Quantum dot” Jayanta Barman, K.C.Sarma, R.Bhadra, J.P.Borah, National conf on Advance in Technologically Important Crystal. Delhi university, October 12-14(2006)

4. .“Design Consideration of an Instrumentation Amplifier for Optoelectronic applications”; R.K. Bordoloi, J. Barman and K.C. Sarma; Presented at the 50th Annual Technical Session and National Conference on Current Trends of Research in Science and Technology, Assam Science Society; Gauhati University; 28-29 Jan. (2005)

5. “Chemical bath deposited CdS thin films for application as photosensor”. Jayanta Barman, K.C.Sarma, R..K.Bordoloi, National conference on current Trends of Research in Sci& Tech, 28 and 29 Jan, (2005),Gauhati University

6. “Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Elsholtzia blenda leaf extract and their application in water purification” Farhana sultana, Jayanta Barman, M.C.Kalita, International conference on emerging trends in nanomaterials science and technology. (2017)

7. “ Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using dioscorea alataI.Bulbil extract and its biological activity”, Mousmi Saikia, Farhana Sultana, Bhaskar Saikia and Jayanta Barman, International Conf on Disease Biology and Therapeutics(ICDBT2014) IASST, 3rd to 5th December,(2014)

8. “Development of mice for study of certain molecular pathways involved in liver fibrosis” Farhana Sultana and J.Barman, International Conf on Disease Biology and Therapeutics(ICDBT2014) IASST, 3rd to 5th December,(2014)

9. “Synthesis&characterization of ZnS and ZnO nano crystals” R.Bhadra,J.P.Bora, K.C.Sarma,P.Dutta,J.Barman, International Conf on Computers and Devices for communication, (CODEC-06), University of Calcutta.(2006)

10. “Vacuum Evaporated CdTe Thin Films for application as Photodetector”; K.C. Sarma, R.K. Bordoloi J. Barman and P.C. Kalita; Proceeding of the International Conference on Instrumentation (INCON-04), PIET, Pune; 19-21 Dec. (2004).


1. Child Marrage: An obstacle of Adolesent Girl books on Contemporary Women Issues A Reflection.

2. Gandhi and Gandhian Education book on Gandhian concept: Interrogation and Exploration.

3. Recent progress in light-triggered nanotheranostics for cancer treatment, Elsevier, 9780128217122/ 2020

4. Application of Nanobiotechnology in Clinical Diagnosis , Springer Publisher, 978-981-15-6254-9/2020


1. Electricity and Magnetism for B.Sc Honours CBCS Course Published by Keder Nath RamNath publisher (Delhi) International Publication. ( 2020)

2. Waves and Optics for B.Sc Honours CBCS Course Published by Keder Nath RamNath publisher (Delhi) International Publication. ( 2020)

3. Introduction to Solid State Physics for B.Sc Honors Student, Book Land (2017)

4. Modern Approach to Electronics for B.Sc Honors Student, Book Land (2017)

5. . Hand book on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by Kalyani Publisher (2014), New Delhi


Research Paper

1. Incidence of Bonded Labourer in Brick Kiln Industry in Nagaon District,Assam. Published in 2013,in the Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar ,ISBN-978-93-81694-5.

2. Some aspects of Brick Kiln industries in Nagaon District,Assam.Creatcrit:vol-1,N0-1,January 2014 ISBN :2347-8829

3. Economic and Social sustainability of Brick Kilns and its impact on land used pattern in Nagaon District, Assam. Published by Organizing committee , Kaliabor College Teachers Unit.ISBN978-93-81694-25-1


Scopus Publications

1. Synthesis and Characterization of Molybdenum Incorporated Cubic Mesoporous Materials and the Study of Catalytic Activity of SBA-1 and MCM-48, Dhanju Mani Pathak, Kishor Kr Shah, Pankaj Kumar Ghosh and Anup Kumar Talukdar, Asian Journal of Chemistry 33(10) (April 2022) 1189-1196. ISSN 0970-7077 (Scopus).

2. 13. Post Synthesis Architectural Pore Modification of Mobil Five (MFI) Zeolite for Enhancing its Catalytic Activity, Monjumoni Das, Kishor Kr Shah and Anup Kumar Talukdar, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 26 (2) (February 2022). ISSN 0972-0626 (Scopus).

3. Synthesis and Characterization of Architecturally Modified Mesoporous-Microporous MFI (Mobil Five) Zeolite with Enhanced Catalytic Activity, Dhanju Mani Pathak, Pankaj Kumar Ghosh, Kishor Kr Shah and Anup Kumar Talukdar, Asian Journal of Chemistry 33(10) (September 2021) 2430-2438. ISSN 0970-7077 (Scopus).

4. Study of Mesoporous Ru-MCM-48 Materials: Synthesis, Modification and Characterization, Kishor Kr Shah, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, Vol. 23 (7) July (2019). ISSN 0972-0626

5. Ca-modified MFI zeolite: A study on its synthesis, characterization and catalytic Activity, Kishor Kr Shah and Jitu Saikia, Iranian Journal of Catalysis 9(4), 2019, 273-280.

6. A study on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of ruthenium-substituted MFI (Mobil Five) zeolite,Kishor Kr Shah and Anup K Talukdar, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 40, No. 7, December 2017, pp. 1301–1308.

7. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of indium substituted nanocrystalline Mobil Five (MFI) zeolite, Kishor Kr. Shah, Mithun Nandi, Anup K. Talukdar , Materials Research Bulletin 66 (2015) 101–108.

8. Synthesis and characterization of isomorphously zirconium substituted Mobil Five (MFI) zeolite, Kishor Kr. Shah, Jitu Saikia, Durlov Saikia and Anup K. Talukdar, Materials Chemistry and Physics 134 (2012) 43– 49.

Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Study of catalytic activity of Ru-MFI zeolite for hydroxylation of phenol, Kishor Kr Shah, Bholanath College Science Journal, July (2017), Vol.2, ISSN 2455-6165.

2. Synthesis, modification and characterization of mesoporous MCM-48 materials, Kishor Kr Shah, Bholanath College Science Journal, April (2017), Vol.2, ISSN 2455-6165.

3. Removal of Iron (III) from water using mango, guava and neem bark ash as adsorbent, Kishor Kr Shah, Delve, November (2015), Vol. 4, ISSN 2278-7402.

4. Synthesis and characterization of Magnesium modified Mobil Five (MFI) Zeolite, Jitu Saikia, Kishor Kr Shah and Anup K Talukdar, International Journal of Engineering Research & Science & Technology 3 (2) 2014, ISSN 2319-5991.

5. Omega-3-fatty acids, Kishor Kr. Shah, Creatcrit 1(1) (2014) 122–130, ISSN 2347-8829.


1. Physical Chemistry, text book for BSc 5th semester, ISBN 978-93-93610-60-7, Year: 2022 , Published by Ashok Publication House, Guwahati.

2. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy, text book for BSc 6th semester, ISBN 978-93-86302-53-3, Year: 2018 , Published by Eastern Book House, Guwahati.

Book Published as Editor

1. Proceedings of National Seminar on New Quality Paradigm in NAAC Accreditation (118) , ISBN 978-93-85310-54-6.

Chapter in Books

1. Ethno-medicinal plants used by tribal communities in Ita-Para area of Nagaon, Assam, India (137-151), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Discoveries and Development in North-East India, ISBN 978-93-90863-00-6, Year-2022 (June).

2. Role of Metal ions for Good Quality Production of Bottle Gourd (312-317), Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research and Its Sustainable Development in North-East India (REDIMAP-2018), ISBN 978-93-88881-13-5, Year- 2019.

3. Comparative study of the hydroxylation of phenol over Zr-MFI (135-143), Recent Advances in Medicinal plants Research of North East India, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7, Year-2017.

4. Calcium modified Mobil Five (MFI)Zeolite: A Green Approach for its synthesis and characterization (137-145), Proceedings of the national seminar on Advances in Physical and Biological Sciences, ISBN 978-81-92178-30-1, Year- 2016.

5. The Cell phone radiation and its probable impact on human being (65-70), Proceedings of National Workshop on Impact of Cell-phone Radiation on Environment, ISBN 978-81-925433-8-3, Year- 2014.

Web of Science (WoS) Publications

1. Physico-chemical evaluation of soil conditions suitable for bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) production in Nagaon district of Assam, India, Kishor Kr Shah1, Bijumoni Borah, Amlan Pratim Hazarika and Dhanju Mani Pathak, Crop Research, Vol. 56 (3 & 4), July 2021, 143-147. ISSN 0970-4884.

UGC-CARE (Group-I)

1. Wet air oxidation of phenol on oxides of Fe(III), Mn(IV), Ti(IV) and Goethite, Gitali Baruah, Linton Hazarika, Kishor Kr Shah and Krishna G. Bhattacharyya, Current Catalysis,11 (June 2022). ISSN 2211-5447 (UGC-CARE Group-I).



1. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, Influence of substrate properties on the efficiency of Dye sensitized solar cells; International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 1 (7), 269-276.

2. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, On the Structural, Thermal and Optical properties of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Nanoparticles; Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 06 (S3), 55-58.

3. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, Begonia dye as an efficient anthocyanin sensitizer, J. Renewable and Sustainable energy, 5, 043115, 1-10

4. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Study on DSSC Sensitized with Begonia malabarica Lam., Material Science Forum, 771, 133-141.

5. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, Performance of fruit extract of Melastoma malabathricum L. as sensitizer in DSSCs. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 118, 938-943.

6. Lakshmi K. Singh, T. Karlo and A. Pandey, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic study of anatase TiO2 nanoparticle, Material Science Forum, 781, 127-133.

7. Bishnu P. Koiry, Arindam Chakraborty, Lakshmi K. Singh, R. K. Nath , Non-ionic fluorinated amphiphilic block copolymer via RAFT polymerization and their application as surfactant in emulsion polymerization, Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (1), Part 2, 2040-2048, 2018.

8. Lakshmi K. Singh, Bishnu P. Koiry Natural Dyes and their Effect on Efficiency of TiO2 based DSSCs: a Comparative Study, Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5 (1), Part 2, 2112-2122, 2018.

9. Rangaraj Bhattacharjee, Lakshmi K. Singh, Ananya Bhattacharjee Explication of absorbed dose defines radiotherapy – A study of unification, ELSEVIER, Materials Today: Proceedings, Received 25 March 2020, Revised 21 May 2020, Accepted 31 May 2020, Available online 4 July 2020.


1. Foliage Diagnosis of Plant Disease based on Image Processing Algorithm, M. K. Singh, S. Chetia and Lakshmi K. Singh, Internet of Things and Businesses in a Disruptive Economy, pp- 191-216, Nova Science Publisher, New York, 2021, ISBN No. 978-1-53619-016-8.

2. Noise Pollution: Its Cause, effects and abatements, Lakshmi K. Singh, Impact of Noise Pollution on Environment with special reference to Traffic Noise., Editor Debabrata Debnath, ISBN No. 9788120288041, 2017.

3. Electro-chemical impedance study of Lanthanum Molybate doped with Strontium, Lakshmi K. Singh, Hirak Jeuti, Souvenir, ADP College, 2018, ISBN No. 9789384679880, 2018.

4. Challenges and Effectiveness in Teaching-learning process in higher education, Lakshmi K. Singh, Proceedings of New Quality Paradigm in NAAC accreditation, ISBN No. 978-93-85310-54-6, 2019.

5. Compilation of Information of Path-breaking Contributions of Women Scientists in the World of Physics, Lakshmi K. Singh, SANCHARINEE, Dr. Gayatree Das and Archana Talukdar, Women Study and Welfare Centre, ADP College, Nagaon, , ISBN No. 2395-4558, pp 82-87, 2019.

6. Natural Rubber: Its Importance and Application to Finished Products, Bishnu P. Koiry, Lakshmi K. Singh, Advances in Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter, Eastern Publisher (India), ISBN No. 978-93-88881 20-3, pp 65-74, 2020.

7. Development of a CVD System for Tin Oxide Deposition, Lakshmi K. Singh, Advances in Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter, Eastern Publisher (India), ISBN No. 978-93-88881 20-3, pp 86-94, 2020.


1. Introduction to Computer and Computer Programming with Applications, ISBN No. 9789384095727, Authors-Lakshmi K. Singh, Bishnu P. Koiry, Ashok Publication, Ghy

2. Advances in Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter, ISBN No. 978 93 88880 000, Editor- Lakshmi K. Singh, Eastern Book House (India).


Care list journal

1. হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ ভাষিক চেতনাৰ ফেহুজালি: অসমীয়া ভাষা, সাতসৰী,ISSN 2319 8893,May.22

2. স্বৰাজোত্তৰ অসমত সত্ৰ আৰু শ্ৰীমন্তশঙ্কৰদেৱ সংঘ, ঐতিহ্য,The Heritage,vol XI, issue 2, ISSN 2229-5399

3. সত্ৰ আৰু ঔপনিৱেশিক যুগৰ অসমীয়া সমাজ, ঐতিহ্য The Heritage,vol IV, issur 1, ISSN 2229-5399

4. ????????? ?????????: ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ??????,The Heritage, Issue 3, vol II,2011, ISSN 2229-5399

Care list journal

1. হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ ভাষিক চেতনাৰ ফেহুজালি: অসমীয়া ভাষা, সাতসৰী,ISSN 2319 8893,May.22

2. স্বৰাজোত্তৰ অসমত সত্ৰ আৰু শ্ৰীমন্তশঙ্কৰদেৱ সংঘ, ঐতিহ্য,The Heritage,vol XI, issue 2, ISSN 2229-5399

3. সত্ৰ আৰু ঔপনিৱেশিক যুগৰ অসমীয়া সমাজ, ঐতিহ্য The Heritage,vol IV, issur 1, ISSN 2229-5399

4. ????????? ?????????: ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ??????,The Heritage, Issue 3, vol II,2011, ISSN 2229-5399

Care list journal

1. হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ ভাষিক চেতনাৰ ফেহুজালি: অসমীয়া ভাষা, সাতসৰী,ISSN 2319 8893,May.22

2. স্বৰাজোত্তৰ অসমত সত্ৰ আৰু শ্ৰীমন্তশঙ্কৰদেৱ সংঘ, ঐতিহ্য,The Heritage,vol XI, issue 2, ISSN 2229-5399

3. সত্ৰ আৰু ঔপনিৱেশিক যুগৰ অসমীয়া সমাজ, ঐতিহ্য The Heritage,vol IV, issur 1, ISSN 2229-5399

4. ????????? ?????????: ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ??????,The Heritage, Issue 3, vol II,2011, ISSN 2229-5399

Journals and Periodic

1. Sankardevar sahityar Aihikata, PRAKASH, May,2024,ISSN 2279-0683, published from Assamm publication Board, Guwahati

2. Sankaradeva Sahityar Path : Nirman aru Chetana, PRAKASH, November,2023, ISSN 2279-0683 published from Assam Publication Board

3. অসমৰ ধৰ্মীয় ঐতিহ্য চৰ্চাত মহেশ্বৰ নেওগ, অসম সাহিত্য সভা পত্ৰিকা, মে'-জুন,২০১৫, ISSN 2277-9515

4. হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ চিন্তা আৰু আদৰ্শ, প্ৰকাশ, মাৰ্চ,২০২১,ISSN 2279-0683

5. গুণাভিৰাম বৰুৱা আৰু ঊনবিংশ শতিকাৰ অসম, প্ৰকাশ, অক্টোবৰ,২০২০, ISSN 2279-0683

6. বেজবৰুৱাৰ জাতীয়তাবোধ আৰু শংকৰদেৱ অধ্যয়ন, প্ৰকাশ, মে', ২০১৫, ISSN 2279-0683

7. গোহাঞিবৰুৱাৰ ৰাজভক্তি আৰু স্বদেশানুৰাগ, প্ৰকাশ, ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী, ২০১৩, ISSN 2279-0683

8. ????????? ??????? ??????? : ??? ???????, ??? ??????? ??? ???????, ?????,????,


1. \'Sivnath Barmanar Sankaradeva Charcha\' published in the book SIVNATH BARMAN : SRISTI ARU KRITI,(ed.) by Prasenjit Choudhuri and Parmananda Mazumder, published by Assam publishing Co. Guwahati, Dec, 2023, ISBN 978-93-92305-71-9

2. \'Ek Abixambadi Byaktitta Harinarayan Duttabarua\' published in the book \"Sahityaratna Harinarayan Duttabarua : Jiban aru sadhana\", Dr Rubi Goswami (ed.), Doun Town University, March 2023, ISBN978-81-962391-1-4

3. এক অবিসম্বাদী ব্যক্তিত্ব : হৰিনাৰায়ণ দত্তবৰুৱা, "সাহিত্য-ৰত্ন হৰিনাৰায়ণ দত্তবৰুৱা",ISBN 978-81-962391-1-4, সম্পা ডঃ ৰুবী গোস্বামী,মাৰ্চ,২০২৩

4. State Song of Assam: Historical Evolution, published in CULTURAL HERITAGE OF ASSAM.vol 1. General editor Brajakishore Saikia, Rashmi Prakash. Ghy. ISBN 978-81-927066-6-5

5. আনন্দৰাম ঢেকিয়াল ফুকন, \'আনন্দৰাম ঢেকিয়াল ফুকন মহাবিদ্যালয়: এটি অৱলোকন, নগাঁও,ISBN 978-93-84679-74-3

6. ভীমচৰিত, 'কবি ৰাম সৰস্বতী: জীৱন আৰু সাহিত্য', সম্পা. অজিত প্ৰসাদ শৰ্মা, গুৱাহাটী,২০১৮৷ ISBN 978-93-88593-05-2

7. ভক্তিধৰ্ম আৰু সমন্বিত অসমীয়া জাতিসত্তাৰ,' Glimpses of Research' সম্পা. কমল চন্দ্ৰ শইকীয়া, BKB College, 2017, ISBN 978-93-84679-82-8

8. শংকৰোত্তৰ যুগৰ বৈষ্ণৱ গীতমাত: পৰম্পৰা আৰু পৰিৱৰ্তন, 'অসমৰ ভক্তি সংগীত:পৰম্পৰা আৰু পৰিবৰ্ধন', সম্পা. প্ৰদীপজ্যোতি মহন্ত, তেজপুৰ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2017,ISBN 978-81-7213-332-0

9. Vaishnavite music: Its impact on the tribes of Assam, in 'Vaishnavite Music of Assam Its institutionalization and performative context. Prof. P.J. Mahanta, Tezpur University.2016. ISBN 978-81-7213-281-6

10. পত্ৰলেখাত বেজবৰুৱাৰ সুখদুখ আৰু শিল্পবোধ, গ্ৰন্থ-লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱা, সম্পা. ডঃ বিশ্বজিৎ দাস, নগাঁও ছোৱালী কলেজ,2015 ISBN 98-93-810694-E-4

11. Neo vaishnavite movement and Assamese nationality, in NEO-VAISHNAVITE MOVEMENT IN NORTH EAST INDIA,Ed. Dr. Jagat ch Kalita, Abhayapuri College,2014,ISBN 978-81-930006-0-1

12. ???? ??? ???? ????: ????????????? ???? ?????? ???????,?????? ??????? ?????? ?????,?????. ??????? ????????,????????, 2012,ISBN 978-81-907118-7-6

BOOK(single author)

1. অন্বেষণ: ঊনবিংশ শতিকা আৰু অন্যান্য, পূৰ্বায়ণ প্ৰকাশন, গুৱাহাটী,২০২০,ISBN 978-81-949671-1-8

2. শংকৰদেৱ : সৃষ্টি আৰু ব্যাপ্তি, ক্ৰান্তিকাল প্ৰকাশন, নগাঁও,২০১৭,ISBN 978-93-84679-61-3


1. মিচিং নৱজাগৰণৰ উদ্গাতা অসম গৌৰৱ টাবু টাইদ, মুখ্য সম্পাদক: হোমেন বৰগোহাঞি, ISBN: 978-93-82680-53-6.ABILAC

2. সৃজনশীল প্ৰতিভাৰ গৰাকী শংকৰদেৱ, ষ্টুডেণ্টচ ষ্ট'ৰচ, গুৱাহাটী, 2016,ISBN 978-81-7665-617-7


1. দি মুন এণ্ড ছিক্সপেন্স, অসম অনুবাদ প্ৰতিষ্ঠান, অ,সা,সভা, ২০১৮,ISBN 978-81-9369W6-1-5

2. নিৰ্বাসন আৰু ৰাজত্ব, আলবেয়াৰ ক্যেমুৰ গল্প(Exile and kingdom), students stores, Ghy, 2015, ISBN 978-81-7665-608-5


1. \'Sivnath Barmanar Sankaradeva Charcha\' published in the book SIVNATH BARMAN : SRISTI ARU KRITI,(ed.) by Prasenjit Choudhuri and Parmananda Mazumder, published by Assam publishing Co. Guwahati, Dec, 2023, ISBN 978-93-92305-71-9

2. \'Ek Abixambadi Byaktitta Harinarayan Duttabarua\' published in the book \"Sahityaratna Harinarayan Duttabarua : Jiban aru sadhana\", Dr Rubi Goswami (ed.), Doun Town University, March 2023, ISBN978-81-962391-1-4

3. এক অবিসম্বাদী ব্যক্তিত্ব : হৰিনাৰায়ণ দত্তবৰুৱা, "সাহিত্য-ৰত্ন হৰিনাৰায়ণ দত্তবৰুৱা",ISBN 978-81-962391-1-4, সম্পা ডঃ ৰুবী গোস্বামী,মাৰ্চ,২০২৩

4. State Song of Assam: Historical Evolution, published in CULTURAL HERITAGE OF ASSAM.vol 1. General editor Brajakishore Saikia, Rashmi Prakash. Ghy. ISBN 978-81-927066-6-5

5. আনন্দৰাম ঢেকিয়াল ফুকন, \'আনন্দৰাম ঢেকিয়াল ফুকন মহাবিদ্যালয়: এটি অৱলোকন, নগাঁও,ISBN 978-93-84679-74-3

6. ভীমচৰিত, 'কবি ৰাম সৰস্বতী: জীৱন আৰু সাহিত্য', সম্পা. অজিত প্ৰসাদ শৰ্মা, গুৱাহাটী,২০১৮৷ ISBN 978-93-88593-05-2

7. ভক্তিধৰ্ম আৰু সমন্বিত অসমীয়া জাতিসত্তাৰ,' Glimpses of Research' সম্পা. কমল চন্দ্ৰ শইকীয়া, BKB College, 2017, ISBN 978-93-84679-82-8

8. শংকৰোত্তৰ যুগৰ বৈষ্ণৱ গীতমাত: পৰম্পৰা আৰু পৰিৱৰ্তন, 'অসমৰ ভক্তি সংগীত:পৰম্পৰা আৰু পৰিবৰ্ধন', সম্পা. প্ৰদীপজ্যোতি মহন্ত, তেজপুৰ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2017,ISBN 978-81-7213-332-0

9. Vaishnavite music: Its impact on the tribes of Assam, in 'Vaishnavite Music of Assam Its institutionalization and performative context. Prof. P.J. Mahanta, Tezpur University.2016. ISBN 978-81-7213-281-6

10. পত্ৰলেখাত বেজবৰুৱাৰ সুখদুখ আৰু শিল্পবোধ, গ্ৰন্থ-লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱা, সম্পা. ডঃ বিশ্বজিৎ দাস, নগাঁও ছোৱালী কলেজ,2015 ISBN 98-93-810694-E-4

11. Neo vaishnavite movement and Assamese nationality, in NEO-VAISHNAVITE MOVEMENT IN NORTH EAST INDIA,Ed. Dr. Jagat ch Kalita, Abhayapuri College,2014,ISBN 978-81-930006-0-1

12. ???? ??? ???? ????: ????????????? ???? ?????? ???????,?????? ??????? ?????? ?????,?????. ??????? ????????,????????, 2012,ISBN 978-81-907118-7-6

Care list journal

1. হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ ভাষিক চেতনাৰ ফেহুজালি: অসমীয়া ভাষা, সাতসৰী,ISSN 2319 8893,May.22

2. স্বৰাজোত্তৰ অসমত সত্ৰ আৰু শ্ৰীমন্তশঙ্কৰদেৱ সংঘ, ঐতিহ্য,The Heritage,vol XI, issue 2, ISSN 2229-5399

3. সত্ৰ আৰু ঔপনিৱেশিক যুগৰ অসমীয়া সমাজ, ঐতিহ্য The Heritage,vol IV, issur 1, ISSN 2229-5399

4. ????????? ?????????: ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ??????,The Heritage, Issue 3, vol II,2011, ISSN 2229-5399


Book Published

1. Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva Aru Mayamara Vaishnava Samaj (In Assamese), Krantilal Prakashan, Nagaon Assam ISBN- 978-93-84679-95-8

Book Chapters

1. 1. A Glance on the Bravery of Assamese Women during the period of Ahom rule, in Mina Choudhury (ed) Contemporary Women issues ISBN- 978-93-84879-18-7 (2015) 2. Threat to the Traditional Cultural Belief and Religious Practices of the People of the Mayamara Society of Upper Assam: A quest for their sustainability, in Seminar Proceeding Book organised by IQAC Sonapur College ISBN- 978-81-931548-0-9 (2016) 3. Population Explosion and Socio Economic life of the People of Assam: A Review in KOLONG- KILING Edited by Dr. S Payeng ISBN- 978-93-8467-96-5 (2017)



1. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial activity of various extracts of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae salicifoliaD.Don) from Sikkim, International conference on Frontiers in Biological Science (InCoFIBS- 2010), NIT Rourkela, Orissa, India , 2nd Oct 2010

2. In vitro propagation of Acalypha indica- an important medicinal plant , National Workshop on Present Approaches and Applications of Biological Tools and Techniques in Biological Sciences, Dhing College, Nagaon , 18th June 2013

3. Scientific reasons behind the traditional medicine, National Conference on Sustainable quality of Biological Science education, Nagaon College, Nagaon, Assam , 10th Dec 2013

4. In vitro propagation and assessment of genetic fidelity of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae salicifoliaD. Don) using RAPD markers, International conference on “Harnessing Natural resources for sustainable development: global trends”, Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam , 29th Jan 2014

5. Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle using Dioscorea alataL. Bulbil Extract and its Biological Activity, International Conference on Diseaese Biology and Therapeutics (ICDBT -2014), IASST, Guwahati, Assam, India 3rd Dec 2014

6. Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Dioscorea alataL. Bulbil, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Biotechnology Research in NE India: Challenges and Prospects, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, India 28th Nov 2014

7. A Study on Traditional Polyherbal formulation for treatment of Dog bite, PAPOTHECARY, Gauhati University 25th March 2017

8. A study on Ethnomedicinal investigation of antiulcer properties present in Sujen, a traditional alcoholic beverage of Deori Community, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Food Processing: Value Addition and Enterprise Development, Deptt. Of Food Processing Technology, Tezpur University 27th March 2017

9. Preparation of Herbal mosquito repellent cream, National Conference on Ethno-medicine and Traditional Health Practices in NE Region of India, NIPER, Guw, 25th Aug 2018

10. Invited Lecture as Young Researchers, \"Documentation and Characterization of Botanicals used by Deori community of Dhemaji District, Assam using Foldscope\", International Conference on “TiiFH-2019”, Tezpur University & AFST(I), 14th -16th Feb 2019

11. Microscopic observation of medicinal plants and invasive alien plant species from Nagaon District using Foldscope, National Seminar on “Novel Innovations in Biomedical Sciences -2019”, NEMCARE, Mirza, 3rd May 2019

12. Microscopic characterization of potential wild edible botanicals of Assam, National Conference “27th ICFoST”, Tezpur University & AFST(I), 31st Jan 2020


1. Evaluator of Model making competition in Children’s Science Congress, 2021

2. Resource Person and delivered a talk on “Herbal Science”, add-on course inauguration at Dhing College, 30th Dec, 2021

3. Evaluator of Model making competition in District level National Science Day, 8th March 2022

4. Resource Person and delivered a talk on “Herbal Tourism” at Forest guard training Kaziranga, 25th Aug 2022

5. Evaluator, District Level Activities (Model Making Competitions), Aryabhatta Science Centre, Nagaon District, 20th Nov 2019

6. Evaluator, Science Model Competition, Foundation stone laying Ceremony of Kaliabor Science Centre & Planetarium, 18th Jan 2021

7. Resource person, Workshop on Foldscope Assembly & its usage, Institutional Biotech Hub, Dept. of Botany, Dhing college , 25th Sept, 2018

8. Evaluator, District level Children’s Science Congress, “26th National Children’s Science Congress”, District level Children’s Science Congress , District organizing committee, Nagaon District & ASTEC , 1st Oct, 2018

9. Invited lecture and hands on session "Standardization and characterization of herbal drugs", Workshop on “Advanced tools & Techniques on National product based drug discovery” , Institutional Biotech Hub, Dept. of Biotechnology, Gauhati University 4th Aug, 2018

10. Resource Person, lecture on \"Foldscope and its applications\", Inter- state Students Exchange Program, Sri Shivaji Science College, Amravati, Maharashtra, 9th Oct, 2018

11. Resource person , Communication Package & Material Development , Workshop on “Women Empowerment through S&T based Entrepreneurship Development for Tribal Women of Arunachal Pradesh & Assam” , Arunachal Pradesh State Council for S&T, Govt. of A.P. in collaboration with SSEAEP, Nagaon & Tezpur University , 23rd -25th March, 2019

12. Resource Person, lecture on "Cultivation of MAPs", Research and advice in MAPs Cultivation and Multi-stakeholder Consultative workshop for improving Technical Support to Farmers, Pragya India, Gurgaon , 29th April 2019

Course Participated

1. Summer training, CSIR-NEIST May-June 2008

2. Short term course “Application of Molecular tools for crop improvement”, Dept. of Biotechnology, IITG, 16th-21st Nov 2009

3. Short term Training on “Application of Bioinformatics in wildlife research”, BIF, Gauhati Univerity, 31st March -2 April, 2011

4. FDP on “Current approaches in Teaching and research in Science & Technology”, The School of Engineering, Tezpur University, 15th -27 Dec 2014

5. Short term training Program on GCMS & HPLC, Biotech Park, IITG, 9-10th Nov , 2017

6. FDP on “ICT tools & Classroom teaching”, Meit Y, Govt. Of India & IITG,29th-4th May, 2019


1. Pranab Borah and Mousmi Saikia, Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants used by the different Tribal Communities in Nilakh- Sripani Area of Dhemaji District, Assam, Int. J. Pharma. Sci. & Res., 2022, Vol. 13(11): 1000-22.

2. Mousmi Saikia, Antioxidants in plants: A review. Creatcrit, 2014, Vol. 1(1), p-191:197.

3. Mousmi Saikia and PJ Handique, Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of leaf and bark extracts of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae salicifolia D. Don) of North East India. Int. J. Life Sc. Biotech Pharma Res. 2013, Vol.2 (1), p-80:91.

4. Mousmi Saikia and PJ Handique, Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of leaf, bark, pulp and seed extracts of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae salicifolia D. Don) of Sikkim Himalayas. J. Med. Plant Res. 2013, Vol. 7(19), pp. 1330-1338.

5. Bhaskar Saikia, Mousmi Saikia, Rediscovery of Dioscorea lepcharum Prain&Burkil [Dioscoreaceae] – from Arunachal Pradesh, India Pradesh, India after a century, Pleione, 2014, 8(1): 178 – 180.

6. Neeta Basumatary, Robindra Teron and Mousmi Saikia, Ethnomedicinal practices of the Bodo-Kachari tribe of KarbiAnglong district of Assam. Int. J. Life Sc. Biotech Pharma Res. 2014, Vol.3 (1), p-161:167.

7. Farhana Begum, Manoj Kr. Saikia, Mousmi Saikia and Rita Boruah, Diversity of Bacterial Tissues in Fishesfrom two Traditional Fish Markets in Nagaon, Assam (India). J. Biol. Chem. Research. 2014, Vol. 31 (1) Pages No. 495-505.

8. Mousmi Saikia and PJ Handique, In Vitro Propagation of Acalypha indica Linn. - A Medicinally Important Plant. Int. J. Life Sc. Biotech Pharma Res. 2014, Vol. 3 (2), p-85-93.

9. Bapan Banik, Pradipta Sarkar, Farhana Sultana, Mousmi Saikia and Arnab Dey. In-vitro antimicrobial screening with phytochemical study of Plumbago zeylanica L. collected from two regions of Eastern Himalayas- A comparative study, International Journal of Phytopharmacy, 2014, Vol. 4 (5), pp.120-123.

10. Mousmi Saikia and PJ Handique, In vitro propagation and assessment of genetic fidelity of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae salicifolia D. Don) using RAPD markers and evaluation of their antibacterial efficacy: Pharmaceutically important medicinal plant. World Journal Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, 2014, Vol.3 (9), pp. 1542-1559.

11. Farhana Sultana, Jayanta Barman and Mousmi Saikia, Green synthesis and optoelectronic characterization of silver nanoparticle prepared using aqueous Houttunia cordata leaf extract and its potential application as antibacterial agent. J. Harmonized Res. Eng. 2015, Vol. 3(1), pp. 34-41.

12. Pratap.J. Handique & Mousmi Saikia, Hippophae Genetic resources of North East India: Diversity, traditional uses and antioxidant potential. Seabuckthorn: Emerging Technologies for Health Protection and Environmental Conservation Proceedings of 7th conference of International Seabuckthorn Association, New Delhi, 2015, pp. 112-119.

13. Bapan Banik, N. Sahu, N. Chetia, M. Saikia, P. Boruah. Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Carica Papaya (Amita) leaf extracts. Current trends in Pharmaceutical research, 4(1), 16-25.

14. Monica Biswas, Pranab Borah and Mousmi Saikia, Pharmacognostic evaluation, phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (cv Moran). Res. Rev. Biotech. & Biosci., 2019, 6(1), 5-14.

15. Pranab Borah and Mousmi Saikia, Standardization and quality assessment of traditional polyherbal formulation for the treatment of Haemorrhoids (Piles). Int. J. Pharma. Sci. & Res.,2020, 11(5), 2181-2192.

16. Pranab Borah and Mousmi Saikia, Studies on characterization of starch granules from botanicals using foldscope microscopy. Prog. Hort., 2020, 52(1), 20-24.


1. Edited Book,“Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research of Northeast India”, Mousmi Saikia , Krantikaal Prakashan, 2016, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7

2. Edited Book, \"Foldscope and its applications\", Chief Editor- Arun Dev Sharma, Associate Editor-Mousmi Saikia, National Press Associates, New Delhi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-85835-68-1

Book Chapters

1. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Paederia foetida L. collected from different regions of Assam, Farhana Sultana, Bapan Banik, Mousmi Saikia, Bhaskar Saikia,Conference proceeding “Bioreview” , Krantikaal Prakashan, Nagaon 2015, ISBN- 978-93-84679-05-7

2. In vitro biosynthesis and bioassay of silver nanoparticles using Dioscorea alata L. bulbil extract , Mousmi Saikia, F. Sultana, J Barman, Bapan Banik, B Saikia, Conference proceeding “Kolong Killing”, Krantikaal Prakashan, Nagaon, 2017, ISBN- 978-93-84679-96-5

3. Medicinal plants used by Koch Rajbonshi Traditional healers of Dhemaji District of Assam. 151- 158, Manas Pratim Dutta, Pranjal Boruah & Mousmi Saikia, Chapter in a Book,“Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research of Northeast India”, Krantikaal Prakashan, 2016, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7

4. A study of pharmacognostic, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Dioscorea pubera, Nlume (Yam) tuber, pp. 159-170, Mir Bahar Uddin, Farhana Sultana, Bapan Banik, Bhaskar Saikia & Mousmi Saikia, Chapter in a Book,“Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research of Northeast India”, Krantikaal Prakashan, 2016, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7

5. Evaluation of phytochemical composition in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of two types of AverrhoacarambolaL. fruit. Pp. 99-110, Farhana Sultana, Raihana Shobnam, Jayanta Barman & Mousmi Saikia, Chapter in a Book,“Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research of Northeast India”, Krantikaal Prakashan, 2016, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7

6. Borhamthuri (Magnolia hogdsonii) an endangered plant species : A review , Mousmi Saikia & Pranab Borah , Chapter in a Book, “Hirak Jeuti”, Hirak Jeuti , Diamond Jubilee Souvenir, ADP College, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-84679-88-0

7. Nutritional and phytochemical evaluation of some indigenous citrus and related species of Nagaon, Assam, pp. 272-280, Rupam Mandal, Mousmi Saikia, Farhana Sultana, Chapter in a Book “Recent discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in North East”, EBH Publisher, Guwahati, 2019, ISBN 978-93-88881-13-5

8. Study on indigenous knowledge and approach for conservation of Magnolia hodgsonii (Hook. F. & Thomson) H. Keng (Borhomthuri): a potential ethnomedicinal plant of Assam, pp. 245-252 , Pranab Borah, Mousmi Saikia, Bapan Banik & Biswajyoti Das, Chapter in a Book “Recent discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in North East”, EBH Publisher, Guwahati, 2019, ISBN 978-93-88881-13-5

9. Evaluation of phytochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Hibiscus acetosella: an ethnomedicinal plant in Assam. pp. 178-190. , Sewali Hazarika, Mousmi Saikia, Pranab Borah & Bapan Banik, Chapter in a Book “Recent discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in North East”, EBH Publisher, Guwahati, 2019, ISBN 978-93-88881-13-5

10. Microscopic characterization of botanicals having anti-malarial properties used by the tribal communities of Assam, Pranab Borah & Mousmi Saikia, Chapter in a Book, "Foldscope and its applications", National Press Associates, New Delhi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-85835-68-1

Data deposited at NCBI

1. Magnolia hodgsonii ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene, partial cds, chloroplast;

2. Guilandina bonduc ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit gene, partial cds, chloroplast.

3. Naravelia zeylanica ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene, partial cds, chloroplast;

4. Cryptolepis dubia ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene, partial cds, chloroplast;

5. Hibiscus acetosella ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene, partial cds, chloroplast;

6. Oldenlandia corymbosa ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene, partial cds, chloroplast;



1. Mridul Kumar Hazarika, R. Parajuli and P. Phukan, “Synthesis of parabens using montmorillonite K10 clay as catalyst: A green protocol”, Ind. J. Chem. Tech., Vol.14, Page 104. 2007 2. Mridul Kumar Hazarika and P. Phukan, “Synthesis of Diphenyl methane over Ti-exchanged montmorillonite K10 clay”, Res. J. Chem. Environ., Vol.18(11), Nov. 2014 2014

Research Projects

1. Quality of drinking water of Nagaon town and its suburban UGC 1998-2000 2 Study of the efficacy of Ti exchanged Montmorillonite clay catalyst UGC 2015-2017


Research Papers

1. “Bianchi type-V universe with wet dark fluid in f(R,T) gravity”, Nitin Sarma, High Technology Letters, Vol. 27, Issue5, 2021

2. “Bianchi type-I cosmological model with Tsallis holographic dark energy in f(R,T) theory of gravity”, Nitin Sarma, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 14(18), 2021, 1468-1476.

3. “Bianchi type-I solution in f(T) gravity”, International Journal of Mathematical archive, 9 (5), 2018, pg. 216-220

4. “Anisotropic ghost dark energy cosmological model with hybrid expansion law”, Chandra Rekha Mahanta, Nitin Sarma, New Astronomy , 57, 2017, pg. 70-75.

5. “Bianchi type-III cosmological model in f(R) theory of gravity”, C R Mahanta & N Sarma, Prespacetime Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2017, pg. 33-39

6. “Bianchi type-III cosmological model in f(R,T) theory of gravity with Λ(T)”, Chandra Rekha Mahanta, Nitin Sarma , International Journal of Mathematical archive, 6 (12), 2015, pg. 40-46.

7. “Cosmological Dynamics Inspired by Ricci Scalar Curvature”, Chandra Rekha Mahanta and Nitin Sarma, The African Review of Physics, 10: 0055, 2015

8. “Future Universe without Big-Rip problem”, Nitin Sarma & Chandra Rekha Mahanta, IJAMSS, Vol.4, Issue1, 2015, pg. 11-16.

9. Manifestation of Phantom Dark Energy by Ricci Scalar Curvature, pg. 473-477, Proceeding of 59 th Annual Technical Session of Assam Science Society.


The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and Tribal Development in Northeast India, published by Remar

1. Article 244(2) of the Constitution provides for a sixth schedule which shall apply to the administration of the tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. Prior to independence, the hills in North East India were administered under the provision of the Government of India Act 1935. This Act provided for administration of certain hill district directly by the Governor of Assam. These hills were known as fully excluded areas. After independence, the Constitution of India provided for protection of the interests of the tribal peoples of the hills of the north east India, including their interest in land and forest resources, and allowed them autonomy in Social and political development. The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution provided the legal framework for this protection. In pursuance of this objective, Autonomous District Councils were set up in the North Cachar and Mikir Hills, Lushai Hills (Present day Mizoram) and in the United Khasi and Jainti

Autonomy Movement in Assam , published by Shrinkhala Ek Shodhpark Vaicharik Patrika, Volume: Februar

1. The ethno-nationalist conflict has shaken the stability of states not only in India but in many states of Asia, Africa and Middle-East. The question of ethnic identity in North-East India is a very complex issue which leads to the emergency of many tribal movements. Article 244 (2) of the constitution provides for a sixth schedule which shall apply to the administration of the tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. The arrangement of the sixth schedule was a product of the recommendations of the sub-committees chaired by Gopi Nath Bordoloi. Thus the farmers of the constitution had enacted a local Autonomous Administration under the sixth schedule of the constitution for some tribal communities (Hill Tribes) of North-East India to preserved and protect their identity, culture and development. The other plain tribes living in Assam were left outside the ambit of constitutional protection. The plain tribes are no longer lagging behind so far as t

Role of Regional Political Parties in India, published by Mittal Publication, New Delhi, 2007, ISBN

1. Descripción Contents Preface. List of contributors. 1. Regional politics in J and K A case study of national conference/Harish Thakur. 2. Role of regional political parties in Uttar Pradesh/Amit Kumar Singh. 3. Role and impact of caste on political parties and elections in Bihar/Roma Mitra. 4. The role AIADMK and DMK Party in the political system of India/V.N. Viswanathan and D.S. Makkalanaban. 5. Regional political party in Andhra Pradesh Telugu Desam A study/P. Subramanyam. 6. Janmabhoomi programme of Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh A study/B.V. Chalapathi P. Subramanyam and B.V. Raghavulu. 7. Role of regional political parties in Orissa yesterday and today/Dasarathi Bhuyan. 8. Role of Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) in Assam/Pijush Debnath. 9. Power play of Regional Parties in India an assessment/Saroj Kumar Jena. 10. Role of Regional Parties in the Indian Political process/Amitav Paul. Index. Several regional political parties emerged in India primarily due to the presence of soc



1. 6. Baruah R.& Kakaty S.C. “MGNREGA and its Impacts on Poverty Eradication, Employment Generation and Creation of Socio-Economic Assets: A case study in Nagaon and Morigaon districts, Assam”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (IGM Publication), Vol.04,Issue 10 Pages 6253-6260, 2017 October, ISSN 2348-9480, IC Value: 76.89 (Index Copernicus) Impact Factor: 2.83 DOI:

2. 5. Baruah R., “Performance Statistics of MGNREGA: A case study in Nagaon and Morigaon districts,Assam”, International Journal of Applied Research,Vol-2, No-12, 2016 Pages 729-728, ISSN: 2394-5869, ISSN (print): 2394-7500, IF (ISRA): 5.2

3. 4. Baruah R., “Trajectory of Some MGNREGA Activities: A Study in Nagaon and Morigaon districts, Assam”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, Vol-1, No-18, 2016 pages 56-63, E- ISSN 2395-1885,P-ISSN 2395-1877, IF: 3.567

4. 3. Baruah R." Economics of Some MGNREGA activities: A study in Nagaon and Morigaon Districts" Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering, a Peer Reviewed National Research Journal, E-ISSN 2581-7647, Vol-2, Issue-1 (2016)

5. 2.Baruah R. "MGNREGA: 100 Days Employment Guarantee and Women Participation in Nagaon District" Periodic Research, a Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, P-ISSN 2231-0045, E-ISSN 2349-9435, Vol-III, Issue-IV (May-2015), pp.27-29

6. 1. Baruah R. & Baruah P., \"A Statistical Analysis of Handloom Production of Assam\" Creatcrit, a Peer Reviewed National Research Journal, ISSN 2347-8829, Vol-1,Issue-1 (2014),pp.179-184.



1. Snigdha Saikia, Rajib Kagyung [????]. Study of plants used against the skin disease used by the Tiwa Tribe (Lalung ) of Morigaon District, Assam. I [Eds] The Herbal Wealth of North East India. pp58-65

2. Snigdha Saikia, Rajib Kagyung [????]. Ethnobotanical study of the Medicinal plants used by various communities of Nagaon District, Assam; In [Eds.,] The Herbal Wealth of North East India. pp ?5-?6.

3. P.Borah, P. Gogoi, R. Kagyung (2016). Ethnomedicinal system practiced by the Deori community of Dhemaji District Assam 171-178. Proceedings “ Recent Advances in Medicinal Plant Research of North East India”. ISBN: 978-93-84679-63-7

4. KJ Gohain, S, Goswami, R. Kagyung (2016). Traditional medicinal system practiced by Tea-tribes of Sakhmuthi Tea Estate, Nagaon District, Assam. pp 129-134. Proceedings “ Recent Advances in Medicinal Plant Research of North East India”. ISBN: 978-93-84679-63-7

5. B. Bori, R. Kagyung (2014). Mobile phone as convergent media and its role in society and economics. pp 79-84. Kathamanavi (Hojai College Women Cell Magazine) ISSN 2349 5308

6. Rajib Kagyung (2010 ). Phytography (How to describe an Angiospermic plant). pp 59-62. Proceedings Field work in Environmental studies, Dhing college, Dhing-782123, Nagaon Assam.

7. Rajib Kagyung & S. K. Nath (2008). Potential of floriculture and orchid cultivation in North East India. pp 40-48. Proceedings Commercial potential of floriculture in North Nast India, Dhing College, Dhing, Nagaon, Assam

8. B. Singh, P. Rethy, H. Hazarika, P. R. Gajurel & R. Kagyung (2009). Wild Edible Plants and its Commercial Potential: A case study from Itanagar area of Arunachal Pradesh, Journal of Non Timber Forest Products, 16 (2): 139-144. ISSN 0971-9415

9. R. Kagyung,P. R. Gajurel, P. Rethy&B. Singh (2010). Ethnomedicinal plants used for gastro-intestinal diseases by Adi Tribe of Dehang-Debang Biosphere Reserve of Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 9 (3) 496-501. ISSN: 0972-5938, EISSN: 0975-1068

10. P. Rethy, B. Singh, R. Kagyung & P.R. Gajurel (2010). Ethnobotanical studies of Dehang-Debang Biosphere Reserve of Arunachal Pradesh with special reference to Memba tribe. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 9(1) 61-67. ISSN: 0972-5938, EISSN: 0975-1068

Book Chapter

1. Rajib Kagyung, B. Singh, P. Rethy (2007). Jatropha Oil - An Ecofriendly Biofuel for Replacement of Diesel. In A.K. Singh & Alka Tomar K.K. Singh, Asha Juwarkar (Eds.), Air, Water and Soil Pollution, pp 81-87. Kalyani Publishers, ISBN 978-81-272-4019-6



1. Pratisruti (A Collection of Articles on Bhasa, Sahitya,Sanskrities) (Self) ISBN: 978-93-85230-16-5 Published by N.L.Publication,Panbazar Gauhati-1, July 2015

2. Asamiya Sahityat Lok Sangkristir Samal A Collection of few `articles reflecting folk elements (Self) ISBN: 978-93-81183-0 Published by N.L.Publication,Panbazar Gauhati-1, December 2013


1. Mahendra borthakurar Xaragori Capori, Ajit Bharali (ed.) : Praxanga Natak, Chandra Prakakh, Panbajar, Guwahati, March 2019, ISBN 978-81-244-0571-0

2. Devabrat Dasar Dhuxaratar Kabyat Nari Charitra : Eti Abalokan, Bobita Boruah & Rehena Ahmed (ed.) : SONAI, ACTA, Rupahi, 5 february, 2019, ISBN : 978-93-85310-45-4

3. Sankardeva Aru Nandanikata : Sukumar Kalabid Sankardeva, Sanjiv Borkakati & Jalin Chetia (ed) : Hirak Jeuti, A.D.P College, Nagaon, 10 September, 2018, ISBN : 978-93-84678-88-0

4. Bezboruah Chutigalpa aru Nari Charitta : Ek Abalokan, Sadananda Payang & Ranjit Borah (ed.) : Kalang-Kiling, Vol. 10, ACTA, 23 December, 2017, ISBN 978-93-84679-96-5

5. Ek Pratibadi Satta : Uttarakanda Ramayana Shita, Archana Talukdar (ed.) Sansarini, ADP College, Nagaon, 2015, ISSN 2395-4558

6. Prachar Maidhyamat Narir Nagnatar Praxangikata, Mina Choudhary (ed.) : Contemporary Women Issues : A Reflection, 2015

7. Carjapad aru Borzawali Eti Oitihashik Adhyan, Upen Rabha Hakasam & Pronita Devi (ed.) : Bhasaboigyanik Adhyanat Tulana Praxanga, Jyoti Prakashan, Panbajar, Guwahati, 2015


1. National Seminar, Srimanta Sankardeva and His Times, In Santiniketan, West Bengal on 9-10 Feb 2018

2. All India Oriental Conference, Orissa, Puri, 41st Session on 14, 15, 16 December, 2002



1. “Perception of the students and the teachers towards vocational education courses in the degree colleges of Kamrup District of Assam, India : A Study” Pp. 60-70 in Creatcrit, Vol 1, N0 1, 2014 with ISSN- 2347- 8829.

2. “Vocational education at Undergraduate level- Problems and Prospects in Assam, India”. Pp. 42-47 in Golden Research Thought, Vol 3, Issue 3, 2013 with ISSN-2231-5063.

3. “A study on Value pattern of Teachers working in Urban High School of Nagaon District”. Pp. 12-17 in Indian Stream Research Journal, Review of Research, Vol 2, Issue 9, 2013 with ISSN- 2249- 894X.

4. “A Study on students’ participation in vocational education courses in the provincialized degree colleges of Nagaon and Morigaon districts of Assam, India Pp. 120-127 in The Clarion, Vol 2, No 2, 2013 with ISSN- 2277-1697.

Edited book

1. Book published: Edited a book on B.R Ambedkar- A messiah of the Dalits with ISBN-978-81-920586-4-1 in the year 2011.


1. “Pariparshikata sangrakshan aru amar dayabandhata” in Hirak Jeuti, 2018-19, Diamond Jubilee year, published by ADP College, ISBN-978-93-84679-88-0.

2. “International peace movement and women” in Sancharinee, Pp.52-55 3rd year, Ist edition in Sept 2019 by Women study and welfare Centre, ADP College, ISSN- 2395-4558.

3. “Skill Development and Employability in Higher Education” in Dynamics of Higher Education in India, published by ACTA in 2018, ISSN-978-93-87494-04-6.

4. “Uchha sikhsa aru Nagaon” in Anandaram Dhekial Phookan Mahavidyalaya: Eti Abalokan by ADP College,Nagaon in 2017, ISSN-978-93-84679-74-3

5. “Vocational Guidance in Educational Institutions” in Arunodoy by monthly magazine, Pp. 3-5 in Jan-Feb 2016 by Arunodoy Gosthi Assam, ISSN-2394-3890. Vol-2.

6. “Environmental Deterioration and Quality of Life” in Sancharinee, Pp.55-61 in Sept 2015 by Women study and welfare Centre, ADP College, ISSN- 2395-4558.

7. “Fundamental freedom of Women in India and Constitutional safeguard” in Contemporary Women Issues- A Reflection, Pp.107-117 in 2015 August Published by ADP College, Nagaon. ISBN-978-93-84679-18-7.

8. “Peace process and Assamese Women” in Ethnic Women- A collection of Research paper, Pp. 273-276 in 2012 Published by Teaching & Non- Teaching staff of HCDG College, ISBN-978-81-922324-9-2

9. “Significance of Gandhian education for the development of world peace” in Gandhian concepts: Interrogation and Exploration, Pp.236-243 in 2012 Published by Gandhian Study Centre, A.D.P College, ISBN-978-93-81694-49-7

Paper presented in International/National/State seminar and conferences

1. Paper presented by Sabita Devi on "A study on Employment prospects of B.Voc and other skill based courses that are introduced in the provincialised Degree colleges of Nagaon and Morigaon District" 34th CTEF International E-Conference on Re-imagining Learning and Beyond......,organized by CTEF, Assam Chapter on 19th and 20th December, 2020.

2. paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Student Support Service- An important Criteria of NAAC", National seminar on New quality paradigm in NAAC accreditation, organized by IQAC, ADP College, Nagaon on Ist and 2nd March 2019

3. Paper presented by Sabita Devi and Alpana Barua on "Role and training needs of Rural Women in Agriculture: A case study of Morigaon District, Assam", International conference on Education and economic Development, organized by Morigaon college in association with The Indian Economic Association, 14th,15th &16th Sept 2016

4. paper presented by Sabita Devi and Archana Talukdar on "Accessibility of Higher education among ST of Raha Development Block of Nagaon District- A Study", National seminar on Higher education in North-East India: Challenges & Prospects, organized by Deptt. Of Education, Amguri College, 6th &7th Feb,2015

5. Paper presented by S. Devi, B. Bhuyan and A. Das on "A Study on Teachers’ Competency in the High School of Nagaon Town Area", International conference on Holistic Education for a Better World, organized by Deptt. of Education, MSSV, Nagaon with CCEAM, Canada on 8th, 9th & 10th Oct 2015

6. paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Peace process and Role of Assamese Women", National seminar on Ethnic women in changing Social Scenario in North East India, organized by HCDG College, Sibasagar 27th & 28th Jan, 2012.

7. Paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Impact of Accreditation by NAAC on Quality enhancement of Higher Education", National conference on Challenges of Quality assurance in Higher Education with special reference to North Eastern region, NAAC Sponsored, organized by IQAC, Nowgong College, July, 2012

8. Paper presented by Sabita Devi and G. D. Bhattacharya on "Significance of Gandhian education for the development of world peace", National seminar on Gandhian concepts-Interrogation and Exploration, organized by Gandhian Study Centre, A.D.P College,2012

9. Paper presented by Sabita Devi and G.D Bhattacharya on "Value education for Human Development", National conference on Education for Human Resource Development in the context of 21st Century, organized by Deptt. of Education, Gauhati University,5th &6th April,2012

10. Paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Enhancement of Graduate employability in Higher Educational Institution: A challenging task Ahead", National conference on Development of Employability in Higher Educational Institutions, Organized by Moridhol College, 28th &29th Jan, 2011

11. Paper presented by sabita Devi on "The paradigm of Indigenization of Human Right Education in India", National seminar on Need for Human Right Education, organized by Dhing College, Nagaon 4th &5th Feb, 2011

12. Paper presented by Sabita Devi and Archana Das on "Extension Education- A Challenging task for the Teacher", State seminar on Public Funded Education System , organized by Nagaon-Morigaon Zone, ACTA, 20th Dec,2008.

13. Paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Empowerment of Women", National seminar on Indian Women in Present Day Society, Organized by J.B College,Jorhat, Assam, 31st August to 1st September,2007

14. Paper presented by Sabita Devi on "Universalisation of Primary education in India- A fundamental Study", National conference on Problems and Prospects of Universal Primary Education in India, Organized by Educational Foundation , Nagaon, 17th & 18th June, 2000



1. Oi Ni:TOM A collection of Mising Folksongs, Publication Board, Assam, 2020, ISBN- 978-93-84733-42-1

2. AXOM GAUROV TABU TAID, ABILAC,2020, ISBN 978-93-82680-53-6

3. ARONODOY (ed) Aronodoy Sahityo Chora, Nagaon 2015

4. DYNAMICS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA (ed), 2016, ACTA, ISBN-978-93-87494-04-6

5. GHUNASUTIR PREMGATHA, Alibaat Prakshan, 2015, ISBN-978-9381-069-37-0

6. MISING JONOJATI: SOMAJ ARU SANSKRITI, Jagoron Prakashan, 2011, ISBN-81-202-8861-0



1. Srimanta Sankaradevar kriti aru darshan (Aank Baak, Guwahati, 2018)

2. Great Persons of Assam, (EBH Publishers (India), an imprint of Eastern Book House, Guwahati, 2013)

3. Srimanta Sankaradeva : an epoch maker, (EBH Publishers (India), an imprint of Eastern Book House, Guwahati, 2012)

4. Jagadguru Sankaradeva, (Kareng Prakashan, Moran, 2004)

5. Mahapurusha Madhavadeva, (Bhabani Books, Guwahati, 2014)

6. Arthanaitik Uttaranar Chinta, (Kiran Prakashan, Dhemaji, 2012)

7. Mrinmayar Jagat, (Sapta Sindhu Prakashan, Marigaon, 2011)

8. Mahat aru Mahattva, (Kaustubh Prakashan, Dibrugarh, 2010)

9. Sahityar Uddeshya aru Darshan, (Purbottar Prakashan, Nagaon, 2007)

10. Saahitya Aru Sameekshaa, (Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, 2003)

11. Anek Surya Aru Ejan Tathagata, (Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, 2001)

12. Sarvagunakara Srimanta Sankaradeva, (Dr. Sanjib Kr. Borkakoti, Nagaon, 2000)

13. Santras Aru Santras, (Abhiyatri Prakashan, Guwahati, 1999)

14. Kuri Satikaar Endhaar, (Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, 2003)

15. Shiksha Vyavasthar Sankatmochan, (Purbottar Prakashan, Nagaon, 2006)

16. Sri Sri Sankardeva (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 1992)

17. Sri Aurobinda (Manthan Prakash, Guwahati, 1988)

18. Sankari Sahitya aru Sanskritir Baisistya (Sankaradeva Adhyayanar Prachya Pratisthan, Guwahati, 2006)

19. Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2005)

20. Unique Contributions of Srimanta Sankaradeva in Religion and Culture (Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha, Nagaon, 2006)

21. Essays on Srimanta Sankaradeva (Authorspress, New Delhi, 2021)

22. Srimanta Sankaradeva aru Bharatavarsha, (Purbanchal Prakash, Guwahati, 2021)

23. Srimanta Sankaradeva, (Aank Bank, Guwahati, 2021)

24. Place of Srimanta Sankaradeva in all India perspective, (Mahapurusha Sankaradeva Kala Kristi Gaveshana Kendra, Jorhat, 2007)

25. Deceleration Phenomena, (Manthan Prakash, Guwahati, 1989)

26. Development issues of North East India, (Asomi Publications, Nagaon, 2005)

27. Issues in Industrialization, (Krantikal Prakashan, Nagaon, 2012)

28. Strategy for Industrialization, (Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, 2009)

29. Great Songs, from original Srimanta Sankaradeva’s Bargît (Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva, Guwahati, 2012)

30. Essays on Spiritualism, from original Tattvakatha by Lakshminath Bezbarooa (Vicky Publishers, Guwahati, 2020)

31. Srimanta Sankaradeva : a multi-faceted genius, (Purbanchal Prakash, Guwahati, 2015)

Edited Books

1. Sankar Charit, original by Bhushan Dwija (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2014)

2. Sriguru Charit, original by Ramananda Dwija (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2014)

3. ASOM : BHINNA PRASANGA (Jointly with Arindam Borkataki), (ADP College, Nagaon, 2018)

4. Problems of Industrial Labourers in Assam, (ADP College, Nagaon, 2013)

5. Majuli : resources and challenges (Authorspress, New Delhi, 2017)

6. Bardowa Gurucharit, original by Puwaram Mahanta, (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2009)

7. Yugasrasta Srimanta Sankaradeva Madhavadeva (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2015)

Translated Books

1. Namghosha : The Oriental Gem, (Bani Mandir, Guwahati, 2006)

2. A short history of Assamese newspapers, from original Asamar Batori Kakat : Eti Ruprekha by Prafulla Chandra Borua (Sahitya Ratna Prakashan, Guwahati, 1997)

3. Garland of virtues, from original Srimanta Sankaradeva’s Gunamala (Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva, Guwahati, 2013)

4. Great Songs, from original Srimanta Sankaradeva’s Bargît (Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva, Guwahati, 2012)

5. Essays on Spiritualism, from original Tattvakatha by Lakshminath Bezbarooa (Vicky Publishers, Guwahati, 2020)

6. Along the valley of spring from original poems by Khagen Saikia, (Bulu Saikia, Nagaon, 2010)

7. A treatise on Sankari music, from original Sankari Sangeetor Adhar Grantha by Golap Mahanta (Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha, Nagaon, 2007)

Book translated to other language

1. Eka Sarana Namdharmake Pravartak Srimanta Sankaradeva, from original Assamese by Dr Manika Saikia (Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha, Nagaon, 2015)


List of Publications in International Journal:

1. Hydrophytic Flora of Assam II- Diversity of Aquatic and wetland Flora of Nagaon District, Assam.” Published in “Pleione” in 2014

2. “Hygrophila erecta – New Distributional Record for Assam” published in Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany in 2013.

3. Caldesia oligococca (F. von Mueller) Buchenau [Alismataceae]; a new record for Assam in India” Published in “Pleione " 2015

4. “Hydrophytic Flora of Assam -1 five new Records” published in “Pleione” 2012

Chapter in Books

1. Traditional Knowledge of plants for formulation of Yeast Culture for brewing local alcoholic beverages by Tiwa tribes of Morigaon District, Assam.” published in proceedings of National Seminar organized by Nagaon College, Assam in 2009

2. Education and women” published in proceedings of National Seminar organized by J. B. College, Jorhat, Assam in 2007

3. Ethnobotanical uses of some aquatic weeds of Silpukhuri Mouza, Morigaon district, Assam” published in proceedings of National Seminar organized by Morigaon College in 2007

4. Investigation of Folklore Anti-Malarial Plants in Amsoi, Nagaon (Assam)” published in proceedings of National Seminar organized by Dhing College in 2007

5. Edible weeds used by Tea garden Communities of Nagaon (Assam)” published in proceedings of National Seminar organized by Dhing College in 2007.

6. "Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Jagiroad (Morigaon), Assam: Its traditional, Ethnomedicinal and antimicrobial Potential. " ISBN 978-93-84676-63-7 year -2017


1. “Orchid” 2004


Research Journal

1. 1) Role of Satra Institutions in the promotion of Assamese Society: a case study of Bordowa Than in Assam,pg 8 to 15, ISBN 2347-8829, volume 2, issue to July 2015. 2) Sampratik Axomiya Jatiya Jibanot Navavaisnab Andolonor gurutta, pg 130, ISBN 978-93-84678-57-8, Bhakti-Bhaibhav:A souvenir of 86th annual session of Srimanta Shankardeva Sangha, 4th February to 7th February. 3) Securalism in Satra Institutions of Assam, Souvenir, Golden Jubilee addition 2009, A.D.P. College, 2009.

Chapters in books

1. 1) Sthaniya Sayatta Sasonor Probortok Srimanta Shankardeva, Jugasrashta Srimanta Shankardeva-Madhavdeva: An Anthology of Articles on Srimanta Shankardeva and Madhavdeva, pg 57-63, ISBN-978-93-84829-01-8, 2014 2) Anadaram Dhekial Phookan Mahavidhalayar Aboeik rup: Ek Abalokan, Anadaram Dhekial Phookan Mahavidhalay: Eti Abalokan, A Glimpse on the history of A.D.P. College, pg 55-65, ISBN-978-93-84679-74-3

Chapters in books

1. 1) Sthaniya Sayatta Sasonor Probortok Srimanta Shankardeva, Jugasrashta Srimanta Shankardeva-Madhavdeva: An Anthology of Articles on Srimanta Shankardeva and Madhavdeva, pg 57-63, ISBN-978-93-84829-01-8, 2014 2) Anadaram Dhekial Phookan Mahavidhalayar Aboeik rup: Ek Abalokan, Anadaram Dhekial Phookan Mahavidhalay: Eti Abalokan, A Glimpse on the history of A.D.P. College, pg 55-65, ISBN-978-93-84679-74-3


Published Papers

1. Rout, J. and Sarma, B. (2010). Algal Colonization and Distribution Pattern in Barak River near a Paper Mill, Panchgram. Flora and Fauna, Jan 2010 special issue: 91-97/ ISSN: 0971-6920S

2. Deb, S., Sarma, B., Rout, J. and Sengupta, M. (2013). Algal diversity in soil crusts of Assam University, Silchar Campus (North East India). Phykos, 43 (1): 56-67/ ISSN: 0554-1182

3. Sarma, B. et al. (2014). Nitella mirabilis from Assam: Morphology and Molecular Characterization using RAPD markers. Vegetos, 27 (1) : 97-102/ ISSN: 0970-4078 (print), 2229-4473(online)

4. Sarma, B. et al. (2019). Algal Diversity in Rice Fields of Southern Assam, North-East India. Indian Journal of Ecology, 46 (3): 577-585/ ISSN: 03045250

Presented papers

1. Presented a research paper (oral) in the ‘International conference on Harnessing natural resources for sustainable development: Global trends’ held at Cotton college, Guwahati, Assam, during 29 to 31 January, 2014.

2. Presented a research paper (oral) in the National conference on ‘Recent Trends in Botany’ held at K.J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Mohanirajnagar, Kopargaon, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, during 28th January to 30th January, 2010.

3. Presented a research paper (oral) in the ‘International conference on Global Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability in the 21st Century’ (ICGEBEns-2012) held at Assam University, Silchar, during 15-17 February, 2012.

4. Presented a research paper (poster) in the ‘National seminar on Advances in Biotechnology Research: Current trends and Future Prospects’ held at Assam University, Silchar on 25-26 March, 2014.

Book Chapters

1. “Diversity and socio-economic importance of macrophytes of Morikolong beel, Nagaon, Assam” on the book Bioresources for Sustaining Life and Livelihoods in North-East India ISBN: 978-93-85310-48-5

2. 1. “Plastic Pollution: A Burning Problem of Nature” on the book “Society and Environment” ISBN: 978-81-924066-6-4



1. * Published an article in SANCHARINEE entitle kalidasar nataka Abhijanasakuntalamat nari: eti adhyayan in the year 2019 with ISSN: 2395-4558.



1. Customer Satisfaction Regarding the Online E-Commerce Advertising Strategies (accepted for publication), BOOK CHAPTER, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN SERVICE ORGANISATIONS

2. Customer Retention through Digital Media: A Study on E-Commerce Customers of Nagaon Town of Assam published in DIGITAL PROMOTION, ISBN-978-93-88804-85-1, 2020

3. A Study on the Challenges and Opportunities of E-Commerce due to Covid 19 Pandemic in India published in IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON INDIAN SOCIETY: CHALLNEGES AND OPPORTUNITIES, ISBN-978-93-85756-99-3, 2020

4. Covid 19 Pandemic and the Consequence over E-Business in india: A Study on flipkart and Amazon India published in COVID 19-IMPACT ON INDIAN ECONOMY AND GREW UP STRATEGIES,ISBN-978-81-933014-7-0, 2020

5. Impact of Online Shopping Practices on Physical Stores: A Study on Electronics Retail Stores of Nagaon Town of Assam published in SPECTRUM Vol II, ISBN-978-93-90468-71-3

6. Impact of Online Shopping Practices on Retail Stores: With Special Reference to Apparel Stores of Nagaon Town of Assam published in OUR HERITAGE JOURNAL, Vol-68-Issue-1-January-2020,ISSN-0474-9030, Impact Factor 4.912 (SJIF) UGC CARE listed


1. Research Paper presented- Impacrt of Online Shopping Practices on Physical Stores: A study on Electronics retail stores of Nagaon Town of Assam at International Conference on New Frontiers in Engineering, Science, Law,Management, Humanities and Social Science, 2020, 22nd and 23rd February, 2020, Gauhati University

2. Research Paper presented- Impact of Online shopping Practices on retail Stores: With Special Reference to Apparel Stores of Nagaon Town Of Assam at International Conference on Global Business and Social issues, 10th and 11th January, 2020, Assam University, Silchar.

3. Research Paper presented- Growth of E-Commerce in Small towns: A study on Nagaon town of Assam at National Seminar on Changing Dynamics in Business and Management: Technological Intervention and Environmental Responsiveness, 22nd and 23rd October, 2019, Gauhati University

4. Research paper presented - A Conceptual Study on the Growing Trend of Online Shopping and its Influence on Brick and Mortar Stores at NEICMA 4th National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Commerce and Management, 27th and 28th September, 2019, Dibrugarh University.



1. Yese Dorje Thongshir upanyas ek hamogrik alusona Book Name. Axomiya sahityar bhinna parbo

2. Bhabendra nath Saikiar jibon bitra (pratham adhyae) ati parjyalusana Book name- Axomiya sahitya prabesh, 2020

3. Rukmini Haran kabya Assamese degree syllabus KKHSOU, 2020

4. kirtan Assamese degree syllabus KKHSOU,2020

5. Axomiya sahitya Sanskriti loi Sankardevr abodan aru praxongikota . Assamese degree syllabus KKHSOU, 2020

6. Axomiya sahitya Sanskriti loi Sankardevr abodan aru praxongikota . Assamese degree syllabus KKHSOU, 2020

7. Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruar jibon aru kormo Diamond jubilee souvenir A.D.P college, 2019

8. Bhabendra nath Saikiar ajak junakir jilmil Book name - prasanga Natok,2019

9. Morahati : ati alusona Book name -prasanga Natok, 2019

10. Yese Dorje Thongshir Papor pukhuri Book name - Nirbasito Axomiya sutigalpor bisar bishlexon 2018

11. Swadharma - Swasanskriti aru Yese Dorje Thongshir galpo 'Ronga Torar Ahban' Book name - kramabikaxot Axomiya sutigalpo 2016


Research Publication

1. Khan. H(2020). Perception of Char Chapari Dwellers Towards Education in Reference to the Bhojkhowa and Makuachapari of Tezpur, Assam. In S. Rahman(Eds), Frame Book of Multidisciplinary Studies(pp.114-117).


3. Khan, H., & Hazarika, S.S.(2020). RURAL LIFE , SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND DYNAMICS OF LIVELIHOOD: A CASE STUDY OF AN AGRARIAN VILLAGE IN ASSAM.” PalArch’s Journal of Archeaology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(9),221-227



1. Observation of electron temperature anisotropy in the magnetic filter of a hot cathode discharge. Jocelyn Sangma, Anuj Ram Baitha, Monojit Chakrabborty Physica Scripta May 202499(6) DOI:10.1088/1402-4896/ad4d26

2. Effect of cage bias and electron emission on the two-electron temperature groups in a hot cathode discharge. Jocelyn Sangma, Narayan Sharma, Monojit Chakraborty, Mainak Bandyopadhyay Physica Scripta 98 (2023)075608

3. Influence of high energy electrons on negative ion density in a hot cathode discharge. Jocelyn Sangma, Narayan Sharma, Monojit Chkraborty, Mainak Bandyopadhyay Physics of Plasmas 29, 033501 (2022)

Conference Proceedings

1. Variation of High and Low Energetic Electron Densities Across a Magnetic Filter in a Hot Cathode Discharge. Jocelyn Sangma, Monojit Chakraborty Part of the Springer Proceedings in Physics book series (SPPHY,volume 265)



1. A research paper entitled \"Karbi Janjati ke Lokkatha: Ek Adhiyan\" was published in the international seminar proceedings volume \"Loksahitya Aur Sanskriti: Ek Vishleshan\", ISBN: 978-93-93538-12-3, August 2023. Edited by Gopal Krishna Jaishawal, the conference was organized by the Department of Pragyotish College & Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.

2. A book entitled \"JUTANG AMANIM\" was published with ISBN: 978-93-60764-62-3 in 2024, by M/S Labson Offset, Diphu, Karbi Anglong, 782460. The affiliating institute at the time of publication was Karbi People’s Hall, Taralangso.

3. A research paper entitled \"Purvottar Bharat Mein Karbi Janjati ki Lokkatha: Ek Adhiyan\" was published in the peer-reviewed journal Academic Jagat, ISSN: 2582-4775, December 2023.

4. A research paper entitled \"Purvottar Bharat ki Karbi Janjati ke Lokgeet: Ek Vivechan\" was published in the UGC care-listed journal Dwibhashi Rashtrasewak, ISSN: 2321-4945, April 2024.

5. A Research paper entitled "Hindi sahitya Mein Stri" published in a National seminar preceding volume 1, with ISBN : 978-81-944808-4-6, September 2019, edited by Dr. kusum Kunja malakar , department of Hindi cotton University, Guwahati,Assam



1. 1. Monika Biswas, Pranab Borah, Munmi Bora & Mousmi Saikia (2019). Pharmacognostic Evaluation, Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Rhizome of Zinger officinale Roscoe (cv Moran). Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences :6(1): 5-14

Paper presentation (National/International /Workshop)

1. Presented a poster presentation entitled “Development of Standardization protocol of In￾vitro propagation of Aloe-vera syn barbadensis” in National seminar on “Recent Discoveries in Medicinal and Aromatic Research and its Sustainable Development in North East India [REDIMAP-2018]”A.D.P.College Nagaon. (2) Presented a poster presentation entitled “Documentation on traditional folk remedies used in the treatment of Asthma in Biswanath district” in National conference on “Bio￾resource for Sustaining Life and Livelihoods in North-East India” 2018, Nowgong College. (3) Participate a poster presentation entitled “IPR, Patenting and regulatory issues related to Medicinal plants” in National Seminar on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH OF NORTH-EAST INDIA [RAMPR-NE 2016], A. D. P. College. (4) Participated a poster presentation entitled “Traditional Food Preservation Techniques of Assam” in National seminar on “Research Trends in Food

Training programme

1. 1. Attending the training workshop of “Mushroom Production Technology” organized by 'MUSHROOM DEVELOPEMENT FOUNDATION' at Ambari, Guwahati, 2021. 2. Attending the training workshop of “Mushroom Production Technology” organized at Sonapur, 2018.

Project work done

1. (1) Aquaculture fish diversity of Mahrul beel, Nagaon during the graduation (Zoology) in the year 2016. (2) Standardization protocol for in – vitro propagation of Aloe vera syn barbadensis and Oroxylum indicum during the Masters (Herbal Science and Technology) in the year 2018.


Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Traditional uses of plants to cure stomach disorders by the Nepali community in Nagaon and Sonitpur Districts of Assam, Rinju Bharali, B K Dutta, P Gogoi and Bijumoni Borah, Pleione 11 (1) 2017, ISSN 0973-9467

2. Indigenous and herbal medicines in prevention and treatment among the different communities of Nagaon district of Assam, Bijumoni Borah, Creatcrit 1(2) (2014) 62–71, ISSN 2347-8829


1. Taxonomy of Angiosperms , text book for BSc 4th semester, ISBN 978-93-84679-39-2, Year: 2019 , Published by Krantikaal publication.

2. Microbiology, text book for BSc 5th semester, ISBN 978-93-84679-73-6, Year: 2018 , Published by Krantikaal publication.

3. An introduction to Viruses, text book for BSc 5th semester, ISBN 978-93-84679-28-6, Year: 2017 , Published by Krantikaal publication

4. Bacteria, text book for BSc 5th semester, ISBN 978-93-84679-00-2, Year: 2016 , Published by Krantikaal publication

5. Plant Taxonomy, text book for BSc 4th semester, ISBN 978-93-84679-04-0, Year: 2014, Published by Krantikaal publication.

Chapter in Books

1. Ethnomedicinal plants used by Bodo community of Nagaon District, Assam (50-59), Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research of North-East India, ISBN 978-93-84679-63-7, Year- 2017



1. In North East and Southern Writers' Meet from Mar 30, 2018. News published in 'Sangai Express' News Paper, Imphal, Manipur in 28th March 2018. Link:

2. Invited in Arunachal Sahitya Udaya, Organised by Govt of Arunachal Pradesh

3. Juri Member In Bal Sahitya Puraskar in 2019 Assamese Sahitya Academy

4. All India Multi-Lingual Poet meet , 2018

5. Invited to Nort-East and Southerns Winters meet, Visakhapattanam, 2018

6. Invited in International Mother Language Day, Multilingual Poet Meet, 2018, New Delhi

7. Jiban Narah- The Author Meet, Cotton University, Organised by Department of Assamese, 2017


1. Published in Great Indians Love Poems, Bloomsburry, 2020

2. Charita Romantic Prabandha, 2017, ISBN- 978-93-85934-438

3. Bezbaroar Jatiya Sangit Charcha aru Samannayar Path, Edited , 2015, ISBN- 978-81-9298-1-0

Poetry Books

1. Haladhia Upoma , Aak-Baak ,Ghy, 1st edition 2010,2nd edition 2015 ,ISBN: 93-80454-25-2

2. Mumaideor Phoolani , Banlata, Ghy, 2008, ISBN: 978-81-7339-441-6

3. Mumaideor Phoolani , Banlata, Ghy , Isbn 978-81-7339-441-6

4. Ta-ri-ri , Baak ,Ghy , 2000

5. Tumi Poka Dhanor Dare Gundhaisa ,( 1st editions 1996, 2nd edition 1999, Puthi Niketan ,Ghy )

6. Dhou Khela Loralir San ( Ghy, 1997)


1. Chowa Pitambar Shyambaran Megh Ure, Aak-baak, Ghy, 2011 ISBN: 93-80454-75-7

2. Oi:koli ,student store, Ghy, 2000, ISBN: 81-7665-064-1

Poetry Included

1. www.poery , August, 2009

2. In Indian literature 1957-2007, Shaitya Akademi, vol, 1-4, published 2012. Edited by Nirmalkanti bhatt. A. J. Thomas

3. Great Indians Love poems, 2020, Bloomsbury, ISBN: 978-93-89382-13-6

4. Verses: Translated Verses of Assmese Poets Ancient and Contemporary, 2020

5. Great Indians Love poems, 2020, Bloomsbury, ISBN: 978-93-89382-13-6

6. 100 More Great Indians Poems , Bloomsbury Publishing India put. Ltd, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-88038-89-8

7. KERALAKAVITA , Vol. 31, 1999, Compiled and edited by K. Ayaapa Paniker.

8. www. Poetry, Indian edition by Arundhati Subramaniam (internet), 2009

9. Samakalin Bharatiya Sahitya, Hindi, July-sept. 1994 ,ISSN: 0970-8367

10. Indian Literature, July-August 96, Jan-Feb 97, Nov-Dec 97, Nov-Dce 2008, Nov-Dec 2009, ISSN: 0019-8367 .

11. Indian Literature, July-August 96, Jan-Feb 97, Nov-Dec 97, Nov-Dce 2008, Nov-Dec 2009, ISSN: 0019-8367 .

12. Indian Literature, July-August 96, Jan-Feb 97, Nov-Dec 97, Nov-Dce 2008, Nov-Dec 2009, ISSN: 0019-8367 .

13. Indian Literature, July-August 96, Jan-Feb 97, Nov-Dec 97, Nov-Dce 2008, Nov-Dec 2009, ISSN: 0019-8367 .

14. Indian Literature, July-August 96, Jan-Feb 97, Nov-Dec 97, Nov-Dce 2008, Nov-Dec 2009, ISSN: 0019-8367 .

15. International Review of Black and White Photography and Text, Published from USA,CAN, 2009, ISSN 1126-4349

16. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry From North-East ,NEHU ,Shillong, 2003, Isbn 81-8783-06-03

17. An Anthology of Poetry From North-East India,edited by Robin S. Ngungom ,Khynpham S. Nongkyrish, India , PENGUIN, Delhi , 2009

18. The OXFORD Anthology of Wfitings From North-East India Poetry And Essays, 2011, Edited by Tilottoma Mishra, ISBN -0-19-806749-6

Translated Poetry

1. Translated Poems of Jiban Narah Published in NEZINE, Bridging the Gap in 29th December 2018. Link:

2. Subansiri Aar Joonbeli, Translate into Bengali by Manik Das, 1st edition 2008, 2nd edition 2014, ISBN: 978-93-80542-67-6.

3. Jiban Narahchi Asami Kabita ,Translate into Marathi by Dr. Sobha Naik , Sabdaloi Prakashan, Maharashtra, 2005

4. Jiban Naraher Nirbachita Asomiya Kabita,Translate into Bengali, by Manik Das, Akhar Publication , 2009

5. The Orange Hill, Colltected Poems , 2020, Dhuli Books, Isbn 978-93-89382-13-6

6. The Buddha and Other Poems , Translate into English ,by Pradip Acharya, Krishnadulal Borua , Niren Thakuria, Momsoon Edition , Calicut, Kerala, 2009, ISBN: 81-904289-7-7

7. Liten My Flowerbud: Mising Tribal Oral Poetry of Assam , Translate into English , ( from Assamese by Moushumi Kandali , Compiled and Edited by me.) Shaitya Akademi ,Delhi-kolkata 2008 , 978-81-260-2598-5

8. Suna Mor Phool koli : Translation from Mising Tribal Oral poetry in to Assamese ,Banalata, Ghy, ISBN- 81-7339-350-8

9. O Mor Dhunia Kapou Phool : Transaltion from Mising Tribal Oral Poetry in to Assamese. ( student stores',Ghy, ISBN: 81-81-85905-87-8

Prose, Essay, Edited Book

1. Charita Romantic Prabandha, Aak-Baak, Ghy,2017, ISBN: 978-93-85934-438

2. Bezboroar Jatiya Sangeet Charcha Aru Samonnoir Path, M.R Publication,Ghy,2015, ISBN: 978-81-929848-1-0

3. Bezboroa Xadhur Alomat Ankito Chabi Aru Akonir Xadhu, Bedakanta, Jorhat,2013, ISBN: 97893-82931164

4. O Mor Aponar Desh : Lakhminath Bezboroa, Bedakanta, Jorhar, 2013, ISBN: 978-93-82931-13-3

5. Mohim Borar Rasana Samagra, Students store, Ghy, 2008

6. Bhumir Phool , Anwesha, Ghy, 2006, ISBN: 81-89003-16-x

7. Suwaranir San, Jyoti Prakashan ,Ghy, 1999, ISBN: 81-86827-63-3

Poetry Included Book

1. Verses: Translated Verses of Assamese poets, Ancient and Contemporary, 2020, Poetry Published in 100 More Great Indians Poems, Published by Bloomsbury Publishing India pvt ltd, In 2019, ISBN- 978-93-88038-89-8

2. The orange Hill, Collected Poems, 2020,ISBN- 978-93- 89382-13-6

In International Journal

1. Published 03 poems in International journal, 2008 Link:

In Poetry International Archives

1. Published in First Post, in World Poetry Day, 2008

2. Poems Published in International Archives, In International web. Link:


1. In SENTINEL News Paper. Finding Commonalities though Verse: In Conversation with Eminent Assamese Poet Jiban Narah Link:


1. Nominated for Asam Sahitya Sabha 'Sahitya Sanman' in 2017

Invited to Bangladesh

1. Invited to Bangladesh Jatiya Habits Utchab- 1st and 2nd February 2014

Invited to Arunachal Pradesh

1. Invited to Arunachal LitFest-2019, Building Bridges through Literature, in 27 to 29 Nov.

Review Book

1. Review of Jiban Narah's Book in Book Review in India (Book Review Literary Trust), Name: The Flesh of Life, 2013. Link:

2. Review of Jiban Narah\'s Book in Seven Sisters Post, NE Lit Review, Name: PEER POINT- Colours of Commonality. Link:

3. Review of Jiban Narah\'s Book in NN (NorthEast Now), Name: The Orange Hill: A Unique Translation Effort in 6th July 2020. Link:


1. In NATIONAL Magazine FRONTLINE, as Voices from the Hill, The Oxford Anthology of Writing from North East India, in 14th July 2013. Link:

In National News Paper

1. In \\\'The Hindu\\\' Newspaper, as Walking through Verses at the New Museum of Poetry, in 24th September 2020. Link:

2. In Indian Express, as Gained Translation: The Green Princes in 18th March 2018. Link:


Research Paper

1. Dipendranath Bandhyopadhayer 'Tritio Bhuban':Sattar Howa na-Howar Akhyan,Ebong Mohua(UGC Care Listed),133Vol.,page 337-346,ISSN: NA

2. Subodh Ghoshs Fossil : A Naked Picture of Human Civilization,Creatcrit,vol 6,No 1, page 88-89,2019, ISSN:2347-8829

3. Bartaman Juger Pariprekshite Swamijir Bani, Arun, vol.6th ,page 45-48,2104, ISSN /INF/2012/1651

4. Dipendranath Bandyopadhyer Tritiyo Bhuwan: Akti Meyer Antardander Kahini, Creatcrit, vo. 1st,page 247-250,2014, ISSN:2347-8829

5. Rupali Pardar Karigar Arup Manna, Anuranan,vol.6th ,page 139-142,2014, ISSN 2250-1851

6. Bhakti Andalonor Prekshapotot SriSri Shankardeva aru Sri Chaitanyadeva,Dekagiri, vol.12th ,page 54-57,2013, ISSN-2279-0608

Book Chapter

1. Kabuliwala: Chirantan Pitritter Swarup,Bangla Chotogolpo Bichar Pathaker Darpane,Page 42-49,2021,ISBN: 978-93-88988-76-6

2. Vivekanader Krishi Chinta,Panorama,vol III,Issue III, Unity Education Foundation ,Guwahati, page 94-98, 2020, ISBN 978-93-5396-633-1

3. Rabindranather Binodini o Damini ebong Narimukti Prasanga, Dialogia,vol 1, page 243-247,2015, ISBN -978-81-924095-3-5

4. Mamoni Roisom Goswamir ‘Chenabor Soth’ : Sangbedanshilatar Avimishra avibyakti, Axomor Samaj Sanskriti aru Sahittya, page246 -254,2014, ISBN:978-93-5087-607-7

Research Paper

1. Dipendranath Bandhyopadhayer 'Tritio Bhuban':Sattar Howa na-Howar Akhyan,Ebong Mohua(UGC Care Listed),133Vol.,page 337-346,ISSN: NA

2. Subodh Ghoshs Fossil : A Naked Picture of Human Civilization,Creatcrit,vol 6,No 1, page 88-89,2019, ISSN:2347-8829

3. Bartaman Juger Pariprekshite Swamijir Bani, Arun, vol.6th ,page 45-48,2104, ISSN /INF/2012/1651

4. Dipendranath Bandyopadhyer Tritiyo Bhuwan: Akti Meyer Antardander Kahini, Creatcrit, vo. 1st,page 247-250,2014, ISSN:2347-8829

5. Rupali Pardar Karigar Arup Manna, Anuranan,vol.6th ,page 139-142,2014, ISSN 2250-1851

6. Bhakti Andalonor Prekshapotot SriSri Shankardeva aru Sri Chaitanyadeva,Dekagiri, vol.12th ,page 54-57,2013, ISSN-2279-0608



1. Human Rights and State system:- A Theoretical Analysis and its Emerging Approaches, Journal SANCHARINEE, ISSN 2395-4558, December-2023.

2. Awareness of Human Rights In India- A survey in the Nagaon District of Assam, Journal Kachiyali, ISSN-2583-0740, Volume II, Issue December 2022.

3. Perception of people Regarding Human Rights situation in Assam: A survey in the Nagaon District of Assam, International Journal: Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, e-ISSN 2143-2403, Vol-29, No 3,

4. Contemporary women issues- A reflection on the time of Turmoil years of Assam, published in the book “ Human Rights”.ISBN No 9789384679-18-7.

5. The Nature of Rural Governance in Assam- a special study on Batadrava village Panchayat, Nagaon district of Assam, ISBN No ISSN2347-8829.


Study of Child Industrial Labourers Working Under Hazardous Conditions with special reference to the

1. This paper has had an endeavored extension of study which is primarily confined to child labourers being engaged in industries prevailing under hazardous ambience in Nagaon District of Assam. The paper was published in a proceedings of National Seminar

A Study of Population Projection of Nagaon District of Assam: A methodological approach, Page No 51-

1. This paper is about methodological approach to demographic dynamics of Nagaon District of Assam which aims to view Population Projection for future periods upto the year of 1950s.

Understanding Dynamics of Population and immigration problem in Assam .Page No 20-26

1. Geographical and temporal pattern of Changing of population or dynamics of population is a natural and uncontrolled phenomenon. But the natural change has been many a times are controlled by Immigration or Emigration. Both ways population density may be increased or decreased respectively. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse how geographically immigration of population has influenced the population of Nagaon District since 1991 census.

Spatio-temporal Disease Pattern in Nagaon District of Assam-An analytical study on Disease Mapping ,

1. The topic ,analysed on disease mapping of Nagaon District ,was being funded by esteemed UGC through the Minor Research Project scheme in 2017 and completed on 2019. This project was aimed to delineate disease diffusion pattern in Nagaon District with particular reference to Vector-Borne diseases (Malaria . It established an integrated relationship of Disease and topography. The point diffusion model showing vetor borne surveillance was mapped through GIS in IDW analysis.

Spatio-temporal Disease Pattern in Nagaon District of Assam-An analytical study on Disease Mapping ,

1. The topic ,analysed on disease mapping of Nagaon District ,was being funded by esteemed UGC through the Minor Research Project scheme in 2017 and completed on 2019. This project was aimed to delineate disease diffusion pattern in Nagaon District with particular reference to Vector-Borne diseases (Malaria . It established an integrated relationship of Disease and topography. The point diffusion model showing vetor borne surveillance was mapped through GIS in IDW analysis.

Shifting Pattern of River Brahmaputra at Hatimura, Nagaon Assam -A Spatio-Temporal Analysis

1. The topic entitled

A Study of Population Projection of Nagaon District of Assam: A methodological approach, Page No 51-

1. This paper is about methodological approach to demographic dynamics of Nagaon District of Assam which aims to view Population Projection for future periods upto the year of 1950s.



1. SPECTRUM II: An Anthology of English Poetry. ISBN-978-93-84466-53-4

2. SPECTRUM: An Anthology of English Prose and Drama. ISBN-978-93-84466-35-0

3. Khushwant Singh, Chaman Nahal and Manohar Malgonkar: Approach Towards Partition, ISBN- 978-81-7643-087-6.


1. The theme of Migration, Alienation and Quest for Identity in Siddhartha Deb's 'The Point of Return', EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, Paperback ISBN: 978-93-91538-63-7, E-Book ISBN: 978-93-91538-62-0

2. Concept of Human Rights and its Denial Presented in Indian Novels in English: A Study of Selected Novels of Mulk Raj Anand and R.K. Narayan, HUMAN RIGHTS, ISBN-978-93-85310-41-6

3. Symbolic Use of Nature in Some Selected Poems of Mamang Dai: A Study published in the proceeding book titled North-Eastern Indian Writings in English: Modes and Concerns. ISBN-978-93-84679-14-9

Research Articles in Journals

1. The Portrayal of Female Characters in Indian Classical Literature: A study of the Character of Vasantasena in Sudraka's play Mricchhakatika, SANCHARINI, ISSN-

2. Women Characters in Thomas Hardy's The Wessex Tales: A Study of Hardy's The Withered Arm and The Distracted Preacher, in CREATCRIT, Vol-6, Issue-1, Jan-2019, ISSN-2347-8829

3. The Tragic Effects of Partition in Chaman Nahal's Azadi in 'EDUCATION RAYS'. First Edition, Jan-Feb, 2014, ISSN-2348-0467


1. The theme of Migration, Alienation and Quest for Identity in Siddhartha Deb's 'The Point of Return', EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, Paperback ISBN: 978-93-91538-63-7, E-Book ISBN: 978-93-91538-62-0

2. Concept of Human Rights and its Denial Presented in Indian Novels in English: A Study of Selected Novels of Mulk Raj Anand and R.K. Narayan, HUMAN RIGHTS, ISBN-978-93-85310-41-6

3. Symbolic Use of Nature in Some Selected Poems of Mamang Dai: A Study published in the proceeding book titled North-Eastern Indian Writings in English: Modes and Concerns. ISBN-978-93-84679-14-9



1. A research paper entitled “Padmashree Naliniwala Devi ki kabitao mein stree” in a national level Journal “STREE” with ISBN : 0976-0725, Vol. B (2016), A journal of women studies, published by Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya (Bihar)

2. A research paper entitled “ Maitrayee Puspa Ke Upanyaso Mein Chitrit Purush Charitra Por Vishleshanatmak Adhyana “Published in a national level journal “EDIFICTION”, A journal of Women studies with ISBN : 978-81935219-3-9, August, 2018.

3. A research paper entitled “Kankhowa Kavya : Bhumika-Dr. Giri Kt. Goswami, Anuwad – Gitimala Bora published in “Rashtra Sewak” with ISBN : 0976-0725, Vol-8, 2016.

4. A research paper entitled “Reflection of the sufferings of Indian Peasants in the novels of Premchand published in “CREACTRICT” a peer reviewed journal with ISBN : 2347-88-29, Volume-3 Issue : 01 Jan-2016.

Chapters in Book Published

1. A chapter entitled “Asomiya Sahitya Eti Dhara : Dalit Sahitya : Ek Vishleshanatmak Adhyana” published in the book “Kalong Killing” with ISBN : 978-93-85310-46-1 Edited by Ranjit Baruah & Babita Barua.

2. A chapter entitled “Asomot Hindi Bhaskar Kromik Vikash : Ek Chomu Awolokan published in” Hirak Jeoti” with ISBN 978-93-84678-88-0, published by ADP College, Nagaon, 2018.

3. A chapter in books entitled “Shankardeva Ke Adhyatmik Awadan” Published in “BHAKTI BHAIBHAV with ISBN : 978-93-84879-57-8 of Shrimanta Shankar Dev Shangha edited by Dr. Milan Neog, in the year 2017.

Research Papers Published in Proceedings

1. A research paper entitled “Hindi Sahitya mein stree aur Atmakatha” published in a National Seminar proceeding volume = 1 :: Part-III with ISBN : 978-81-944808-4-6, Sept/2019, Edited by Dr. Kusum Kunja Malakar,

2. A chapter in books entitled ‘Yeche Darje Thangchi Rachit Upanyas “Shawakata Manoh” mein Jatiya Jiwan, Published in “LOK AUR SHASTRA” with ISBN : 978-93-5229-379-7, Deptt. of Hindi, Tezpur University in the year 2017.



1. Value Oriented Education” written by Malavika Baruah published in the book “Indian Education: Issues and Challenges” edited by Dr. Sunil Kr. Das , 2021 ISBN No. 978-93-91168-12-0

2. Mahatma Gandhi’s View on Education” written by Malavika Baruah published in the book “Gandhian Concepts : Interrogation and Exploration”. Page no. 263-268. ISBN No. 978-93-81694-49-7.

3. Violence Against Human Rights of Woman” written by Malavika Baruah published in the book “Vision : Human Rights Violation Against Woman” . Page No. 134-140. ISBN No. 978-1-63535-476-8.

4. Educational Status and Socio Economic Condition of Rural Woman : A Study from Irongmara Gram Panchayat of Cachar District of Assam” written by Kokila Baruah and Malavika Baruah published in the book “Education as a Tool for Empowerment and Employability of Rural Woman in North East India”, Page No. 158-170. ISBN 978-81-925867-2-4.

5. Status of Woman in Ancient India : A Study” written by Malavika Baruah published in the book “Contemporary Woman Issues: A Reflection”. Page No. 248-251. ISBN 978-93-84679-96-5.

6. Mahakavi Kalidas Aru Meghdoot Gitikabya” written by Malavika Baruah published in the book “Kolong Killing”, Vol: IV, Issue: 1, July: 2014, Page No. 62-67. ISBN 987-93-84679-96-5.

7. Mahakavi Kalidasor Abhigyan Sakuntalam Natakat Prakriti Chitran” written by Malavika Baruah published in Creatcrit (A Peer Reviewed National Research Journal), Vol;1, Issue: 2, July: 2014, Page No. 102-108. ISSN 2347-8829.

8. “Use of Figures of Speech in Kalidasor Raghubangsha : A Critical Analysis” written by Malavika Baruah published in Creatcrit (A Peer Reviewed National Research Journal), Vol;3, Issue: 1, January: 2016, Page No. 85-88. ISSN 2347-8829.


Books Published

1. Translation of Selected Great Short Stories from World Literature (Published by Assam Sahitya Sabha) ISBN 978-81-936926-3-9

2. Women : Issues And Perspectives. (edited ISBN 978-81-920586-8-9

3. Story of a Story(translated) ISBN 978-93-81-694-27-5

Papers Published (international)

1. The Stigma of Witch Hunting in North-East India... "Understanding Women's Issues - A Feminist Standpoint" Publisher : LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, GERMANY 978-3-659-22772-1

Papers Published

1. Other articles, translated stories, poems published in Newspapers and Magazines.

2. Phenomenon of Witch Hunting in Northeast-A Major Challenge to Women. Book on Witch Hunting. Publisher: Principal, Sualkuchi College, Kamrup. ISBN 978-93-81139-93-6

3. Translated Stories. Book.. "Collection of Best Short Stories from Assamese Literature. Publisher: Principal, Pandu College, Guwahati.. ISBN 978-81-922432-1-4

4. Witch Hunting in Assam. Book "Naari" Publisher: Principal, ADP College, Nagaon ISBN 978-81-92086-7-2

5. Human Trafficking in North-East India, with special reference to Assam. Book on "Issues of Ethnic Women in Changing Social Scenerio in North-East India. Publisher: Principal, GNDC College,Nitaipukhuri, Sibasagar, Assam. ISBN 978-81-9223224-9-2

6. Identity Confusion in Girish Karnard's Tughlaq and Post Colonial India... "A Book On Issues Related to Indian Drama. Publisher :Bedabrata Publishers, Jorhat. ISBN 978-93-82931-07-2

7. Preface to Women :Issues and Perspectives Publisher:Principal,ADP College, Nagaon ISBN 978-81-920586-8-9

8. Paper on Abortion - Violating the Human Rights of the Unborn. Book .. ."Human Rights -New Dimensions and Challenges " Publisher: Principal, Dr. B. K. B College, Puranigudam ISBN 978-81-920586-8-9



1. Research Paper “Corporate Responsiveness of Cement Industry” presented in National Seminar in K.C. Das Commerce College on 8-9th January,2021, ISBN in progress.

2. Research Paper “Progress in Green Cement Technology” presented in International Seminar in Gossaingaon College on 4th Feb,2020.

3. Research paper “Carbon Low Future Initiative in Cement Industry” presented in National Seminar at Gauhati University on 23rd Oct,2019.

4. Research paper “Self Help Groups as a tool for Economic Empowerment of North-East India” presented in National Seminar in NEHU, Tura on 17th Nov,2018.

5. Research paper “Role of Higher Education in Inculcating Moral Values” presented in National Seminar in Jagiroad College on 22nd September,2017.


1. Book chapter \"Reselling- The Women Powered Industry\",2023 ISBN:978-93-5913-651-6 ed. Dr. Prabir Kr. Dev Purkayastha

2. Book chapter \"Growing Women Entrepreneurship In The Era Of Digital Marketing\" 2023 ISBN:978-81-19567-11-9 ed. Dr. Samrat Bharadwaj and Ms. Ujjiwibita Phukan

3. Paper \"A Study of the Significance of Mini Cement Plants in Building a Self-Reliant Economy\" in International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 2023, ISSN: 2250-0758

4. Book Chapter\"Marketing Strategies for Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry\" published in Customer Satisfaction,2021, ISBN:978-93-91943-14-1

5. “Reselling- The Digital Market where woman leads” published in Digital Promotion,2020 ISBN 978-93-88804-85-1

6. “A Study of the Retail Market Share of Mini Cement Brands- with special reference to Nagaon Town” published in Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, UGC CARE listed, Volume XII, Dec,2020; ISSN: 0022-1945

7. “Role of Microfinance in Economic Empowerment of Women”, SANCHARINI, September,2019, ISSN-2395-4558

8. “Role of Higher Education in Inculcating Moral Values”, Journal CREATCRIT, Vol- 6, No. -1, January,2019, ISSN-2347-8829


Book Chapter

1. Biological, Chemical and Physical Approach to Materials and its Applications ISBN: 978-81-19674-31-2 National Press Associates, New Delhi Topic: Assessment of soil health in proximity to a brick field

2. Spectrum: multidisciplinary Thoughts ISBN: 978-81-92955-68-1 Topic: Indoor Air Pollution

3. Climate Change and Sustainable Management of natural Resources ISBN: 978-93-87263-90-1 Topic: Plastics-A Boon or a Curse- A Review

Book Chapter

1. Biological, Chemical and Physical Approach to Materials and its Applications ISBN: 978-81-19674-31-2 National Press Associates, New Delhi Topic: Assessment of soil health in proximity to a brick field

2. Spectrum: multidisciplinary Thoughts ISBN: 978-81-92955-68-1 Topic: Indoor Air Pollution

3. Climate Change and Sustainable Management of natural Resources ISBN: 978-93-87263-90-1 Topic: Plastics-A Boon or a Curse- A Review


Journal Publication

1. \"Locational Suitability of Paschim Boragaon Landfill Adjacent to Deepor Beel Wetland, Assam\", Current World Environment, 2023;18(3), DOI:

2. "Landfill site suitability analysis using AHP for solid waste management in the Guwahati Metropolitan Area, India" published in Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Volume 13(21), October 2020, pp 1-4, ISSN 1866-7511, doi:

3. "Health care facilities and accessibility in Dariapara village and its adjoining areas in Rural Darrang district of Assam" published in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2018, ISSN 2250-3153

4. "Solid Waste Management in Greater Shillong Planning Area (GSPA) using Spatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Site Suitability Assessment" published in the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-7/W3, 2015 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 11–15 May 2015, Berlin, Germany

Book Chapter Publication

1. "The Impact of Solid Toxic Waste on Environment: A study of Guwahati City" in the Edited book of "Humanities, Social Sciences, Education and Commerce" (Vol II) by Kamal Deep Singh, IJMRA Publications, pp 369-380.



1. "Yoga and its effect on human mental and physical health."ISBN-978-81-948216-6-3

2. “Role of Yoga in the Time of Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic.” ISBN- 978-93-85756-99-3.

3. “ Importance of Environmental Ethics in Our present Society.” ISBN- 978-81-944808-5-3

4. “A Study on Social Philosophy of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and His Dalit Buddhist Movement.” ISBN-978-81-947664-2-1


Journal Publication

1. “Ethnomedicinal Survey of Dhemaji District of Assam” in GUINEIS JOURNAL, ISSN: 2347-2669, Volume VII & VIII: 2020-2021 PP 191-208

2. “A geoinformatics based analysis of the impacts of the brick industry in the land use pattern of a few selected villages in the Sonapur area of Kamrup Metropolitan District, Assam” Creatcrit, January 2015 ISSN 2347-8829

3. “Snakes, Snakebite fatality and Snake Diversity and Conservation-the Paradoxical Matrix: A Case Study in Nagaon District of Assam” Creatcrit, January 2014 ISSN 2347-8829

Publication in conference Proceeding

1. “A Geoinformatics based Analysis of Watershed Delineation and Some Aspects of Morphometry of Belsiri River, Assam, India” PP 14-38 in “Challenges of Environment and Development in North East India” is a Collection of research and review articles related to UGC Sponsored Workshop on “Environment and Development held at Sonapur College, Sonapur, Assam. The proceeding was Published in November, 2016. ISBN 978-81-931548-3-0

2. “History of Sikh People in the Rural Areas of Nagaon District of Assam” PP 29-37 in “Writings of Regional History of North East India: Policy. Society& Economy” is the book form of proceedings of selected research papers presented in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Writings of Regional History of North East India With Special Reference to Policy. Society& Economy” organized by Mayang Anchalik College, Morigaon, Assam. The book was published in November, 2015. ISBN 978-93-81859-33-9

3. “Patterns and Consequences of Climate Change in Assam” PP 135-145 in “Climate Change: Dimension and Direction” is a Collection of research and review articles related to UGC Sponsored Workshop on “Role of the Teacher to Create Awareness on Climate Change held at Moran College, Moranhat, Assam, Published in October, 2014 Published by, Touch the Earth. ISBN 978-93-5126-569-6

4. “Human Knowledge and Awareness of Snakes and Snake Conservation Issues and Problems in Nagaon District of Assam” PP 141-153 in “Biodiversity: Threats and Conservation: Volume II” is the book form of proceedings of selected research papers presented in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Emergent Conservation of Biodiversity: Void of Sustainable Vision is a Threat to Mankind” organized by Nabajyoti College, Kalgachia, Barpeta Assam. It was held in 22nd 23 rd May, 2013 and the book was published in January, 2014. ISBN 978-93-81563-48-9

5. “Occupational Hand Dermatitis in the Roadside Automobile Workshop Mechanics” PP 176-189 in “Problems of Industrial Labourers in Assam”. It is the book form of proceedings of selected research papers presented in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Problems of Industrial Labourers in Assam” organized by ADP College, Nagaon on 28nd & 29th September,2012. The book was published in June, 2013. ISBN 978-93-81694-58-9

Articles / Chapters Published in Books

1. “Domestic Violence Against Women in India & Law” – PP 136-147 in \"Contemporary Women Issues: A Reflection\", Edited by Mina Choudhury, Published By, ADP College (Aug 2015) ISBN 978-93-84679-18-7



1. “Searle’s Collective Intentionality: A Defence”, Philosophical Readings, XIV. 3 (2022), pp. 109-113. DOI- 10.5281/zenodo. 7455544 ISSN- 2036-4989

2. Facts and Field(s) of Sense: Bertrand Russell and Markus Gabriel, Gauhati University Journal of Philosophy, ISSN: 2456-3285, Vol. 3, p.p 129-138.

3. Non-Existent Entities: An Onto-linguistic Study, Sophia, ISSN: 2394-0150, Vol. 4, p.p. 17-21.

Book Chapter

1. Environmental Sustainability from Gandhian Perspective. Book- Environmental Thoughts in Indian Knowledge Tradition. pp-185-191 Edited by- Dr. Suman Kumari. ISBN- 978-93-95103-24-4


Publications in Journals

1. Choudhary,H.,Mili, S.,Basumatary,S., Mazumder, A., Sarma, D.(2017).Length-weight relationships of Badis dibruensis Geetakumari and Vishwanath, 2010 (Badidae) and Lepidocephalichthys arunachalensis (Datta and Barman, 1984) (Cobitidae) from Subansiri River (Brahmaputra basin), Northeast India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. ISSN no.1439-0426.DOI:10.1111/jai.13505

Book Chapters

1. Mili, S.,Kalita, J.C.(2024). Herbal Plants with Potential Fertility and Anti-fertility agents of North-East India.Biological,Chemical and Physical Approach to materials and its applications.National Press Associates.70- 76.ISBN-978-81-19674-31-2

2. Mili, S.,Sultana, S., Kausar, A.(2024).A Study on the ornamental Fish diversity of Kuji Beel Morigaon district and their Conservation status. Research Perspectives in Biological and Evironmental Sciences.1.206-217. ISBN-978-93-90706-64-8

3. Mili, S., Konwar, A.,Kalita, J.C. (2021). Ethnomedicinal Study of Plants used in villages around Dulung Forest reserve, Lakhimpur district, Assam, India.(pp.222-230). Impact and consequences of Environmental Degradation on Animal Health and Human Wellbeing. ISBN: 978-81-930006-5-6.

4. Mili, S. & Kalita, J.C. (2019). Ethnomedicinal plants traditionally used by the different tribes/communities of four upper Assam district Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Dibrugarh, and Tinsukia with special reference to gyneacological disorders- A review.PP (34-38). Bioresources of Northeast India status and conservation strategies. ISBN no: 978-81-939823-7-2.



1. Z. J. Das, S. Bhowal, A. Barbhuiya, D. Baishya & A. Kausar Length - weight relationship of Trichogaster fasciata Bloch and schneider 1801 from Morikolong beel in Nagaon, Assam. Bioresources of Northeast India: Status and Conservation Strategies 2019. ISBN No. 978-81-939823-7-2

2. A. Kausar & S. Bhowal Population status of Rhinoceros unicornis in Kaziranga National Park. Wildlife Trafficking and Concern to Biodiversity of North East India . ISBN 978-81-202-8365-2303-311.

3. C. Bora Q. Saikia & S. Bhowal Avifaunal diversity of Samaguri Beel, Nagaon District with special reference to the water birds. Wildlife Trafficking and Concern to Biodiversity of North East India. ISBN 978-81-202-8365-2. 202-211.

4. B. Borah & S. Bhowal Ethno Medicinal Plants used by Bodo Community of Nagaon District. Recent advances in medicinal plants research of North East India 2016. 50-59. ISBN: 9789384679637


1. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Afifa Kausar and Suranjan Bhowal. Ecotourism and its prospect in Kuji beel, Assam. International Conference on Challenges and Prospects of Bioresource Conservation in Eastern Himalaya with special reference to UN- Sustainable developmental Goals. 3-4 May, 2023 Department of Zoology, Gauhati University.

2. S. Boro, Salma K. Borbhuyan and S. Bhowal A study on animal diversity of Lawkhowa wildlife sanctuary National Seminar on Bio-Resources of North-Eastern India: Advanced approaches in Research and Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Development Dept. of Zoology, A.D.P. College, Nagaon 7th & 8th February, 2019.

3. A. Kausar, S. Bhowal and M. Choudhury. The study of Well-being of Trichogaster fasciata during pre-spawning period in Nagaon district of Assam. Recent advances in Herbal Science and Technology for Drug Discovery Dept. of Herbal Science and Technology, ADP College, Nagaon 18th & 19th August, 2018.


1. B. Borah & S. Bhowal Ethno Medicinal Plants used by Tiwa Community of Nagaon District. Bio-review 145-159. 2015.